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NDMA registers 423,666 IDPs of Waziristan

BANNU/ISLAMABAD: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) claimed on Monday to have registered 34,625 families of North Waziristan Agency (NWA) in Bannu. About 1,100 families have arrived in Dera Ismail Khan and 480 in Lakki Marwat districts too.
According to details, out of 423,666 registered internally displaced persons (IDPs), 111,241 are men; 133,722 women; and 178,523 are children. Relief camps for the IDPs were immediately established at the start of the Zarb-e-Azb operation on June 15.
The main IDPs camp has been established in Bakakhel Union Council of Bannu District. However, not many people opted to live there and the bulk preferred to live with their relatives and host communities as per past practice.
Senior civil and military officials are monitoring IDPs camps to ensure that the people are facilitated to the maximum level. The relief camps have been provided with all necessary facilities including provision of shelter, health and hygiene facilities, food, electricity and mosque.
Food and financial assistance is being given to the affected people at the time of registration at checkpoints where mobile registration units of National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) have also been deployed. Vaccination of entire displaced population against polio and the examination of those in need are also being ensured at checkpoints.
Furthermore, free transport has been arranged to bring more IDPs to relief camps. Efforts to expand the camps and make additional arrangements to facilitate IDPs are on.
In this connection, a field hospital is also being set up jointly by the army and civil administration to meet the additional demands due to influx of approximately 45,000 IDPs.
The World Food Programme (WFP) has also established a point in the area with the approval of federal government and its assistance is being largely appreciated.
The NDMA has handed over additional 2,000 tents to the FATA Disaster Management Authority (FDMA) for distribution among the IDPs.
The NDMA, FDMA, Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Army and the civil administration are doing planning/execution of this humanitarian effort jointly.
A formation of the Pakistan Army has been tasked exclusively with supporting the civil administration in ensuring smooth and efficient execution of the onerous task.
The government, armed forces and all departments/agencies concerned as well as humanitarian partners are putting in their diligent efforts to mitigate the sufferings of IDPs. The assistance and encouragement of civil society too merits special attention.
Consistent to earlier instructions, the government assigned the relief and rehabilitation task to the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON). However, the government also decided to engage NDMA in the process, which is line with the mandate of the organisation.
The NDMA team led by Operations Member Brigadier Mirza Kamran Zia has already been deployed in Bannu District to facilitate the IDPs and ensure provision of effective and timely relief assistance to them within and outside camps.

NDMA registers 423,666 IDPs of Waziristan

Another report says 435,000 IDPs so far, may cross 500,000 tomorrow.
Seeking shelter: PTI provincial leadership demands data on displacement


According to PTI Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) President Azam Swati, over 181,000 people were registered at a checkpoint in Bannu. PHOTO: NNI

The provincial leadership of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has sought data on people displaced from North Waziristan Agency in order to facilitate the tribesmen leaving the agency due to the ongoing military operation, Zarb-e-Azb.

According to PTI Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) President Azam Swati, over 181,000 people were registered at a checkpoint in Bannu, while 3,567 were registered at a checkpoint in DI Khan. However, relief activities are at a standstill because only 80 people have arrived at an internally displaced persons (IDP) camp set up in Bannu, Swati told The Express Tribune on Friday.

“We have ensured the provision of electricity, tents, water, doctors and medicines at the IDP camp but very few have reached there. We are now planning another strategy to reach out to the displaced persons in order to facilitate them,” Swati said.

He added the PTI has plans to set up ‘pickup points’ which the IDPs could visit to collect cash cards.

“At the moment, we do not have data about the number of displaced persons as most of them have moved to other districts in K-P and even Mianwali in Punjab. The federal government needs to immediately provide us the relevant information on displacement from the agency,” Swati demanded, adding the IDPs should be facilitated before Ramazan.

“Aside from the party’s provincial leadership, members of the Insaf Students Federation as well as district leaders are also putting in efforts to ease the problems the IDPs are facing,” said Swati.

PTI provincial spokesperson Aisha Gulalai said the authorities should extend the deadline of evacuation as hundreds of tribesmen are still stranded in the agency.

“The provincial government has released a total of Rs350 million for the displaced persons. Upon registration, Rs5,000 will be given to each IDP family, while Rs7,000 will later be given each month,” she added.

“If the federal government had taken us on board before beginning the offensive, we would have had time to prepare for the influx of people and the families would not have to suffer as they are doing now,” said Gulalai.

PTI is attempting to get the relevant data but since IDPs have been moving to several other districts as well, the party remains unable to compile holistic figures.
Why isn't IKF adding IDP
donation link on their website?? Who the hell is the CEO of that organization? The person should be FIRED for not being proactive!
Why isn't IKF adding IDP
donation link on their website?? Who the hell is the CEO of that organization? The person should be FIRED for not being proactive!

It will today, or in a day or so... please the operation is likely to go on for months, this is not a day or two problem...

meanwhile you can donate to Army relief fund, or PTI Punjab fund or Ex-servicemen fund

Join Pak Exservicemen Association #PESA for IDP relief. Donate to Askari Bank IBAN PK00 00010100239069 generously.

by brig @Samson.Sharaf

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It will today, or in a day or so... please the operation is likely to go on for months, this is not a day or two problem...

meanwhile you can donate to Army relief fund, or PTI Punjab fund or Ex-servicemen fund

Join Pak Exservicemen Association #PESA for IDP relief. Donate to Askari Bank IBAN PK00 00010100239069 generously.

by brig @Samson.Sharaf


I DO NOT TRUST Pak Jernail and their funds.

It is because of them that Pakistan is suffering. $$$ made after WOT are known to the world.

I won't EVER give a dime to them.

The ones that are involved in Gwadar land scams, DHA scams, commissions, $$$ from their dad and so on....

How can you trust them?

I earn Halal earning. Can't give to the Haram earners.


How can you do that?

Why can't you catch the boot crooks?

You can kill the talibs. You won't forgive them. They killed 50K + people.

But how about these boot murderers that kill people every day? Kill by looting the national wealth. Kill by selling their own people. Kill by taking commissions.

ABID KHAN - You should march towards GHQ and get your share of Gwadar land.
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Police and troops fired warning shots Tuesday to break up a protest over food shortages by people who have fled a military operation against the Taliban.

The offensive has seen the northwestern tribal area of North Waziristan hit by more than a week of shelling and air raids, and more than 450,000 people have fled ahead of an impending ground assault, with many going to the nearby town of Bannu.

The World Food Programme (WFP) began distributing aid through a local aid group on Monday, but there was anger among refugees at long delays.

Anger at problems with food distribution spilled over on Tuesday, with people blocking the main road from Bannu to Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa provincial capital Peshawar.

An AFP reporter saw around 500 people blocking the road and pelting security forces with rocks in protest, prompting police and soldiers to fire warning shots in the air to disperse them.

Mohammad Nazir Khan, a lawmaker from the region, said many people who should be receiving aid were having problems with registration and documents.

Local administration official Aurang Zeb said more food distribution points would be opened soon and the authorities would do all they could to help those in need.

Pakistan's armed forces have used jet fighters, tanks and artillery in the offensive, killing around 300 people they have described as militants, though the toll and identity of the victims are impossible to verify.

IDPs protest food shortage in Bannu - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
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