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IDF neutralise 3 'palestinian' terrorists

Popeye Turbo

Mar 19, 2014
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United Kingdom
Hamas member Hamza Abu Aleija comes out of house firing, is shot dead by special forces; Gunmen fire on IDF securing the operation; At least two rioters killed in exchange of fire.

Three Palestinians were shot dead in gun battles which erupted during a counter-terrorism raid in Jenin overnight on Saturday.

Security forces had entered the West Bank city to arrest a wanted Palestinian security suspect.

A joint force made up of the IDF, Shin Bet, and the Border Police's elite Counter-Terrorism Unit entered Jenin to arrest a Palestinian suspected of plotting attacks against Israeli civilians and military forces.

The suspect barricaded himself in his home and refused to surrender himself, the IDF said. After ignoring calls to end the stand off peacefully, the suspect, armed with an M-16, opened fire on security forces, injuring two soldiers lightly, and attempted to escape.

Soldiers returned fire, killing the armed suspect.

Soon afterwards, a violent disturbance broke out, in which armed Palestinian rioters fired on security forces, and hurled explosives, firebombs, and rocks, the army said.

Security forces returned fire, killing two rioters, and injuring six others. Three Palestinians were arrested during the disturbance.

IDF sources said a fourth Palestinian may have also been killed.

Very important not to let Hamas take root in Judea & Samaria. The region has enough with Iranian-sponsored terror in Gaza, we don't need it in Judea and Samaria too.
More information about the operation and terrorist criminal who was eliminated

An initial debriefing of the incident in Jenin showed that the IDF's Judea and Samaria Division had been closely tracing the movements of Hamza Abu Al-Haija in recent days, after a months-long manhunt for the wanted Hamas man.

The compound in which he was hiding was discovered Friday night inside the Jenin refugee camp. An elite Border Guard counter-terrorism unit, the Yamam, encircled the building, while a number of other IDF units secured the perimeter.

The joint operation included soldiers from the Givati Brigade and Netzah Yehuda Battalion, a haredi unit, as well as troops from the Border Guard.

The debriefing showed that the soldiers were greeted with gunfire from Al-Haija when they entered the compound. The soldiers asked the residents to exit the building, and shot warning rounds.

Meanwhile, the terrorist continued shooting at the Israeli soldiers. Within minutes dozens of armed Palestinians came to the location and opened fire on the IDF and Border Guard troops.

At this stage, the Yamam send an attack dog in the compound – it was shot to death by Al-Haija. After a short intermission, the Hamas man exited the house while firing at the Israeli forces. Two Yamam soldiers were lightly injured from the shooting but managed to return fire, killing the 22-year-old terrorist.

At the same time, the Israeli force was examining possibilities for extracting the wanted man, including destroying the compound he was hiding in.

"Around us was a battle between armed gunmen and perimeter security. This was not riot," emphasized a senior official in Central Command, "There could have been 15 Palestinian casualties and they all would have been killed legally and according to the rules of engagement."

The same source added that this was the reason the forces operated proportionally. He also said the two other men killed and all of the injured personnel were known in the security establishment as terrorists.

The IDF, however, contradicted claims from Hamas that the Palestinian Authority helped the Israeli military with the operation. Security officials said it was only after the forces had surrounded the compound that Palestinian security services in the area were told to stay in their offices.

The source noted that "we are looking at the thwarting of a 'ticking time bomb' and not another arrest. The wanted man was directed by Hamas officials in Gaza, including those released in the Shalit deal, to commit a terror attack in the immediate future simultaneously on a settlement and on IDF forces."

The military sources added that despite the reputation of the Jenin refugee camp as a Fatah stronghold, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have built their own terror infrastructure in the camp.

The IDF's Judea and Samaria division is preparing for the funerals of the three militants killed in the operations and is expecting to manage disorderly conduct and riots in other West bank hotspots.

"In the long-term, we see an escalation in the extent of the actions we have been accustomed to over the last few years, but at a controllable level as most of the events are organized locally or by 'lone wolf' terrorists," said the military source.

Hamas man kiilled in Jenin was a 'ticking time bomb' - Israel News, Ynetnews

No IDF casualties.

It's a lot easier to fire rockets on civilian towns and suicide-bomb civilian buses than face the IDF.
Video of the great operation against Iranian-supplied Hamas terrorists.

Four eliminated, no IDF casualties.

Eyewitness' account (from 'Haaretz'):

"According to residents of the refugee camp, Abu al-Haija was shot in the legs when he jumped out of the window of the besieged house. The soldiers then approached him, fired at him at point blank range and killed him. Residents also said the two other young men killed – Mahmoud Abu Zina and Yazan Jabarin – were shot as they carried the body of their friend some distance from the place where he was killed."

In sum, they shot dead an unarmed man who had already been made neutral by shots in the leg; afterwards, they shoot dead two young men over the grave sin of carrying a friend's dead body. The IDF has been exceedingly rogue in the last few week. And this in a context of settlement construction that more than doubles the levels of a year ago. Israel is provoking Palestinians, with settlements as well as death, so as to force them out of those sham negotiations so Palestinians will be blamed in case the talks fall down.
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Hamas member Hamza Abu Aleija comes out of house firing, is shot dead by special forces; Gunmen fire on IDF securing the operation; At least two rioters killed in exchange of fire.

Very important not to let Hamas take root in Judea & Samaria. The region has enough with Iranian-sponsored terror in Gaza, we don't need it in Judea and Samaria too.
how long can tyranny last?
the people will have their way soon or later.
state sponsored terrorism won't last long.
Eyewitness' account (from 'Haaretz'):

In sume, they shot dead an unarmed who had already been made neutral by shots in the leg; afterwards, they shoot dead two young men for the grave sin of carrying a friend's dead body. The IDF has been exceedingly rogue. And this in a context of settlement construction that more than doubles the levels of a year ago. Israel is provoking Palestinians so as to force them out of those sham negotiations, thereby making them appear at fault if the talks fall down.

Eye witness accounts always sound more realistic rather than the IDF typical account "Terrorists fired their weapons and we killed them, done."

What a load of gibberish, they would have casualties on their side had a gun fight occurred at such close range.
Palestine does not exist and Hamas is a dollar worshipping group, the real Salafi Jihadists of the dawla will emerge in Gaza to replace Hamas and add it to the caliphate.
Palestine does not exist and Hamas is a dollar worshipping group, the real Salafi Jihadists of the dawla will emerge in Gaza to replace Hamas and add it to the caliphate.

You're trying too hard at being funny.
You're trying too hard at being funny.

This is not joking.

Hamas and the Salafis clashed before, they are only using Islam as a tool for more support, their supporters are mostly talking about Palestine like you do. You have nationalist tendencies not caliphate ones.
The Salafis like @islamrules are at distance from nationalism, Hamas should be replaced by them
This is not joking.

Hamas and the Salafis clashed before, they are only using Islam as a tool for more support, their supporters are mostly talking about Palestine like you do. You have nationalist tendencies not caliphate ones.
The Salafis like @islamrules are at distance from nationalism, Hamas should be replaced by them

Be honest, are you a high school dropout?
Fifth graders sound more articulate than you, I don't believe you attend a university.

I didn't bother to persuade you into believing something, you keep asking therefor believe whatever you want to. You should wake up and support the Salafis instead of the Hamas nationalists, they only care about Palestine.
I didn't bother to persuade you into believing something, you keep asking therefor believe whatever you want to. You should wake up and support the Salafis instead of the Hamas nationalists, they only care about Palestine.

True. The world needs more Salafis.

Iraq too :)
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