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IDF chief: Hezbollah knows fighting Israel would set it back decades


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
IDF chief: Hezbollah knows fighting Israel would set it back decades - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz told the annual Herzliya Conference on Monday that Hezbollah knows conflict with Israel would "set it back decades."

Gantz said he was sure Israel would face Hezbollah either in "direct combat" or in broader-scope fighting inside Lebanon, but added that "Hezbollah is deterred."

Hezbollah "knows what will happen if it gets into conflict with us, and that this will set Lebanon back decades," the chief of staff told the security conference, Israel's Channel 2 reported.

There is "dramatic instability" in the Middle East, the chief of staff told the audience, adding that the region has undergone "terrible turmoil in recent years."

Gantz predicted that the Syrian conflict will continue over the next decade. The Assad regime is falling apart "like a house of cards," he said.

He also warned against the growth of radicalism in Syria, under the leadership of Iran and Hezbollah. "The Lebanese organization is in it up to their necks, and 'Global Jihad' is growing stronger there," Channel 2 cited him as saying.

On Iran, he said that Tehran had not abandoned its nuclear ambitions. "However, the Iranians who did not give up on the vision, are struggling internally and will have to reach a dialogue with the international community on the issue."

Gantz said he was "convinced that we must prevent Iran" from acquiring a nuclear weapon, as this would result in an arms race, and that the international cooperation could prevent that. "Iran must not reach nuclear capabilities."

On Egypt, he said that Israel's southern neighbor was "fighting for its image" after the election of President-elect Abed Fateh al-Sissi, who he said is also trying to fight 'Global Jihad.'

When it comes to Gaza...


What the hell is 'Global Jihad'? Isn't that like a slur?

So should we legitimize the term 'International jewry'? Would it be acceptable for Jews to taste their own medicine?
Hezbollah is facing off Al Qaeda in Syria, and that fact alone proves that claims of a Global Jihad, of a unified movement of Islamist militias, is bullshit. Islamist militias are different from one another; each has its particular (often local) goals and methods; Global Jihad therefore doesn't exist -- it's just something Westerners with a self-victimizing complex come up with to pretend they are under threat in order to justify their warmongering and militarism.

Anyway, attention should be paid to the threat that the IDF goon is making--he's saying that in any war with Hezbollah, Israel will target Lebanon as a whole, as a nation, engaging in collective punishment in the style of the Dahiya Doctrine. The IDF has been making such threats against Lebanon for years. But no doubt that when/if it shells Lebanese civilian agglomerations in the future (and the IDF has been going after innocents in civilian areas in every war it has been in since the 1980s), it will pretend it has never threatened Lebanon as a nation, that it is the Most Moral Army, that it's all Hezbollah's fault for "hiding" among civilians and all that bullshit, and the Western media will give these villainous beasts the benefit of the doubt, ignoring their genocidal rhetoric in all these years.
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Hezbollah is facing off Al Qaeda in Syria, and that fact alone proves that claims of a Global Jihad, of a unified movement of Islamist militias, is bullshit. Islamist militias are different from one another; each has its particular (often local) goals and methods; Global Jihad therefore doesn't exist -- it's just something Westerners with a self-victimizing complex come up with to pretend they are under threat in order to justify their warmongering and militarism.


Anyway, attention should be paid to the threat that the IDF goon is making--he's saying that in any war with Hezbollah, Israel will target Lebanon as a whole, as a nation, engaging in collective punishment in the style of the Dahiya Doctrine. The IDF has been making such threats against Lebanon for years. But no doubt that when/if it shells Lebanese civilian agglomerations in the future (and the IDF has been making that in every war it has been in since the 1980s), it will pretend it has never threatened Lebanon as a nation, that it is the Most Moral Army, that it's all Hezbollah's fault for "hiding" among civilians and all that bullshit, and the Western media will give these villainous beasts the benefit of the doubt, ignoring their genocidal rhetoric in all these years.

I'm surprised these threats are being overlooked. This IDF Chief doesn't mention how such a war would erupt or what makes him insist that Hezbollah would choose to go on the offensive. Hezbollah has stated that they don't seek any war and only seek to provide a deterrence for Lebanon. Yet Israel is threatening Lebanon in an unimaginable way.
I'm surprised these threats are being overlooked. This IDF Chief doesn't mention how such a war would erupt or what makes him insist that Hezbollah would choose to go on the offensive. Hezbollah has stated that they don't seek any war and only seek to provide a deterrence for Lebanon. Yet Israel is threatening Lebanon in an unimaginable way.

Israel has made worse threats in the past--it has even threatened to wipe Lebanon off the map. What to do, Israel can't beat Hezbollah on a fair fight, so of course it would have to resort to the one advantage it has, its capability to impinge mass destruction.

Anyway, I don't think that a war between Israel and Hezbollah will break out in the near future--not because Hezbollah has been deterred, but because Israel has, and the IDF itself will say so time and again.
Israel has made worse threats in the past--it has even threatened to wipe Lebanon off the map. What to do, Israel can't beat Hezbollah on a fair fight, so of course it would have to resort to the one advantage it has, its capability to impinge mass destruction.

Anyway, I don't think that a war between Israel and Hezbollah will break out in the near future--not because Hezbollah has been deterred, but because Israel has, and the IDF itself will say so time and again.

They resort to targeting the civilian population/infrastructure when they can't achieve military objectives.

If you remember when they launched a massive assault on Gaza, the first strikes were on civilian policemen on their graduation day. They always intend to target the civilian population to subjugate the Palestinian people to further worse conditions:

Ben White: Targeting civilians was a deliberate part of Operation Cast Lead | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Israel wanted a humanitarian crisis
Targeting civilians was a deliberate part of this bid to humiliate Hamas and the Palestinians, and pulverise Gaza into chaos

The scale of Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip, and the almost daily reports of war crimes over the last three weeks, has drawn criticism from even longstanding friends and sympathisers. Despite the Israeli government's long-planned and comprehensive PR campaign, hundreds of dead children is a hard sell. As a former Israeli government press adviser put it, in a wonderful bit of unintentional irony, "When you have a Palestinian kid facing an Israeli tank, how do you explain that the tank is actually David and the kid is Goliath?"


And when the Palestinians send a miniscule response back at Israel which only manages to cause some disruptions in life in a few towns we have the Western conservative media rushing to condemn the Palestinians.

In 2012, when the Palestinians gained some strength(which still isn't anywhere near that of Israel's) they managed to shorten the conflict and open a bridge to future deterrence. Now Israel is demanding that they give up their only means to self defense.



Looks like somebody is trying to secure more funding. :lol:

Massively inflating every 'threat' to increase his paycheck but to also secure more funding from the state.


These Israeli leaders are all contradicting theirselves in the same press conference. It's hilarious. One man says Hezbollah has over 'a 100,000 thousand missiles' while the other states '50,000'. Of course, neither are true. Hezbollah has maybe over a thousand missiles. The rest are soviet grade katuysha rockets.

Another intelligence officer states Hezbollah and Hamas have over a 170,000 missiles and that Hamas fired 10,000 at Israel during Israel's assault on Gaza in 2012. :lol:

This is total rubbish, both have no more than 50,000 rockets.


"During the Third Lebanon War we will have no choice but to strike civilians who live above the rocket launching facilities," he said. ''We’ll have to say it openly, and the world cannot come to us with complaints.”

“We will continue to live by the sword even if we do not use it,” he continued, revealing that there are about 50 thousand missiles and rockets in Lebanon, and that Israel has no way to remove this threat.


Annual fear/war mongering conference in Israel.
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Don't believe such nonsense. It's meant to gather support for an attack on Lebanon first of all. He also says only China, Russia, the US, UK, Israel and France are more powerful than Hezbollah.

This guy is so childish and pathetic. Making that comparison from a perspective of unity. Hezbollah has 50,000 soviet era grad rockets which are only effective in salvos. These rockets don't compare whatsoever to any missiles the region has. Quality wise every nation is more powerful than them.

You can't make such foolish observations about the number of missiles in each inventory.
Don't believe such nonsense. It's meant to gather support for an attack on Lebanon first of all. He also says only China, Russia, the US, UK, Israel and France are more powerful than Hezbollah.

This guy is so childish and pathetic. Making that comparison from a perspective of unity. Hezbollah has 50,000 soviet era grad rockets which are only effective in salvos. These rockets don't compare whatsoever to any missiles the region has. Quality wise every nation is more powerful than them.

You can't make such foolish observations about the number of missiles in each inventory.
Israel won't attack Lebanon, and Lebanon won't attack Israel, they will both suffer heavily... and Israel admits that Hezbollah is powerful and stronger than 2006
Don't believe such nonsense. It's meant to gather support for an attack on Lebanon first of all. He also says only China, Russia, the US, UK, Israel and France are more powerful than Hezbollah.

This guy is so childish and pathetic. Making that comparison from a perspective of unity. Hezbollah has 50,000 soviet era grad rockets which are only effective in salvos. These rockets don't compare whatsoever to any missiles the region has. Quality wise every nation is more powerful than them.

You can't make such foolish observations about the number of missiles in each inventory.

You'll never know what Hezbollah has in its inventory unless a full scale war erupts. Especially after 2006 war, many things have changed. I'm sure there will be quite some good surprises there in case of a war. So, this -soviet crap grad missile- thing doesn't work anymore.
You'll never know what Hezbollah has in its inventory unless a full scale war erupts. Especially after 2006 war, many things have changed. I'm sure there will be quite some good surprises there in case of a war. So, this -soviet crap grad missile- thing doesn't work anymore.

You're giving what the enemy wants. To blow their strength out of proportion. Same thing they do with Gaza to justify an offensive assault.

I'm sure they're aware of what weapons Hezbollah has. I'm sure Hezbollah has some that aren't known to the public. We shouldn't play into their narrative though. It's less damaging to Lebanon since it's unlikely any such war would erupt. But, they see Gaza as a playing ground for their military doctrine/political interests.
Another intelligence officer states Hezbollah and Hamas have over a 170,000 missiles and that Hamas fired 10,000 at Israel during Israel's assault on Gaza in 2012. :lol:

This is total rubbish, both have no more than 50,000 rockets.
He said that 170,000 rockets is total in Lebanon, Syria and Gaza.
He said that 170,000 rockets is total in Lebanon, Syria and Gaza.

Then INN mistranslated many things. That's still inaccurate and this statement doesn't mean anything. So what, they have weapons to defend themselves, like every other entity in the world.
Then INN mistranslated many things.
INN is crappy settler site.

You'll never know what Hezbollah has in its inventory unless a full scale war erupts. Especially after 2006 war, many things have changed. I'm sure there will be quite some good surprises there in case of a war. So, this -soviet crap grad missile- thing doesn't work anymore.
Israel was surprised in 2006 when crazy mullahs and Assad supplied terrorists with anti ship missiles. But now the basic assessment is that everything Iran and Syria has can have Hezbollah too. So no more surprises.

But Hezies wont start any war. Because that will be a complete suicide to them.
If Israhell can attack, they would

They have never hesitated to make sneaky bombings of Syria, violating all international airspaces

Don't forget how Hezbollah downed JEWS F16s lately

INN is crappy settler site.

Israel was surprised in 2006 when crazy mullahs and Assad supplied terrorists with anti ship missiles. But now the basic assessment is that everything Iran and Syria has can have Hezbollah too. So no more surprises.

But Hezies wont start any war. Because that will be a complete suicide to them.
So you admit Iran fight the JEWS, and zionist Al Qaeda backstab the Jihad?
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