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IED attack in Pasni.

I cannot remember in last 15-18 years of this war, if we had a more disgusting leadership at helm that took hits upon hits like this without responding.
It seems these attacks are matter of weekly routine now. I don’t even have words for fatman and meeda supari. I feel sorry for second tier leadership, they have to bear burden of their incompetence, blunders and greed.
Current civilian and military leadership is a joke

nothing else to say. Too angry to say anything
Bajwa still asleep
Gen.Bajwa is one of the most hard working COAS in a long long time. You gents cannot imagine the long hours he puts in.

Incident like these are very unfortunate, but we should not start accusing people without knowing all the facts.

He has a team, that is responsible for delivering security. They do their level best, but sometimes, the unexpected does happen. At the same time, some people in THAT team need to be rotated out.
Like under Imran and Bajwa dynamic leadership Zardari and his whole clan is allowed to loot and plunder along with death of dozens of Pakistani soldiers as bonus
Brother, life is not so simple. Unfortunately somethings are best left of an open forum.
Hard work to get our soldiers killed?
Totally uncalled for.
Brother, life is not so simple. Unfortunately somethings are best left of an open forum.

Totally uncalled for.

Our soldiers are dying daily. Like literally daily with enemy casualties at its lowest

If this is the hard work this guy is doing I hope he stops immediately
a lot needs to be done, get IFVs
Its time to take war to enemy camps, hit BLa training grounds in Afghanistan or whereever they are coming from
Our soldiers are dying daily. Like literally daily with enemy casualties at its lowest

I can categorically tell you that this is not true.

If this is the hard work this guy is doing I hope he stops immediately

If someone works hard, you people have a problem, if one doesn't, even then you have a problem. Make up your mind,
Putting long hours doesn't mean they are productive hours.

Meanwhile troops are getting killed
Easy for Keyboard warriors / Armchair Generals to make statements, without knowing ground realities.
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