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IDEAS 2016 Karachi Pakistan




One famous Chinese Military poster is calling it upgraded F-22 version or C-28 version. C-28 is the name used for F-22 version which was exported to Algeria @Ceylal
More accords signed, products launched at IDEAS

SHAZIA HASAN — UPDATED about 3 hours ago

Mayor of Karachi Waseem Akhtar being briefed on Turkish naval equipment by a defence consultant at the STM stall during his visit to IDEAS 2016 at the Expo Centre on Thursday. —Fahim Siddiqi / White Star

KARACHI: Several memorandums of understanding were signed and products launched on Thursday at the 9th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2016 being held at the Expo Centre.

A large number of visitors, including the chief minister of Sindh and the mayor of Karachi, also arrived at the venue and went around visiting the stalls there.

To certify that Pakistan’s defence equipment meets international standards, an agreement was signed between a French company and Pakistan.

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah and Punjab Governor Malik Mohammad Rafique Rajwana visited the exhibition to witness the activities under way there. They appreciated the quality and technology of the equipment and defence production being showcased there.

‘Pakistan is strong enough to retaliate against aggression’
Speaking to the media at the Expo Centre, he said Pakistan Army was strong in training, equipment and war-production and on top of all that “the spirit of our forces is very high because of public support to them in defending the borders of the country”. While appreciating the participation of international defence companies, trade delegations, and high-level representatives of different countries in IDEAS 2016, he said the international community had again reposed its trust in Pakistan and realized the objective of this defence exhibition and seminar, which is ‘Arms for Peace’. He said such mega events brought a good name to the country as people from other countries came and see how Pakistan could help them with their defence needs.

Syed Murad Ali Shah also lauded the Defence Export Promotion Organisation (DEPO) for holding such a mega event in Karachi. He appreciated the facilities extended to the foreign and local companies by DEPO and praised everyone who worked hard to make the IDEAS 2016 a successful event in the city.

He said the exhibition had sent a loud and clear message “to the enemy of Pakistan” that Pakistan was strong enough with latest weapons and war gadgets to retaliate against any aggression.

“As a nation we are happy to know that IDEAS has emerged in the world as one of the best platforms for the defence industry. It has come a long way since its inception in the year 2000,” he said, adding that Karachi was now recognized as an ideal city for hosting such a mega event “because the international community has also endorsed our efforts. The participation of international defence exhibitors and delegations is itself a testimony to the fact that Pakistan is the hub of commerce in this region.”

Agreeing with the CM that IDEAS 2016 had brought a good name for the country and especially Karachi, Mayor of Karachi Waseem Akhtar said the exhibition would help improve the soft image of Karachi. “Organizing such events in Karachi is itself a proof of the fact that peace in Karachi has been restored and that there is an increase in commercial and trade activities here,” he said.

“We are ready to provide cooperation for the betterment and progress of Karachi at all levels,” he said, adding that Karachi made a major contribution to the national exchequer with billions of rupees in the form of taxes. “We are making efforts to get more power and funds for improving the city and it is a good omen that the city’s condition, too, has started improving with the coming of the local government representatives,” he said.

The mayor was accompanied by member of the National Assembly Khawaja Sohail Mansoor, Ramesh Kumar and other civil and military officers.

Most of the visitors to the exhibition were youngsters, including college and university students, who already seemed quite knowledgeable about weapons, especially small arms. They went about gathering more information regarding these while also marvelling at the engineering and technology used in building defence equipment.

Published in Dawn, November 25th, 2016


Pakistan has signed the MOU with Belgium today and I can't think of anything else other than SCAR for which we would sign an MOU the other one is for some engine
There will be AMNY more MOU so just hold your horses for now.

However it is likely that one from SCAR or ARX. It is not all among the top brass and PLENTY of things are being looked at now that both guns have met our technical requirements and both are offering pretty decent deals as well (in terms of ToT, export options etc). One thing i am waiting for is the offer of POF inclusion in the supply chain (parts at least). However there are MANY other things that are being looked at. As far as i know, @Oscar have a good idea about those "things". :)
And you know what, the Czech may have something up their sleeves as well. One last move that can unsettle all other things.

Are you talking about me ? By the way friends who have visited IDEAS one of them is suggesting AK 2 is our figment of imagination and doesn't exist neither on paper nor a prototype
Is this the same Facebook friend that made you said (for years now) that AK-2 is under testing and evaluation and even shared some specs that you have been sharing with us? Plus frankly speaking, NONE of these two totally different/opposite claims were ENTIRELY true.
@Dazzler willing to give it another try or you have had enough for now? :)

For the billionth time, just do not pass everything and anything you get from Facebook people as "CONFIRMED NEWS SOURCE".

For example,
According to POF guy they haven't displayed both PK 16 and LSR. Although I have seen picture where Nawaz Shareef is looking at LSR.
This is what the "POF guys" shared with you!!
BOTH are on display!!

Those contacts just share what they hear and they hear from their contacts and they do from theirs and so on!! These things are NOT SOURCES and SHOULD NOT be conveyed as news and confirmed reports. For crying out loud even Islam prohibits us from spreading rumors and all.
But you know what, i am not expecting you to understand that anymore.
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There will be AMNY more MOU so just hold your horses for now.

However it is likely that one from SCAR or ARX. It is not all among the top brass and PLENTY of things are being looked at now that both guns have met our technical requirements and both are offering pretty decent deals as well (in terms of ToT, export options etc). One thing i am waiting for is the offer of POF inclusion in the supply chain (parts at least). However there are MANY other things that are being looked at. As far as i know, @Oscar have a good idea about those "things". :)
And you know what, the Czech may have something up their sleeves as well. One last move that can unsettle all other things.

Is this the same Facebook friend that made you said (for years now) that AK-2 is under testing and evaluation and even shared some specs that you have been sharing with us? Plus frankly speaking, NONE of these two totally different/opposite claims were ENTIRELY true.
@Dazzler willing to give it another try or you have had enough for now? :)

For the billionth time, just do not pass everything and anything you get from Facebook people as "CONFIRMED NEWS SOURCE".

For example,

This is what the "POF guys" shared with you!!
BOTH are on display!!

Those contacts just share what they hear and they hear from their contacts and they do from theirs and so on!! These things are NOT SOURCES and SHOULD NOT be conveyed as news and confirmed reports. For crying out loud even Islam prohibits us from spreading rumors and all.
But you know what, i am not expecting you to understand that anymore.

On AK 2 I have various sources some suggest even prototype exist and tested but until 1500 HP engine comes and we test it with that engine it won't be revealed.

Chinese friend suggest that the ship is upgraded version of F-22P

#Cirit is a laser-guided 70mm rocket system. Launched by Turkey to attack helicopters with low-cost precision strike capabilities #IDEAS2016


Spanish #URO #VAMTAC 4x4 multirole tactical vehicle in live demonstration at @IDEASPakistan #Ideas2016 in #Pakistan http://www.armyrecognition.com/ideas_2016_official_online_show_daily_news/index.php …




Some people are reporting that China has offered Type 057 to us. Is it true @Rashid Mahmood
Some people are reporting that China has offered Type 057 to us. Is it true @Rashid Mahmood

They did offer a heavily modified F-22 some time ago, but specifically the 057, I am not aware of.
Maybe the modified F22 maybe the 057, as it is a proposed FFG.

I would recommend that PN goes for it.
6 X 057 FFGs from China

Type 057_1.jpg
They did offer a heavily modified F-22 some time ago, but specifically the 057, I am not aware of.
Maybe the modified F22 maybe the 057, as it is a proposed FFG.

I would recommend that PN goes for it.
6 X 057 FFGs from China

View attachment 355445

I hope we go for 8 of them. I also hope the VLS are capable of firing long range cruise missiles. We need that kind of firepower to strike deep inside India and also in south of India.
I hope we go for 8 of them. I also hope the VLS are capable of firing long range cruise missiles. We need that kind of firepower to strike deep inside India and also in south of India.

We have enough LR ballistic missiles to strike deep in india.

6 is an acceptable figure for FFGs
alongwith 6 Missile corvettes from Turkey.
They did offer a heavily modified F-22 some time ago, but specifically the 057, I am not aware of.
Maybe the modified F22 maybe the 057, as it is a proposed FFG.

I would recommend that PN goes for it.
6 X 057 FFGs from China

View attachment 355445
We have enough LR ballistic missiles to strike deep in india.

6 is an acceptable figure for FFGs
alongwith 6 Missile corvettes from Turkey.
By the way if you look at the picture it seem it has two kinds of VLS systems. One the front and one is also on the back. Am I right on this ?
By the way if you look at the picture it seem it has two kinds of VLS systems. One the front and one is also on the back. Am I right on this ?

This is just the concept picture. The actual may differ.

Yes I also see 2 VLS launchers along with SSM tubes in the center.
Probably an Air Defence FFG.
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