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ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

our demand was to stop the hanging ... acheived , our demand was counsular access ... acheived ... your demand was that its not in icj jurisdiction (rejected) ... your demand was to declare him a terrorist ( court says not enough proof) ...
One thing that overshadows every word you said,
He is not coming back to you. He will stay here in Pakistan. Send Saif Ali Khan or Sunny Deol to break him out of his cell.
You main demand was to acquit.. but you didn't get that..

Even your Indian judge didn't rule in favor of acquitting him.. how about that? :lol:
baboons with pea size brain and that too full of delusional thoughts will nevwr concede!
Yes. Retrial and right of appeal with counselor access.

I am no lawyer or barrister but I can tell you this, ICJ is merely a Political organisation set up to keep a check on the 3rd world and create a semblance of civility among nations. Basically it has no substance as it can not enforce its rulings over strong/powerful states. Whatever ICJ has to say is, at best a recommendation. Does ICJ have jurisdiction over Pakistani courts whether Military or Civilian ?
Was Kulbushan yadav convicted over Espionage charges or Espionage & Terrorism charges by Pakistan ?
Is there a precedent for similar cases between Pakistan & India, where spies have been sentenced to death/life time imprisonment ? Well yes there is a list of similar cases where state of Pakistan apprehended and convicted Indian agents involved in Espionage & Terrorism, whose innocence the State of India professed vehemently, only for those agents to confess to their guilt once they got to India.

Anyway its heartening to see so many of our fellow Indian members back on this Forum after such a long time.
I suppose that's the best thing about this judgement, its brought our Indian members back to the forum after their disappearance post 27/02/2019.
:welcome: :pdf: :lol:
I have a piece of advise for you... as you are new here, try not to troll for nothing and merely rushing to post something to provoke or divert. At least try to understand the responsibility of anyone including media that can't just falsify a judgment quote.
thank you for the advise however I am listening the judgement for the past 1 hour and i conclude status quo before all this ICJ drama do have changed ....
Your only real win is consular assess that's it … Rest every thing go against you ...For me you only delayed Kulb death sentence for few more years that's it ……
ICJ refused almost all other indian demands ……
  1. ICJ accepted Kalbu Passport is real (means he was using 2 passports , means he is fuking terrorist)
  2. ICJ did not resale Kalbu
  3. Death sentence will stay ..
  4. ICJ didn't hand over kalbu to india
  5. Kalbu will stay in Pakistan
  6. Pakistan can chose place of Her on choice for new case (If Pakistan Agrees , because it is not bounding)
    YOU can keep him as long as the world do not consider him a spy and terrorist ....
tell me any example in the past where it has happend ... icj simply cannot force that ... But you tell me where in this whole judgement have ICJ verified the decision of your army court ? your military court's decision have been defunct
So why did you ask for that?
ICJ rejects India’s plea for Kulbhushan Jadhav’s acquittal


THE HAGUE: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Wednesday rejected India’s plea for the acquittal of Kulbhushan Jadhav, an Indian spy who was sentenced to death by Pakistan after his capture and trial.

The verdict was announced by Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf in the presence of both Pakistani and Indian delegations. The judge noted that Vienna Convention does not bar any country from providing consular access in cases of espionage and asked Pakistan to provide the same to Jadhav.

Earlier, The ICJ, which is the United Nations’ top court, said it “will deliver on Wednesday 17 July 2019 its judgment in the Jadhav Case (India v. Pakistan)”. Pakistan’s team, headed by Attorney General Anwar Mansoor Khan, is at The Hague to hear the verdict. The team also includes Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal.

Jadhav had been sentenced to death in April 2017 by a Pakistani military court over charges of espionage, following which India moved The Hague-based ICJ. A 10-member bench of the ICJ had in May 2017, restrained Pakistan from executing Jadhav till adjudication of the case.

Pakistan said that its security forces arrested Jadhav from Balochistan on March 3, 2016, after he allegedly “entered Pakistan from Iran”. India, however, maintained that Jadhav was kidnapped from Iran where he had business interests after retiring from the Indian Navy.

India and Pakistan both concluded their arguments in February. Pakistan accused India of using ICJ for “political theatre” as it urged judges to dismiss India’s case seeking to save spy Jadhav from execution.

Pakistan is being represented by English Queen’s Counsel Khawar Qureshi, asserted that India failed to answer important questions as it did not clarify if he is Kulbhushan Jadhav or Hussain Mubarak Patel.

India’s Counsel Advocate Harish Salve, who had also earlier represented the country in the same case, presented his statement before the court, which mostly appeared to be based on repetition of points raised in previous proceedings.

Salve highlighted the issues including denial of consular access by Pakistan and its breach of Article 36 (1)(b) of the Vienna Convention – the similar arguments that India came up with during maiden statement of objections.

He opposed the death penalty announced by Pakistan, citing it contrary to the fundamental rights and also argued against the decision made by Pakistan’s military court for trying a civilian.

On Pakistan’s earlier objection on India facilitating Jadhav’s 17 times travel on his passport with the cover name Hussein Mubarik Patel, the Indian counsel merely termed it “untrue” without presenting any supporting facts.

Pakistan’s Attorney General Anwar Mansoor Khan and South Asia Director General Dr Mohammad Faisal were present in the courtroom as agent and co-agent, respectively.

Following India’s conclusion of arguments, FO said, “India failed to tell the court about Jadhav’s arrival in Pakistan and the reason behind it. India even failed to explain how Jadhav managed to get a passport and travel to Delhi at least 17 times.”

“India also failed in putting up justifiable arguments on Jadhav’s retirement date,” FO added.

FO further said that the neighbouring country also did not furnish any pension details of the spy if he was actually retired from the Indian Navy.

On 8th May 2017, India commenced these proceedings before the ICJ, alleging that Pakistan had committed a breach of the VCCR 1963 by failing to grant immediate consular access in respect of Commander Jadhav, and alleging that the military court procedure was flagrantly unfair. Centrally, the relief India sought was “at least” the acquittal/release/transfer to India of Commander Jadhav. India also demanded by way of provisional measures that the ICJ should immediately make an order (without even having a hearing) that Pakistan should be restrained from executing Commander Jadhav pending the full hearing of India’s claims.

As mentioned above, Pakistan’s civilian courts can and do routinely order a stay of execution pending the full hearing of legal challenges to decisions emanating from Pakistan’s Military Courts – they do so in order to preserve the status quo without making any decision as to the facts or merits. The Pakistani courts have shown themselves capable of acting very quickly (within hours) in this manner in response to an application for a stay of execution. It was therefore not unusual that the ICJ directed a stay of execution on 18th May 2017 pending a full hearing.

In April 2017, the convicted Indian spy filed a mercy petition to Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

In his plea, Commander Jadhav admitted his involvement in espionage, terrorist and subversive activities in Pakistan and expressed remorse at the resultant loss of many precious innocent lives and extensive damage to property due to his actions. Seeking forgiveness for his actions, he requested the COAS to spare his life on compassionate grounds.

Commander Jhadev had earlier appealed to the military appellate court which was rejected. Under the law, he was eligible to appeal for clemency to the COAS (which he had done) and if rejected, subsequently to the president of Pakistan.

(1) Jadhav will not be released
(2) His sentence not overturned
(3) His hanging stayed
(4) He will get Consular access
(5) Sentence to be reviewed.

Sentence was hanging. That's stayed. Fresh trial ordered. Pakistan found to be in violation of Vienna convention. Total Victory for Pakistan.
The reason that all been kept under wraps and only Kulbhashan knowing the truth, endorsed all and agreed to cooperate to the fullest. Now, everything will be made public on one by one sequence and the things, are going as per planned.... by the grace of ALLAH. India is provided counselor access for round 2 whereby, as ICJ said; we will make sure and ensure full wight of death sentence to Kulbhashan Jadhev.

The silent dismantling of terror groups nourished by Yadev should leave the world in no doubt what state sponsored terrorism means. India will start feeling isolated soon enough on many diplomatic fronts. May Allah help us in our struggle against #TerrorMata.
So Pakistani requests were summarily denied. Even Chinese judge decided against Pakistan. What a victory for Pakistan.
Court rejected indian request to release Yadav
Court rejected indian request to overturn Military court ruling...
in short he can be hanged after review, which will also be held by Pak....:coffee:
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