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IAF Western Command Chief avoids question on PAF superiority on the day of Swift Retort

lol, clip was definetly cut when asked if Pakistanis had advantage in air to air battle. :D
Another clown just like the rest of them, that lie to themselves, their media and to their people what pathetic country lolz lmao !!!!!
If this is the best the IAF can produce to "man" their most hostile border, then we can all take a chill pill.

The lack of logic, and intellect in his answers was shocking. Defo, a "babu..."
What an uncomfortable interview. Full of excuses why India got the beating. No wonder he was sacked.

Watch from 7.10

Clip cuts when AM Chandrashekharan find himself stuck in a tight spot during questioning. You are welcome to watch from beginning to see how he dug his own grave. This is the same AM who was retired the very next day after Swift Retort. @Windjammer

this so funny, the guy acknowledges Pakistani aerial superiority in all aspects

1) Pakistan was prepared and India did not surprise them. This clearly means that:

a) India jets came into Pakistani territory
B) they were detected
c) they were challenged by superior aircrafts and had to drop their ammunition to retreat to Indian territory. Since the engagement lasted 5-6 minutes

2) why do Indians keep talking about the cost of weapons used in engagement , a continue to point Out the economy of war, “Pakistanis should not have used expensive weapons if they were not going to kill indian troops”. It seems economics is a bigger factor for the Indian Military than employing the best weapon for the job no wonder losing troops is ok as they are seen as needless expense,.case and point when our troops use atgm’s on the LOC and the Indians do not. So he agrees on repeated questions from the reporter that Indian narrative is that the missiles missed because we did not kill any Indians while the correct Pakistani narrative is that they moved the weapon away from the target to escalate. We needed to kill the same number of trees.

3) he is wrong she saying Pakistan can not hit terrorists in India, as the Indian army is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Indian army in Kashmir can be called a state sponsored terrorists force. This is the definition used by the Indian government. would the genva convention apply to Abhinandan ? Well he is part of the IAF so less possible he was involved in atrocities.

4) if there was such an affective cap why did the Indians lose too jets. A mig-21 and a su-30 mki. How did the IR short range or guided missile travel 50 kms away since the good general agrees Pakistan used superior aim-120c5 from afar.

5)he acknowledges The IAF failure as he said that paf did not disengage because of the Indian CAP. They instead continued the strike as the PAF had Tactical and numerical superiority in the strike.

6) by the same vein non of the if-17or mirages used were two seaters, these were the only aircraft according to the good general used by Pakistan in the strike role. The f-16s were far behind as they used their bvr missiles. Why do they keep showing pictures of a two pilot aircraft crashing. This must be a su-30 or maybe a two seater mig-29.

All in all a Pakistani victory confirmed by the general. No wonder the Indians threw him out. Happy he validated everything though.

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