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IB hands over fresh Dawood dossier to CIA


Nov 23, 2010
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Dawood Ibrahim, the second most wanted terrorist in India after Lashkar-e-Tayiba founder Hafiz Saeed is hiding in Pakistan, according to the Indian administration. But Pakistan has denied reports about granting refuge to Dawood.

The Intelligence Bureau has now prepared a fresh dossier on the underworld don -- the mastermind of the 1993 serial blasts in Mumbai and handed it over to the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is reportedly tracking the underworld don, who has 23 aliases.

According to IB sources, the Pakistan government is unlikely to give up the whereabouts of Dawood as he is a major source of funds for terrorist activities.

According to India's dossier, Dawood's address is 'White House, Near Saudi Mosque, Clifton, House No 37, 30th Street, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi, Pakistan'. This address has been confirmed during the interrogation of terrorists arrested in India.

They have told the intelligence agencies that Dawood's residence in Karachi is guarded like a fortress by members of the Pakistan army and the Inter Services Intelligence.

Getting hold of Dawood is not an easy task, say IB sources, as the ISI is likely to whisk him off to safe place whenever the pressure is on to track him.

In 2006, under immense pressure to find Dawood, ISI officials had moved him to Waziristan from Karachi. With the focus back on finding Dawood, the Pakistan government may be buying time to move him out, say IB sources

Alerts have been sounded and Indian intelligence agencies are keeping a watch on Jeddah, where Dawood has a safe house, according to IB sources.

Dawood not only enjoys close ties with the ISI, he also has strong connections in Singapore, Bangkok and Malaysia. According to security agencies, it will not be difficult for Dawood to find shelter in any of these places.

Currently, Dawood's each and every move is being closely monitored by intelligence agencies across the world. IB sources say that he continues to hide in Pakistan, though the neighbouring nation has denied these charges.

IB officials claim that there is enough proof about Dawood's existence in Pakistan, pointing out that his current passport was issued by an office in the garrison city of Rawalpindi. According to the latest information, his passport details have not been updated, indicating that he is still in Pakistan.

The ISI and the Pakistani establishment have enough reasons to protect Dawood, believe Indian intelligence agencies. The underworld don brings in funds for covert terror operations through his drug trade and fake currency racket. The routes chalked out for his trade in Nepal, Bangkok, India, Malaysia, Kenya and Singapore are now used by terror groups to transport arms and ammunition.

A source in the Indian wing of Interpol says that catching Dawood Ibrahim alive is crucial as he would be an invaluable source of information on terror activities. He would be able to provide information on the ISI's covert operations and his links in India.

Information about Dawood's suspected ties with some Indian politicians and the local links through which he runs match fixing and extortion rackets will help India in fine-tuning its operations against terror, say sources.

IB hands over fresh Dawood dossier to CIA - Rediff.com India News
I think it is good that the Indian intelligence agencies are keeping a constant paper trail on these issues in Pakistan and also passing them on to international organisations (UN/CIA etc) when/if the $hit really hits the fan at least India can say "we told you so" and if/when the US takes notice of these issues they will have good, solid Indian intelligence to work on.
What the hell.....??/ Why did they provide the dossier to US ?? He is our criminal and should be dealt by our agencies....its really sad...i hope we take some action...
I think it is good that the Indian intelligence agencies are keeping a constant paper trail on these issues in Pakistan and also passing them on to international organisations (UN/CIA etc) when/if the $hit really hits the fan at least India can say "we told you so" and if/when the US takes notice of these issues they will have good, solid Indian intelligence to work on.

totally right bro. india should share these dosiers with MI-6 also.

u know all this talk of RAW/CIA cooperation is bull****. during 90s india kept on giving evidences to US of pakistani invlovement in terror attacks and it kept on turning blind eye. it was british intelligence which helped india. they never shied away from naming pakistan or its agents in intelligence inputs. US never did the same, even wen a intelligence report was passed on to india, the name of pakistan and its agents were conveniently deleted.

sure the cooperation between CIA and RAW has increased drastically post 26/11 but is till wouldnt bet too much on US.

the level of comfort and trust between MI-6 and RAW is much more than CIA and RAW. india should not get hyper abt its relationship with CIA. we need more cooperation level headed players like MI-6.
india hands over fresh Dawood dossier to CIA inplace of pakistan...
IB instead of handing over dossier to CIA, It should find who in India listening to his commands. Clean up first in India.
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