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IAF wants fresh info from France as concern rises over reports of Pakistani pilots’ Rafale training

Weather Pakistan spanked you because of your mistake or not - it is clear that Indian "cutting edge" weapons have zero deterrence and zero utility for your own defence. Didn't Modi said if Rafael were operational results would've been different? Unless you have comprehension issues, what your PM is saying means India is behind and need Rafael to get equal or better than Pakistan. What you imagine "cutting edge" is failing to protect your air and land - and the world has witnessed that in practice.
Which of our strategic weapons did we use against you?? Our BMD? Nukes? ASAT? or Rockets? Our satellites are on active surveillance, we have detail about your deployments, we can see your movements, while you will rely on Chinese inputs, and about modi's comment on rafales, he was criticizing the decision of congress govt for not ordering rafales in 2011, and you cannot even think of invading India, Your proxies would be responsible for your destruction, so keep them away from LOC....
Which of our strategic weapons did we use against you?? Our BMD? Nukes? ASAT? or Rockets? Our satellites are on active surveillance, we have detail about your deployments, we can see your movements, while you will rely on Chinese inputs, and about modi's comment on rafales, he was criticizing the decision of congress govt for not ordering rafales in 2011, and you cannot even think of invading India, Your proxies would be responsible for your destruction, so keep them away from LOC....

Bold statement from someone who saw his Air Force hammered and humiliated at the LOC a month ago
Understandable how the PAF being too smart for IAF's amateur plans needs to be rationalised as cowardice for you to still keep on going with yourself. Apart from the fact that the PAF then returned the very next day in broad day light, only hours after announcing on TV that they would, penetrated Indian controlled airspace and the Indian military's psyche, bombed Indian installations, and deflated around 1.3 billion mouths. I don't blame you, the cognitive dissonance you must be experiencing right now would have made me go drown in chulu bhar pani or at least not show my face on this forum for a few years. But then you don't have any shame now do you?

Oh and the way all those mighty Su-30s, Mirage 2000s and Mig-21s just stood there, making sure to remain beyond the battle's reach, without firing a shot at those 'dozens of PAF jets', abandoning those two IAF pilots to cross the LOC alone, witnessing them both get shot down like mosquitoes, watching them fall to the ground in great balls of fire....must have taken quite a bit of courage.

I don't know about that but what has definitely happened though is that IAF, against all common sense and professionalism, has let the Indian national past time of 'thumping their chests, spewing bs about their ability, claiming false superiority and then actually believing in it themselves' become a part of their official military strategy. It was only a matter of time that they'd be meted out the humiliation that they were.
Two IAF pilots?
Understandable how the PAF being too smart for IAF's amateur plans needs to be rationalised as cowardice for you to still keep on going with yourself. Apart from the fact that the PAF then returned the very next day in broad day light, only hours after announcing on TV that they would, penetrated Indian controlled airspace and the Indian military's psyche, bombed Indian installations, and deflated around 1.3 billion mouths. I don't blame you, the cognitive dissonance you must be experiencing right now would have made me go drown in chulu bhar pani or at least not show my face on this forum for a few years. But then you don't have any shame now do you?

Oh and the way all those mighty Su-30s, Mirage 2000s and Mig-21s just stood there, making sure to remain beyond the battle's reach, without firing a shot at those 'dozens of PAF jets', abandoning those two IAF pilots to cross the LOC alone, witnessing them both get shot down like mosquitoes, watching them fall to the ground in great balls of fire....must have taken quite a bit of courage.
You can talk all day but your generals know how much ammo they have left, 5-10 days is the max you can handle India or send an SOS to PAPA dragon, thats it, One jet is what we lost and yes your 4 gen F16 was downed by the same mig, now tell me where is the second pilot that was transferred to the Command hospital and then later died? It took you 43 days to take Media up that hill top, Itna kaam tha kya?? :rofl:
You will run for your nukes once India advances....

Bold statement from someone who saw his Air Force hammered and humiliated at the LOC a month ago
B for Bold and B for bangladesh, Its brutal when we hammer, like 90000 POWs or 1800km2 of territory captured or capturing of whole glacier in front of Pakistani army, or hammering tiger hill, tololing, batalik, drass and taking back peaks that were invaded by Pakistan army, recent example set by PAF has made our incompitant IAF come back in the line, now it is pushing for home made jets....
Exactly. We went 40 Miles inside PAK & bombed the designated terrorist camp, sending 250+ terrorists to hell.
AND we came back with 56 Inch chest. And this was done by only 12 Planes.
In return, PAF tried to "retaliate" with 24 planes comprised with 10 F-16s & couldn't even crossed the LoC!! They were thwarted back by only 4 MKIs , 2 M-2Ks & 4 Mig-21Bisons... Net 10 planes of IAF screwed the battle plan of 24 planes of PAF.
To crown this, a 3 generation Mig-21 not only made 5 F-16s run away but also put a R-73 in the a$$ of one 4th generation F-16 that too inside their area. This is called GHUS KE MARNA. This has happened first time in World when a Bison screwed an F-16 but bhai "PAF hai to Mumkin hai"..:yay:
Moreover, when PAF couldn't strike the designated target so as usual cries, they said "we never tried to hit the target"...What a Joke..LoL..and over that their "Think Tanks' as well as poor Public is dancing over their ever false propaganda...I think we should give them the credit..:bunny:

Such is our neighbor who can't even give a proper burial to one of the Pilots who laid down his life for that country.
And you are correct M8. We know this since in Kargil too,Indian Army killed thousands of NLI soldiers but most of them were never claimed by PA. So IA has to gave them proper burial with full rituals.

They can't even handle a bunch of Indians in their own Forum how they will handle us in Warfield!!! :sarcastic:
Bechare, can only BAN as they can't handle us.
So now, Enjoy the Thread M8.:pop:

My dear use your Head(Brain) dont be a tool!
You can talk all day but your generals know how much ammo they have left, 5-10 days is the max you can handle India or send an SOS to PAPA dragon, thats it, One jet is what we lost and yes your 4 gen F16 was downed by the same mig, now tell me where is the second pilot that was transferred to the Command hospital and then later died? It took you 43 days to take Media up that hill top, Itna kaam tha kya?? :rofl:
You will run for your nukes once India advances....

B for Bold and B for bangladesh, Its brutal when we hammer, like 90000 POWs or 1800km2 of territory captured or capturing of whole glacier in front of Pakistani army, or hammering tiger hill, tololing, batalik, drass and taking back peaks that were invaded by Pakistan army, recent example set by PAF has made our incompitant IAF come back in the line, now it is pushing for home made jets....
beta ji your COAS was about to be killed alongside the top brass of indian military when paf turned up to your northern command HQ and desposed off dummy bombs in the green grass nearby to send a signal.

and the signal was receieved and acknowledged very well by New delhi, so much so that the indian veggie army hasnt dared to respond back about the mig 21 and su 30 that was shot down by jf-17

must be tough for you indians to digest the fact that a Pakistani and Chinese figther shot down your mig 21 and top line su30. india getting slapped by both pakistan and china devoloped figther :pakistan::china:
Exactly. We went 40 Miles inside PAK & bombed the designated terrorist camp, sending 250+ terrorists to hell.
AND we came back with 56 Inch chest. And this was done by only 12 Planes.
In return, PAF tried to "retaliate" with 24 planes comprised with 10 F-16s & couldn't even crossed the LoC!! They were thwarted back by only 4 MKIs , 2 M-2Ks & 4 Mig-21Bisons... Net 10 planes of IAF screwed the battle plan of 24 planes of PAF.
To crown this, a 3 generation Mig-21 not only made 5 F-16s run away but also put a R-73 in the a$$ of one 4th generation F-16 that too inside their area. This is called GHUS KE MARNA. This has happened first time in World when a Bison screwed an F-16 but bhai "PAF hai to Mumkin hai"..:yay:
Moreover, when PAF couldn't strike the designated target so as usual cries, they said "we never tried to hit the target"...What a Joke..LoL..and over that their "Think Tanks' as well as poor Public is dancing over their ever false propaganda...I think we should give them the credit..:bunny:

Such is our neighbor who can't even give a proper burial to one of the Pilots who laid down his life for that country.
And you are correct M8. We know this since in Kargil too,Indian Army killed thousands of NLI soldiers but most of them were never claimed by PA. So IA has to gave them proper burial with full rituals.

They can't even handle a bunch of Indians in their own Forum how they will handle us in Warfield!!! :sarcastic:
Bechare, can only BAN as they can't handle us.
So now, Enjoy the Thread M8.:pop:

IAF conducted the strike as per text book 6 x Mirages entered upto 16km conducted a perfect menuvere to launch the 5 x Spice Bombs revert back with ease textbook stuff. 1 x didnt fire so Mirage took it back. 4 x fell here and there (maths problem) 1 x fell it was a dud. 6 x Mirage 2000I were iron hand escorts plus 6 x Su-30MKI providing top cover (They never entered the LOC on Pakistan Side)there also supported by 2 x AEW&C Netra this is what happened on 26th Feb PAF standing CAP didnt even had a chance. over all good deceptive menuveres both towards central punjab and south punjab...

Now they hit something or nothing ...IAF never claimed strikes killed 350+ people.

Stop Destroying IAF credibility For God Sake...You and Modi have made them a tool!

A word of caution: Fighter Pilots thrives on Confidence, Ego and nationalistic pride...what do you guys want a disgruntle Pilot who is sick of whole situation sorties from Pathankot AFB in MiG-29UPG and lands in Lahore airport.

Do you want that...I am sure any level headed Indian Doesn`t want That!
Exactly. We went 40 Miles inside PAK & bombed the designated terrorist camp, sending 250+ terrorists to hell.
AND we came back with 56 Inch chest. And this was done by only 12 Planes.
In return, PAF tried to "retaliate" with 24 planes comprised with 10 F-16s & couldn't even crossed the LoC!! They were thwarted back by only 4 MKIs , 2 M-2Ks & 4 Mig-21Bisons... Net 10 planes of IAF screwed the battle plan of 24 planes of PAF.
To crown this, a 3 generation Mig-21 not only made 5 F-16s run away but also put a R-73 in the a$$ of one 4th generation F-16 that too inside their area. This is called GHUS KE MARNA. This has happened first time in World when a Bison screwed an F-16 but bhai "PAF hai to Mumkin hai"..:yay:
Moreover, when PAF couldn't strike the designated target so as usual cries, they said "we never tried to hit the target"...What a Joke..LoL..and over that their "Think Tanks' as well as poor Public is dancing over their ever false propaganda...I think we should give them the credit..:bunny:

Such is our neighbor who can't even give a proper burial to one of the Pilots who laid down his life for that country.
And you are correct M8. We know this since in Kargil too,Indian Army killed thousands of NLI soldiers but most of them were never claimed by PA. So IA has to gave them proper burial with full rituals.

They can't even handle a bunch of Indians in their own Forum how they will handle us in Warfield!!! :sarcastic:
Bechare, can only BAN as they can't handle us.
So now, Enjoy the Thread M8.:pop:

ALL of which NEVER happened!.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.......0 evidence!.......Even your Western and Russian allies have not confirmed this!!!!!!!...........you REALLY are a sign that Indian kind has completely and utterly insane........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.......keep going......:lol:
No it isnt, its for keeping countries like you at bay, these cutting edge weapons have changed your attitude and posture, earlier it used to be Pakistan that used to start hostilities because you felt confident, these weapons have put you into being defensive all the time, to the limits that you are ready to bomb your own land with nukes if Indian Armour enters Pakistan, what happened on 27 feb was an ambush, earlier on 26 feb IAF to had set an ambush for PAF, but you were to scared to retaliate, IAF took you peeps too lightly(that is their mistake), but they wont commit same mistake again and again.....
Come up with something better or just dont post
You can talk all day but your generals know how much ammo they have left, 5-10 days is the max you can handle India or send an SOS to PAPA dragon, thats it, One jet is what we lost and yes your 4 gen F16 was downed by the same mig, now tell me where is the second pilot that was transferred to the Command hospital and then later died? It took you 43 days to take Media up that hill top, Itna kaam tha kya?? :rofl:
You will run for your nukes once India advances....
:lol::lol::lol: how on earth 2/2.5 gen jet with limited radar coverage (small air intake radar nose cone) which can't guide BVR, can bring down modern 4th gen jet and all your 4 AAMs on Mig-21 were counted on wreck site and showed in Pics and how on earth F-16 radar range of 150-200 km can't detected a Mig-21 in air and we have AMRAAM-C-5 (range 105 km) is better then you R-77 which has a range of 80 km, please explain me that @pahadi :hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:

and as for second pilot, you claim only 1 missing on action so we gave you abhi and this proves nothing the second pilot was our F-16 pilot @pahadi ;):enjoy:

there was lots of neutral satellite imaging experts from around the world that you hit nothing but hit some trees and one dead crow within the few hours of Indian claims that we killed 300+ so called terrorists, you have the satellite up there to prove your point in front of the world don't you @pahadi :p:;):enjoy:

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