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IDF Attache in Moscow Deported for Allegedly Spying



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Apr 6, 2011
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IDF Attache in Moscow Deported for Allegedly Spying

IDF Colonel Vadim Liderman, detained by Russian authorities in Moscow on suspicion of espionage and then deported earlier this week, did nothing wrong the IDF spokesperson's office said Wednesday.
Liderman, the Defense Ministry said in a statement, was arrested by surprise last week by Russian security officials and questioned at length on suspicions he was spying on Russia for Israel.

The arrest came as a delegation of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee visited Moscow under the leadership of the committee chairman and former defense minister Shaul Mofaz.

Israel openly criticized Russia earlier this year for supplying Syria with advanced Yakhont anti-ship cruise missiles, which the IDF fears will be transferred to Hizbullah in Lebanon.

Israel has also criticized Israel for supplying Iran and Syria with Komet anti-tank missiles, which have been used by Hamas against IDF and civilian targets in Israel – a claim Russia denies.

According to the IDF and Defense Ministry statement, Liderman’s term as military attaché to Moscow was supposed to end in two months.

The IDF said, upon his return from Moscow, Liderman was questioned by security officials who ruled out the allegations that the attaché was operating as a spy in Russia.
IDF Attache in Moscow Deported for Allegedly Spying - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
Israel is really too little political value. Therefore, his opinion is not anyone interested. Russia will not break off relations with several Arab countries (which has a longstanding relationship) for the sake of Israel's whims. Before you complain about Russia's actions. Israel needs to think about who he is supplying weapons (Georgia a perfect example). If the Jews will "smart" idea to enter into any confrontation with Russia either. For Israel, this is nothing more than good in the future will not end.
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