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Ideas for a fantasy book


Feb 26, 2019
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Hi guys Im writing (or trying ) a fantasy inspired book something akin to lord of the rings or harry potter i dont know where its going to go i just have a rough idea in my head

Since i was little i was always into fantasy and and super hero comics i loved lord of the rings and when i read it i feel in love with it and when i watched something like black panther or game of thrones i said to myself "we should have something like that" (we as in Pakistani's) i so i will try to make it

Now as an adult when i read these stories what strikes me the most is the anti Oriental and especially anti Islamic themes in them, in the lord of the rings it all subtext but you can see it and when you read something the Chronicles of Narnia the anti Islamic narrative is obvious which doesn't surprise me Tolkien and Lewis were devout Catholics

I read somewhere that Tolkien wanted to create a mythology around England that what i want to do for Pakistan(or you know at least try ) so i need your help

I know Tolkien was inspired by European folk tales and stories and Gods particularly Scandinavian so can you help me find folk tales monsters and gods from our region Turkic, Persian, Arab and from Pakistan in Particular Punjabi , Baloch ,Sindhi anything monsters artifacts that i can incorporate in my story

I would also love you take one the idea also

Hi guys Im writing (or trying ) a fantasy inspired book something akin to lord of the rings or harry potter i dont know where its going to go i just have a rough idea in my head

Since i was little i was always into fantasy and and super hero comics i loved lord of the rings and when i read it i feel in love with it and when i watched something like black panther or game of thrones i said to myself "we should have something like that" (we as in Pakistani's) i so i will try to make it

Now as an adult when i read these stories what strikes me the most is the anti Oriental and especially anti Islamic themes in them, in the lord of the rings it all subtext but you can see it and when you read something the Chronicles of Narnia the anti Islamic narrative is obvious which doesn't surprise me Tolkien and Lewis were devout Catholics

I read somewhere that Tolkien wanted to create a mythology around England that what i want to do for Pakistan(or you know at least try ) so i need your help

I know Tolkien was inspired by European folk tales and stories and Gods particularly Scandinavian so can you help me find folk tales monsters and gods from our region Turkic, Persian, Arab and from Pakistan in Particular Punjabi , Baloch ,Sindhi anything monsters artifacts that i can incorporate in my story

I would also love you take one the idea also


You should try writing something about prophecies of Naimatullah Shah Wali about Pakistan and Ghazwa e Hind. If I get any chance to direct a movie, I will architetc my script on these basis. My movie will end with the fall of Dehli, and Rise of Antichrist as its been told.
You should try writing something about prophecies of Naimatullah Shah Wali about Pakistan and Ghazwa e Hind. If I get any chance to direct a movie, I will architetc my script on these basis. My movie will end with the fall of Dehli, and Rise of Antichrist as its been told.

I created a thread on that topic which got shut down.
Hi guys Im writing (or trying ) a fantasy inspired book something akin to lord of the rings or harry potter i dont know where its going to go i just have a rough idea in my head

Since i was little i was always into fantasy and and super hero comics i loved lord of the rings and when i read it i feel in love with it and when i watched something like black panther or game of thrones i said to myself "we should have something like that" (we as in Pakistani's) i so i will try to make it

Now as an adult when i read these stories what strikes me the most is the anti Oriental and especially anti Islamic themes in them, in the lord of the rings it all subtext but you can see it and when you read something the Chronicles of Narnia the anti Islamic narrative is obvious which doesn't surprise me Tolkien and Lewis were devout Catholics

I read somewhere that Tolkien wanted to create a mythology around England that what i want to do for Pakistan(or you know at least try ) so i need your help

I know Tolkien was inspired by European folk tales and stories and Gods particularly Scandinavian so can you help me find folk tales monsters and gods from our region Turkic, Persian, Arab and from Pakistan in Particular Punjabi , Baloch ,Sindhi anything monsters artifacts that i can incorporate in my story

I would also love you take one the idea also

Read sufism and spirituality in Islam. you can get millions of ideas of supernatural and divine powers. i can help with many concepts also.
Hi guys Im writing (or trying ) a fantasy inspired book something akin to lord of the rings or harry potter i dont know where its going to go i just have a rough idea in my head

Since i was little i was always into fantasy and and super hero comics i loved lord of the rings and when i read it i feel in love with it and when i watched something like black panther or game of thrones i said to myself "we should have something like that" (we as in Pakistani's) i so i will try to make it

Now as an adult when i read these stories what strikes me the most is the anti Oriental and especially anti Islamic themes in them, in the lord of the rings it all subtext but you can see it and when you read something the Chronicles of Narnia the anti Islamic narrative is obvious which doesn't surprise me Tolkien and Lewis were devout Catholics

I read somewhere that Tolkien wanted to create a mythology around England that what i want to do for Pakistan(or you know at least try ) so i need your help

I know Tolkien was inspired by European folk tales and stories and Gods particularly Scandinavian so can you help me find folk tales monsters and gods from our region Turkic, Persian, Arab and from Pakistan in Particular Punjabi , Baloch ,Sindhi anything monsters artifacts that i can incorporate in my story

I would also love you take one the idea also


I would recommend the 4 romantic stories of the Punjab as an influence: Heer Ranjha, Soni Mahiwal, Sassi Punnoo, Mirza Sahibaan.

Punjabi poetry of Bulleh Shah and Waris Shah.

Ironic humor in the stories of Mullah Nasruddin.

Alif Laila wa Laila has characters from our region including the famous Sindh abadi (literally Sindhi person) who tells stories of his journeys to another Sindh abadi in Basra.

Deeper spiritual poetry, stories, and philosophy from Rumi, Hafez, Shirazi, and Allama Iqbal.

I have not gone much into it but people recommend Faiz also.

Would love to read some authentic and well-researched novel or series based on IVC, Graeco Taxilla, and nomadic Scythians, Parthians, Hepthalites, etc.
I would recommend the 4 romantic stories of the Punjab as an influence: Heer Ranjha, Soni Mahiwal, Sassi Punnoo, Mirza Sahibaan.
You will be amazed that these couples were in spiritual/divine love with each other....not physical love that usual couples crave for.

I read somewhere that Tolkien wanted to create a mythology around England that what i want to do for Pakistan(or you know at least try ) so i need your help
Pakistan is a spiritual mystery :pakistan:

The whole world is bent on maligning and destroying Pakistan :laugh:

Pakistan still stands strong, very powerful spiritual powers are protecting Pakistan on orders from the Universal Boss :azn:
how about "India the super power"
Sir we are talking about fantasy that is clearly gonna happen next year

Read sufism and spirituality in Islam. you can get millions of ideas of supernatural and divine powers. i can help with many concepts also.
Thanks i will look into it i never really thought about Sufism

Please inform.me i will read it
This is big task i have taken on Imran bhai but whenever i finish it i will let you read it :p:
Thanks i will look into it i never really thought about Sufism
search my posts by writing search word as "sufism", then write my name as posted by member, you will find some stuff on sufism that could be of use to u.

otherwise just ask me about spiritual powers (good and bad) and i will reply

The powers in LOTR are not that close to powers in real world, movies which show exorcism stuff usually have powers close to reality. The powers shown in "The Green Mile" are close to how powers have been seen in reality.

I think the writers of exorcism movies get their scripts checked from black magicians lol.
Pakistan is a spiritual mystery :pakistan:

The whole world is bent on maligning and destroying Pakistan :laugh:

Pakistan still stands strong, very powerful spiritual powers are protecting Pakistan on orders from the Universal Boss :azn:

Almost all foreign governments and also our previous three governments tried to destroy this country, but Pakistanis are here only due to the Rahmat of Allah. We have great Kismat which will be revealed with time.
Almost all foreign governments and also our previous three governments tried to destroy this country, but Pakistanis are here only due to the Rahmat of Allah. We have great Kismat which will be revealed with time.

You will always have butthurt folks like this so called "Parsi" Alex Zurvan calling Pakistan will not last

ogagagaabggaga India spilt Pakistan pls

they said the in 1948,said it in 1971 they said it in 2001 and all I can say to naysayers f....ck off Our Nation is still here our people more strong all we need the pseudo-liberals and self-doubters purged

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