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IDEAS 2016 Preview: Blitzkrieg Solution MRAP to be unveiled on IDEAS 2016

Its a loan word .. much like "Mogul" or "Guru"... but part of the english vocabulary..
ok but dont say it is a english word - it is too recent in memory to make it an English word as it is in daily use in non english languages where it comes from.
HAMZA 8x8 Spec (according to Program director)
30 ton weight
15 Ton payload capacity
600HP engine
20hp/Ton Power to weight ratio
can withstand against 14.5 mm round
10 kg of TNT under tires
can be fitted with from 7.62 to 30 mm machine gun
It can also modify to IFV as per requirement .. To make it IFV 105 mm or 90 mm Turret can be installed on HAMZA

@JamD Can you edit the very first post with these spec

The HAMZA 8x8 is a new vehicle fully designed and developed by the Pakistani Company Blitzkrieg to response to the new needs of Pakistani army. The vehicle showed at IDEAS 2016 is the second prototype and the HAMZA will be tested on the field in the next few months.

The hull of the HAMZA 8x8 provides standard protection Level 4 STANAG 4569, with ballistic protection against firing of small arms 14.5 mm caliber and mine blast of 10 kg of TNT under the wheels. The vehicle can be fitted with an armour package to increase the protection to Level 5 STANAG 4569.

The HAMZA 8x8 has weight of around 30 tons with a payload capacity of 15 tons. The vehicle is motorized with a 600hp engine offering a power to weight ration of over 20Hp/tons combined with fully independent suspension.

At IDEAS 2016, the HAMZA 8x8 is showed with a one-man turret mounted in center part of the roof armed with a 30mm cannon and one coaxial 7.62mm machine gun. According to Syed Muhammad Haroon, Defense Program Director at Blitzkried the HAMZA 8x8 is able to be fitted with a combat turret armed with a cannon up to 105mm.

At IDEAS 2016, the HAMZA 8x8 was presented in armoured personnel carrier variant but the vehicle can also be configured as riot control vehicle, IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle), fire support vehicle with 90 or 105 mm cannon, air defense vehicle or self-propelled mortar carrier.

Source: Army recognition

@Horus @WAJsal

can you edit the first post in the thread with these spec ?/
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HAMZA 8x8 Spec (according to Program director)
30 ton weight
15 Ton payload capacity
600HP engine
20hp/Ton Power to weight ratio
can withstand against 14.5 mm round
10 kg of TNT under tires
can be fitted with from 7.62 to 30 mm machine gun
It can also modify to IFV as per requirement .. To make it IFV 105 mm or 90 mm Turret can be installed on HAMZA

@JamD Can you edit the very first post with these spec

The HAMZA 8x8 is a new vehicle fully designed and developed by the Pakistani Company Blitzkrieg to response to the new needs of Pakistani army. The vehicle showed at IDEAS 2016 is the second prototype and the HAMZA will be tested on the field in the next few months.

The hull of the HAMZA 8x8 provides standard protection Level 4 STANAG 4569, with ballistic protection against firing of small arms 14.5 mm caliber and mine blast of 10 kg of TNT under the wheels. The vehicle can be fitted with an armour package to increase the protection to Level 5 STANAG 4569.

The HAMZA 8x8 has weight of around 30 tons with a payload capacity of 15 tons. The vehicle is motorized with a 600hp engine offering a power to weight ration of over 20Hp/tons combined with fully independent suspension.

At IDEAS 2016, the HAMZA 8x8 is showed with a one-man turret mounted in center part of the roof armed with a 30mm cannon and one coaxial 7.62mm machine gun. According to Syed Muhammad Haroon, Defense Program Director at Blitzkried the HAMZA 8x8 is able to be fitted with a combat turret armed with a cannon up to 105mm.

At IDEAS 2016, the HAMZA 8x8 was presented in armoured personnel carrier variant but the vehicle can also be configured as riot control vehicle, IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle), fire support vehicle with 90 or 105 mm cannon, air defense vehicle or self-propelled mortar carrier.

Source: Army recognition
Sorry I can not edit anymore. The mods may be able to.
What ever we have now is Million times better then our first appraoch



Really , it is a tremendous achivement to broaden our capabilities in a modest fashion
Lazar 2 prototype vs Hamza - draw your own conclusions :coffee: - image is proportional scaled before it was applied and there is maybe a little difference in angle because original location of camera is normal to be slightly different and some angle differences exist. But some matching between this two is obvious. Don't forget that Lazar 2 is lighter when looking at distance between wheels and chassis.


Lazar 2 prototype vs Hamza - draw your own conclusions :coffee: - image is proportional scaled before it was applied and there is maybe a little difference in angle because original location of camera is normal to be slightly different and some angle differences exist. But some matching between this two is obvious. Don't forget that Lazar 2 is lighter when looking at distance between wheels and chassis.


The difference is obvious. But nearly all 8x8 have similar looks. So what does it conclude.
The difference is obvious. But nearly all 8x8 have similar looks. So what does it conclude.
But they (all 8x8) don't have same chassis measurement and same design of chasis that includes position of fuel reservoir and etc... And Lazar 2 was sold to Pakistan but complete deal was later detained by some Pakistan commission, so at least deep inside of Lazar 2 from Pakistan side was possible and it is obvious here. My conclusion is that there is some cooperation between Yugoimport and Blitzkrieg in a way that some license and or construction documentation is sold or similar. Chassis design and or parts and probably even 30mm gun is from Serbia, if you have better info for 30mm gun I would like to hear about it. Does Pakistan produce 30mm gun and cupola? Best regards.
But they (all 8x8) don't have same chassis measurement and same design of chasis that includes position of fuel reservoir and etc... And Lazar 2 was sold to Pakistan but complete deal was later detained by some Pakistan commission, so at least deep inside of Lazar 2 from Pakistan side was possible and it is obvious here. My conclusion is that there is some cooperation between Yugoimport and Blitzkrieg in a way that some license and or construction documentation is sold or similar. Chassis design and or parts and probably even 30mm gun is from Serbia, if you have better info for 30mm gun I would like to hear about it. Does Pakistan produce 30mm gun and cupola? Best regards.
Sir G its Lazar , and a cheap copy ,,,,,,,,,,, Now does that make u happy , If Yes , I am very happy to help u out.

Now for Hamza , Its not IFV , Actually This is MRAP + AFV , That Gives You HAMZA 8 * 8 . A best Vehicle (with future upgrades and add-on Armour Protections). You can call it Multi Role Mine Protected Fighting Vehicle or Multi Role Mine Protected Fighting Armoured Personal Carrier.
Best for Urban Wars or The War we are facing (TTP & even Afghanistan)
IFV can be made on the basis of Hamza's Design , But that will look different then Current Hamza .
And Lazar 2 was sold to Pakistan but complete deal was later detained by some Pakistan commission

1- No Lazzar-2 was ever sold & delivered to Pakistan ....
2- Only the some higher ups of Sindh (a province of Pakistan) Police department showed interest on behalf of some influential businessman & politicians without any testing & evolution ... those officials are now deposed from position in police department
3- High court of Sindh intervened in this matter well before any contract was made b/w the concern parties, as public interest litigation was filled in high court against that deal.
4- So it is not right to link this new development with the previous corruption scandal related to Lazar-2 deal, if you have any other technical points related to Hamza 8x8 which you find necessary to discuss plz continue.
1- No Lazzar-2 was ever sold & delivered to Pakistan ....
2- Only the some higher ups of Sindh (a province of Pakistan) Police department showed interest on behalf of some influential businessman & politicians without any testing & evolution ... those officials are now deposed from position in police department
3- High court of Sindh intervened in this matter well before any contract was made b/w the concern parties, as public interest litigation was filled in high court against that deal.
4- So it is not right to link this new development with the previous corruption scandal related to Lazar-2 deal, if you have any other technical points related to Hamza 8x8 which you find necessary to discuss plz continue.

I did not said that deal was finished, read carefully my posts, but obliviously you delegations visited Serbia and Yugoimoport many times and there in Serbia as in many other fairs they where presented with Lazar 2 prototype and many details and not just Lazar but alsa BOV and look now in chassis. Scandal was only because procurement was badly done by Pakistan side no other influence or corruption was in stake.

Person in video about Hamza said it is 100% designed completely and produced in Pakistan, but wait if you dot produce main gun and many other crucial parts how can that be true statement.

My opinion of Hamza like many other very high vehicles has one BIG problem. That problem is in enemy who has a one very large and easy target. Without APS such vehicles are easy to eliminate on battlefield and carrying much troops is very bad because there can be many wounded or dead in case of attack. I personally prefer 4x4 and 6x6 with as much 6 soldiers and driver and commander. Smaller target and less chance of many casualties if vehicle is hit.

And to be clear I am happy for Pakistan because this is definitively something best you produced and showed by now in MRAP area but maybe Dragoon(coincidentally procured via Europe and realized with help of Belgium firm without any experience in that area after deal for 16 BOV was not realized) in my opinion Dragoon has more potential for further development and use than this high MRAP bus.
Sure will wait a day or two till its publically unvieled before making ridiculous claims of it being a modified Cougar and whatnot...

Ironic thing is that people like you dont even point a finger at your own failed foriegn designed products but the second something comes out from our side its always an assembly right?

Get a grip man.
I happen to know what we have and what we lack in terms of research performance and culture. I fail to understand as to why people like you who have never probably gone beyond a decent BS/MS degree,instead of proving their point rely on unwarranted mud-slinging!My friend dont you think it would have been far far better to prove your point instead of what you just said? I am sure it is not as secretive as your SLBMs and SSBNs that pakistan has been working on for decades now?

I wish I could satisfy your insatiable appetite for evidence but I can't. All I can say is that I know the lead designer closely but it's your word against mine so I'm not going to try to convince you.
My dear friend @JamD
Dont you believe--the burden of proof lies on the party making claim! What is wrong in asking for a concrete evidence man?! I mean,seriously,I have lost all hopes--I guess proof and evidence are something that no one on the other side of the border takes seriously--especially in a vehicle like this!We are not even talking about secretive miniaturized nuclear reactor that PN has stashed somehere in KPK to hide from praying indian spy sats!Anyways!
And lastly,why do folks get riled up when they are faced with the prospect of proving their point?Or is PDF all about fan boy fantasies?
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