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If a Muslim can head RAW , can a Hindu ever be DG ISI?

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I was just about to answer the question when Icewolf mentioned the SC Judge being a Hindu.

One also has to take into account the % of minorities in Pakistan, factor in their status (academic and professional status) etc and then ask if there is any room for non-Muslim Pakistanis to attain higher offices. Silverblaze has answered the question posed in best possible terms.
If you ask any person in India about their identity , you will get only one answer " I'm an Indian first then a Muslim , a sikh , a Christian or a Hindu "
That may answer your Question !!!!

"oy tu kya hai?"
"me aik musalman hu, kyu?"

This is what any Muslim would respond
What a dumb comparison. Pakistan has about a 3% minority population so why would you expect all these top slots to go to them? India on the other hand has what? 20, 25% minorities. And like ice wolf said, Muslim are woefully underrepresented.
Nice try at trolling tho, maybe next time you will succeed

Its 5% and not 3 percent.
Indian Muslims are 15 % and not 25%

BTW this thread talks about Muslims on high posts in India, dont include Christians n others. Christians n others are also equally represented well. Unlike your Pakistan.
Pakistan can never grow out of Islamic mindset so they will never let non-muslims to reach seats of power. I think that is mostly out of some kind of phobia.. Unfortunately, most of the Pakistanis see Hindus/Sikhs and other minorities in low light and as second grade citizens!!

Follower of Islam as expected dictate everything, if they are not heard they attack and more than often kill..

This is a harsh reality and the various examples of the same have been observed in many media outlet reports!!
Its 5% and not 3 percent.
Indian Muslims are 15 % and not 25%

BTW this thread talks about Muslims on high posts in India, dont include Christians n others. Christians n others are also equally represented well. Unlike your Pakistan.

1. Okay 5 % minorities in Pakistan. Does that make you feel better? Does that magicly negate what I said?
2. I was talking about all ,minorities not just Muslims. I recommend you pick up an English comprehension book and study it so as not to publicly make a fool of yourself again.

And instead of picking at the small details, how about addressing the points I made?
Pakistan can never grow out of Islamic mindset so they will never let non-muslims to reach seats of power. I think that is mostly out of some kind of phobia.. Unfortunately, most of the Pakistanis see Hindus/Sikhs and other minorities in low light and as second grade citizens!!

Follower of Islam as expected dictate everything, if they are not heard they attack and more than often kill..

Pakistan had a Hindu SC judges. Imagine that. A IR having a Hindu SC judges.

Only 8-9% of SC judges in India were Muslim. India is 15% Muslim.
Imagine that.

If a Muslim can head India’s Intelligence Bureau, can a Hindu ever be DG ISI?


Salman Khurshid, Altamas Kabir,
Shahabuddin Yaqoob Quraishi,
Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Syed Asif
The Khan brothers, Imran Hashmi, Saif
Ali Khan, the Pathan brothers, Sania

(The roll call continues…)

Though the names on the second line may
perhaps be more familiar, the names that
shine bright on the first line are of keener
interest. Unlike in Pakistan, some of
India’s highest political perches are
occupied by Muslims.

Yes, the God-fearing Musalmans .
Take Salman Khurshid , for instance. He
was recently appointed to serve as
Foreign Minister of India, a position
which likens him to the soon-to-be
Secretary of State, John Kerry, and on our
end, Hina Rabbani Khar. In the case of
Pakistan, it is a position that has
historically been occupied by a Muslim.

Altamas Kabir holds the mantle of being
the highest judicial authority in India. As
Chief Justice of the Indian Supreme Court ,
he is endowed with supreme power.
Though a reticent figure, he is said to be
prudential in his rulings and as the newly
appointed Justice, he is sure to take hold
of India’s judiciary by virtue of
constitutionally astute and righteous
decision making.

Shahabuddin Yaqoob Quraishi is the Chief
Election Commissioner of India, and is
tasked with one of the most pressing of
assignments: holding free and fair
elections. It may seem to be the case that
the task is of little merit, but Pakistanis
have had their share of rigged elections ,
and understand the need for partiality. In
fact, the Supreme Court’s ruling on the
1990 election should have been an
awakening to strengthen and reform
electioneering laws, and with the help of
the CEC, Pakistan can be put on sound
footing when it comes to elections that
are free of impartial intrusion.

Hamid Ansari is the Vice President of
India, and is the only person to have
served two consecutive terms in the office
he currently presides over. Therefore, it
shouldn’t be judged that India’s
appointments are mere placeholders;
rather one should acknowledge the
genuine political participation of Muslims.

Lastly – but perhaps most importantly –
India recently tapped Asif Ibrahim to be
the director of India’s Intelligence Bureau.
In the Indian press, he is described as an
able successor, and a champion of
national security. Given that the
Intelligence Bureau seems to be
perpetually interlinked with the ISI – for
reasons pernicious and well-documented,
this is soon to be a household name, if it
isn’t already.

What Pakistanis across all stripes need to
reflect on is that India as a government
institution is becoming increasingly
tolerant of religious minorities , and it’s
time we do the same.

At present, to suggest the appoint of a
Hindu to the post of director general of
the ISI would surely be met with derision
and scorn. Such is the case because we’re
seemingly bred in a political environment
that looks upon religious minorities as

This year Foreign Policy Magazine , the
flagship publication in international
politics, ranked the mending of Indo-Pak
relations as one of the top 10 stories of
the year. Both New Delhi and Islamabad
have taken genuine steps towards

Sure, easing visa-restrictions and getting
rid of the positive list of goods that may
be imported from India is a needed step in
the campaign for Aman Ki Asha, but it will
only be through establishing trust with
the residing populace that Pakistan will
manage to progress towards

To restore confidence in minorities of
their safety and their belonging, the least
the government of Pakistan can do is to
appoint – on merit, of course – members
of religious minorities to offices where
they most belong.

This is one step that doesn’t require the
approval of India. It is an initiative that
can be taken on our own will, with our
own conscience.

Imagine a Hindu DG ISI.

Imagine an Ahmadi prime minister.

Imagine a Sikh foreign minister.


The ball is in our court, and it will stay
here for the time being. It is time we

Not the head but yes many Non Muslims have enjoyed really high posts in our Armed Forces up to Lt General
Pakistan can never grow out of Islamic mindset so they will never let non-muslims to reach seats of power. I think that is mostly out of some kind of phobia.. Unfortunately, most of the Pakistanis see Hindus/Sikhs and other minorities in low light and as second grade citizens!!

Follower of Islam as expected dictate everything, if they are not heard they attack and more than often kill..

This is a harsh reality and the various examples of the same have been observed in many media outlet reports!!

Better see them in a low lite then to commit mass murder against then once a decade or so. At the end the day we will run Pakistan how we want to, we don't need your permission or approval. In fact the more it annoys you the better.
So please, first bring your largest minority into the political mainstream before talking about other countries
Pakistan had a Hindu SC. Imagine that. A IR having a Hindu SC.

Only 8-9% of SC judges in India were Muslim. India is 15% Muslim.
Imagine that.

SC had no voice in the army controlled setup of the time..
Icewolf mentioned the SC Judge being a Hindu.

And this sindhi had masters in Islamic Studies......may be that certificate along with other was crucial for his high post.
Better see them in a low lite then to commit mass murder against then once a decade or so. At the end the day we will run Pakistan how we want to, we don't need your permission or approval. In face the more it annoys you the better.
So please, fires bring your largest minority into the political mainstream before talking about other countries

You murder them daily, kidnap and convert their girls daily.. It's better they die rather than facing this humiliation on a daily basis..
Not the head but yes many Non Muslims have enjoyed really high posts in our Armed Forces up to Lt General

Examples please and in what stream ? Doctors ?
You murder them daily, kidnap and convert their girls daily.. It's better they die rather than facing this humiliation on a daily basis..

Must be hell for them, too bad they can move to bharat where every woman is safe from any harm
Pakistan had a Hindu SC judges. Imagine that. A IR having a Hindu SC judges.

Only 8-9% of SC judges in India were Muslim. India is 15% Muslim.
Imagine that.

When he was a judge, at that time the population of hindus was 12%, there was no other such high post job available to any hindu. Whereas proportionately, muslims have higher category jobs back in India.
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