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ICJ hearing on Kulbhushan Jadhav case : News, Updates & Discussions

Looks like India knew about stay before case even begun. Looks fishy, will not be surprised if they brought judges. In this scenario expecting their final verdict to be fair is stupidity.
and what were you saying to me yesterday sir and now your trying to find conspiracy angels in it :haha:
Looks like India knew about stay before case even begun. Looks fishy, will not be surprised if they brought judges. In this scenario expecting their final verdict to be fair is stupidity.
They are extremely qualified and highly regarded Judges; the case was not tried in Jumri Taliya court.
there was an Chinese judge as well in panel, perhaps Iron brother gave cold steel?

Court in all capacity has asked Pakistan to ensure, A. counsellor access B. to ensure execution is not done unless final verdict is out, and any proceeding on same should be first made clear to court and this all is binding and comes under ICJ jurisdiction.

Wrong interpretation my friend. ICJ has NOT ASKED PAKISTAN to GRANT COUNSELOR ACCESS. I just silenced another Indian who thought this was the case.

If you know how to read and understand English, this is the only part of Court's order. Others are laterals and supportive - but Court order comprises of these TWO points only.

No I think it's a perfect example. Kasab was 25yrs old, India banned Pakistan from having any kind of consular access to him, it took 4yrs for his case and in the end he was trialed.
Kasab was an armed terrorist tried in a civilian court.
Jadhav was tried in a military court, despite him having retired and India not at war with Pakistan.Internationally, spies are tried in military courts only during war time, which is acceptable under international law.
India banned Pakistan from having any kind of consular access to him, it took 4yrs for his case and in the end he was trialed.
Making up stories?


We are NOT claiming VICTORY but we are slowly and steadily moving towards it.
He won't be released, ever

He will die in Pakistani jails from some chronic disease or long-term health problems, or he may get killed by some "patriotic" inmate, before the Case is decided. We were not going to hang him anyways.

As for ICJ jurisdiction, International Law is nothing but International Morality, and Morality is not "binding" in nature. It's entirely up to Pakistan to accept or reject ICJ's jurisdiction in matters related to our National Security. In my opinion, Pakistan should accept ICJ's jurisdiction as it (possibly) can set a precedent for how future India-Pakistan cases are decided.
I doubt Pakistani Government will say the same. Let's see.
He will die in Pakistani jails from some chronic disease or long-term health problems, or he may get killed by some "patriotic" inmate, before the Case is decided. We were not going to hang him anyways.
Thanks for confirming how justice is served in your country.

Bohat Accha, Nai Bohat hai......
Shukria. Lol
This is better, Pakistan need to tell the world what India is doing. Stay on hanging doesn't matter.
India had been telling the world the same about Pakistan since many years but the world does not move so the fact us the world moves for own interests. And we should do the same and should avoid releasing another Kashmir Singh.
Nawas Ius No good for Pakistan.
Why did GOP agree to go to the ICJ, when they could have said no we dont agree to it, because its a matter of national security, a spy does not come under vienna convention, a very fishy judgement. ICJ cannot intervene in national security matters.
Kasab was an armed terrorist tried in a civilian court.
Jadhav was tried in a military court, despite him having retired and India not at war with Pakistan.Internationally, spies are tried in military courts only during war time, which is acceptable under international law.

Making up stories?
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We are NOT claiming VICTORY but we are slowly and steadily moving towards it.

Bless the delusion.
Pakistan bound to loose every case either at diplomatic level or UN, until the NS a pro - Indian puppet which is a security risk for state of Pakistan is installed in the center.
We Pakistanis always blame Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Iran for to be pro - India but we never took care for our own house. Reality is that we ourselves are day dreamers.
We have to decide, we want pro - Indian NS who is not a political leader but a blacksmith by nature who preferred his business over everything OR state of Pakistan.
No I think it's a perfect example. Kasab was 25yrs old, India banned Pakistan from having any kind of consular access to him, it took 4yrs for his case and in the end he was trialed.

Kulbushan Jhadhav was found in Pakistan under fake ID, arming and funding terrorism. A 47yr old man. India has failed to respond to that.

Iran can easily be involved and know too well he wasn't 'kidnapped' from their territory.

The delay in the case doesn't mean he's innocent isn't a final verdict. Just like the delay in Kasab's case.

In the end, no one likes anyone stepping into their territory and killing their people.

Pakistan should have approached ICJ for consular access to Kasab.
The ICJ knows well, if they try to save Yadav, then they can kiss goodbye to demand of asking Pakistan to take actions against any other terrorist.

So what's new. Every country in the world knows Pakistan keeps is legion of terror groups under the military leash with the military directing where and whom to attack. They are accorded protection from the military, the ronna dhona on the killing of Osama and the imprisoning of those that aided his killing within meters of Pakistan Army premier training grounds confirms that.
There is not a country in the world that is not aware of Pakistan army and its purposeful use terror for its own ends.
Incorrect. Pakistan acknowledged and wanted access - India rejected the request.

Read up:

I don't even need to give you another link. Please read the link you posted yourself. Pakistan said it would not provide consular access to Kasab.

And Kasab had sought their help -


And here -

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