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IAF to drop to 26 sq, indian express

Time to put LCA to rest and build 200 gripens while downsizing the air force to 32 sq..
Retiring older mig21,27 and even jaguars ..
To me uodating the juaguars now make no sense..this was suppose to finish in 2019 not start well beyond 2020

Pakistan needs to get rid of its j7 and mirages by like yesterday too..keep the mirage rose for strike role but thats about it in my opinion
Time to put LCA to rest and build 200 gripens while downsizing the air force to 32 sq..
Retiring older mig21,27 and even jaguars ..
To me uodating the juaguars now make no sense..this was suppose to finish in 2019 not start well beyond 2020

Pakistan needs to get rid of its j7 and mirages by like yesterday too..keep the mirage rose for strike role but thats about it in my opinion
Well Pakistan should opt for SAMs
I like bird shooting:coffee:
Thank you Modi for cancelling 126 planes and buy just 36.
It will be finalized before the mid of 2020...
Secondly how many Sd10 your Jf 17 can carry i know Su 30mki and Rafale can carry 10 R77, Meteor or Astra missiles in single flight...
How many your light weight carry R77? JF17 is light weight. Don't compare Apple with Oranges. So tell how many your light weight carry R77?
180 vs 330 fighters currently 4th gen fighters

The problem is Pakistan has lined up thunders for sustained production while india has nothing else to induct..rafales will come but it hasnt ordered anything else . tejas is dream, rafales further orders is in question and new fighter program is tumbling, fifth gen fighter is shelved

Vs Pakistan they are comfortable

Its difficult to maintain world 4 th biggest airforce with purely imported planes

Tejas failure was a shock ...

If IAF is serious about PLAAF it should immediately get gripen/f16 for serial production in 200+ numbers to replace the mig21/27. This is an immediate requirement nit something 10-20yrs down the line

If India really wanted F-16, there is no reason to wait.
If India really wanted Gripen E (since they have come to the conclusion that they can’t make the numbers with Rafale), they cannot buy until 2021, which incidently is when they plan to decide which aircraft to buy.
If India really wanted F-16, there is no reason to wait.
If India really wanted Gripen E (since they have come to the conclusion that they can’t make the numbers with Rafale), they cannot buy until 2021, which incidently is when they plan to decide which aircraft to buy.
There is a reason that Pakistan knows all the weakness of F-16 and the IAF pilots will be fkd up..by using F-16s
pakistan is doing great and this is because of china.i loved that su-57 project of india and russia but india wasted money on that project.i think su-57 is a good fighter.rafales are limited.real threat is su-30 but pakistan is already looking for a more upgraded plane,may be another copy of jf-17 with massive upgrades.problem is india is making very few hal tejas per year but pakistan is making 16 jf-17 per year.this is good for our air force.
pakistan is doing great and this is because of china.i loved that su-57 project of india and russia but india wasted money on that project.i think su-57 is a good fighter.rafales are limited.real threat is su-30 but pakistan is already looking for a more upgraded plane,may be another copy of jf-17 with massive upgrades.problem is india is making very few hal tejas per year but pakistan is making 16 jf-17 per year.this is good for our air force.
mki junks are in junkyard and scraped with in ten years.
If India really wanted F-16, there is no reason to wait.
If India really wanted Gripen E (since they have come to the conclusion that they can’t make the numbers with Rafale), they cannot buy until 2021, which incidently is when they plan to decide which aircraft to buy.
2021 will be a miracle..so far it seems tejas wont go in production before 2024
So they should draw a tender between mig 35 f16 and gripen and decide upon one manufacture 200-250 of those

If all goes fast they should be inducting by 2021-2025
There is a reason that Pakistan knows all the weakness of F-16 and the IAF pilots will be fkd up..by using F-16s

Another is that Gripen tends to win over F-16 in exercise.
In one exercise, a single Gripen C even took on a flight of three US F-15s,
”Shot down” two of them, and the third decided to get ”the Hell Out of Dodge”.
180 vs 330 fighters currently 4th gen fighters

The problem is Pakistan has lined up thunders for sustained production while india has nothing else to induct..rafales will come but it hasnt ordered anything else . tejas is dream, rafales further orders is in question and new fighter program is tumbling, fifth gen fighter is shelved

Vs Pakistan they are comfortable

Its difficult to maintain world 4 th biggest airforce with purely imported planes

Tejas failure was a shock ...

If IAF is serious about PLAAF it should immediately get gripen/f16 for serial production in 200+ numbers to replace the mig21/27. This is an immediate requirement nit something 10-20yrs down the line

You are taking about India taking concrete steps. But Indian politicians view every deal as an opportunity to line their pockets. Indians only look after themselves as they have been rules by others for more than a thousand years. And the curren5 country is a British creation.
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