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Ideological blowback of the Talis into Pakistan


Jan 5, 2012
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Just curious if some of the members here at PDF remember when the Talis governed Afghanistan how strong was their ideological blowback on the Pakistani society. When Talis were on the move in Afghanistan I remember very well that parts of Pakistan especially NWFP were getting inspiration for the Talis and were breaking up TVs, and asking for Sharia in NWFP.

Thus I wonder if people in Pakistan still think that after Tali take over ( which will never happen ) in Afghanistan you guys can just shut your borders, and receive no ideological blowback ? You think their brethren’s in Pakistan will sit idle and won’t want same thing in Pakistan??

@Zarvan @Rasengan : How is it going ?
If its never gonna happen so why ask this? You should ask a question of which you expect others to give a positive answer.
Don't worry, America will help your forces to increase their strength.ANA should better start giving what ever they have got out because Taliban are getting pretty stronger than what they were previously.
If its never gonna happen so why ask this? You should ask a question of which you expect others to give a positive answer.
Don't worry, America will help your forces to increase their strength.ANA should better start giving what ever they have got out because Taliban are getting pretty stronger than what they were previously.

"It is never gonna happen" is an Afghan and my perspective, but I see some of the PDF members at least one tagged who are quite excited at such an eventuality of Talis taking over. I really hope he and other apologists understand that ramification of such an eventuality for Pakistan.

"It is never gonna happen" is an Afghan and my perspective, but I see some of the PDF members at least one tagged who are quite excited at such an eventuality of Talis taking over. I really hope he and other apologists understand that ramification of such an eventuality for Pakistan.

You will encounter such ideology due to the hate for Afghanistan. Not because we want to but we were forced by you people. The current ground reality is that a common afghani hates Pakistani maybe more than anything else. When Pakistanis see that due to afghani migrants, drugs ,terrorism has been greatly contributed, he or she will be happy to see your side get hurt. A human nature...
Anyway, I hope that we never see the day that you and us starts taking the hate very seriously to the moment that we forget when is correct for us and what is not but unfortunately the situation is pointing towards such a scenario.
A-Team, while Pakistan putting trust in Afghan-Taliban is a dangerous gamble, it is not without reasons. Haqqani group has been faithful to Pakistan since 70s and has not carried out a single attack against Pakistan. Here on Pakistani soil they behave like harmless saints even though they might be blowing up innocent people in Afghanistan. Kabul government is dangerously hostile to Pakistan and very close to India. So Haqqani group and rest of Taliban are back-up plan. Except Taliban, almost all the Afghan circles are venomously anti-Pakistanis. So Pakistan is not exactly preferring Afghan Taliban over a democratic government of Kabul, but is not ruling over the possibility that Taliban might take over again. So has not acted against Afghan Taliban, dont believe ISPR statements. Sirajudin Haqqani on numerous occasions, has reportedly tried to convince TTP that they should give up their war against Pakistan like Hafiz Gul Bahadur and instead focus entirely on Afghanistan. This has earned them trust of ISI.
"It is never gonna happen" is an Afghan and my perspective, but I see some of the PDF members at least one tagged who are quite excited at such an eventuality of Talis taking over. I really hope he and other apologists understand that ramification of such an eventuality for Pakistan.


Taliban takeover is not a possibility , however we will be seeing see saw with Taliban capturing towns/cities and then those areas falling back into ANA's control. US decision to keep troops is welcoming, however Mr Ghani knows that Taliban have to brought to the negotiating table and will have to be made part of any transition if we want to solve the Afghan quagmire !!!
"It is never gonna happen" is an Afghan and my perspective, but I see some of the PDF members at least one tagged who are quite excited at such an eventuality of Talis taking over. I really hope he and other apologists understand that ramification of such an eventuality for Pakistan.


No one is excited to have Talis as our only interest in afghanistan is strategic and economic depth. What kind of weak asss government looses control of an entire provincial capital for days and claim to be representing the entire Nation. Such incidents support the idea of tali takeover. If it wasnt for US interference your city was lost.
No one is excited to have Talis as our only interest in afghanistan is strategic and economic depth. What kind of weak asss government looses control of an entire provincial capital for days and claim to be representing the entire Nation. Such incidents support the idea of tali takeover. If it wasnt for US interference your city was lost.

Okay. So afghan taliban keeps control of kunduz for few days makes for a good reason for current govt to fold it's tail but when afghan talibans are bombed and killed away from kunduz doesn't make for a good reason for talibans to not form any govt in future ?

whatever happened to human logic
:lol: :lol:
Okay. So afghan taliban keeps control of kunduz for few days makes for a good reason for current govt to fold it's tail but when afghan talibans are bombed and killed away from kunduz doesn't make for a good reason for talibans to not form any govt in future ?

whatever happened to human logic
:lol: :lol:

I dont understand pretext of your retarded logic. Explain properly or get lost bcz no one here has time for your half asssed logics.

How is this for human logic

I dont understand pretext of your retarded logic. Explain properly or get lost bcz no one here has time for your half asssed logics.

How is this for human logic


Resorting to teenage level arguments posting memes. :lol:

Thanks for proving that you had no substantial argument beyond a one line rant !
Resorting to teenage level arguments posting memes. :lol:

Thanks for proving that you had no substantial argument beyond a one line rant !

And your green smily that usually represent a person laughing while constipated certainly showed your level of maturity. You didnt even knew the pretext of my comment and jumped in like a Idiot to the conversation. I was trying to make a point that If US hadnt interefered then City was lost. It was not like that Americans kissed talis out of the city so obviously they killed Talis hence the retreat by them. Next time try to see where convo is coming from rather than jumping clueless like a typical American.
No one is excited to have Talis as our only interest in afghanistan is strategic and economic depth. What kind of weak asss government looses control of an entire provincial capital for days and claim to be representing the entire Nation. Such incidents support the idea of tali takeover. If it wasnt for US interference your city was lost.

kindly elaborate on that !
Just curious if some of the members here at PDF remember when the Talis governed Afghanistan how strong was their ideological blowback on the Pakistani society. When Talis were on the move in Afghanistan I remember very well that parts of Pakistan especially NWFP were getting inspiration for the Talis and were breaking up TVs, and asking for Sharia in NWFP.

Thus I wonder if people in Pakistan still think that after Tali take over ( which will never happen ) in Afghanistan you guys can just shut your borders, and receive no ideological blowback ? You think their brethren’s in Pakistan will sit idle and won’t want same thing in Pakistan??
@Zarvan @Rasengan : How is it going ?

I feel privileged and honored in being tagged by you Brother A-Team:) The Pakistani Taliban have been defeated in our country because they have continuously rejected peace talks and have attacked soft targets full of school children on purpose. Evidence of this assumption is made clear when the statistics of 2015 show a 70% decrease in terrorists attacks. Next year this figure will decrease furthermore, since most of the attacks in 2015 occurred January-March. Unlike in Afghanistan the Pakistani Armed Forces have destroyed nearly all terrorists factories and bases belonging to the Pakistani Taliban. Only Shawal Valley is left which should be completed in a few months:)

The difference between Afghanistan and Pakistan is obvious in the sense that people in the tribal areas of FATA and KPK assumed the idea that the Pakistani Government was working with the Americans to kill their clansmen across the border, henceforth there was a blow-back in which we have paid for since 2007.

Swat Valley was the only place in KPK, where people were asking for sharia law, however these grievances were linked to historical reasons and had no correlation with the Taliban until the protests was hijacked and manipulated by Mullah Fazlullah with his Father-In-Law.

When America does decide to vacate its troops from Afghanistan then its highly unlikely that the Taliban will collapse, because there are political grievances in your country and not everyone is fond of a Government which is controlled by ex-Northern Alliance Generals. The Pakistani Taliban have no historical political grievances with our government, they are an opportunists group supported by the NDS and Raw to destabilize Pakistan. The fall of Kunduz and the widespread attacks occurring across Afghanistan, has shown the level of power projection the Taliban are able to achieve.

The Chinese for centuries were famous for causing divide and rule within the different mongol tribes, this is because a united Mongolia was a threat with the invasion of China. Obviously the Chinese were correct because Genghis Khan invaded Western Xia and Jin Dynasty. The reason why I mentioned this story, because their are elements in Afghanistan who have control of your government which desire to annex territory from Pakistan. This policy will become stronger, when Afghanistan is in a position to do so with the current government set up. Its funny how you always dodge these type of questions:)
Pakistan's requirements:-
1> Pakistan wants stable and democratically peaceful, and prospering Afghanistan.
2> Pakistan wants no Indian influence in Afghanistan.
3> Pakistan naturally wants a pro Pakistan Afghanistan.

Ground options
a> Taliban satisfy the the 2nd and 3rd requirements.
b> Afghan national govt. satisfy non of the Pakistan's requirements

Pakistan's Policy
i> Keeping in mind the ground realities and and our requirements we prefer the afghan national govt. to go since it is highly pro India and highly anti Pakistan.
ii> Based on their past track record, taliban seem to be lesser evil option available for Pakistan to bet on

Ideal Situation
"A pro Pakistan, neutral/anti India , coalition of Pashtun and other ethnicities is democratically elected, without the indian and western influence "
Okay. So afghan taliban keeps control of kunduz for few days makes for a good reason for current govt to fold it's tail but when afghan talibans are bombed and killed away from kunduz doesn't make for a good reason for talibans to not form any govt in future ?

whatever happened to human logic
:lol: :lol:

The Afghan Government is folding because the desertion rate is 4000 solders each month and the amount of corruption within the government bureaucracy has caused discontent among the population, who now have the desire to migrate to Europe. Unemployment in the country is rising and this utopia vision of nation building is a myth, as the warlords become richer and the peasants become poorer. The Taliban have become more powerful since 2001 and the fall of Kunduz is relevant since 7000 solders were unable to withhold a city from 500 Taliban fighters. The most significant outcome of this event was the idea that a number of these militants were speaking in Dari, which means the recruitment strategy of the Taliban has evolved and people from other ethnic communities have joined there cause. The Taliban attacked Kunduz to show there power projection, because the Afghan Government was cheering at the fact that the group became weak with the news of the death of Mullah Omar. Furthermore, this attack has cemented Mullah Mansoor position as the leader of the Taliban.

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