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IAF to Buy 83 more Tejas fighters from HAL instead of foreign jets, CDS Rawat says

Nope. Indian Air force is still way forward than Pakistan Air force. Bulk of the air crafts operated by PAF are 3rd generation fighters like Mirage 5, Mirage 3 and Chengdu J7. Their only capable jets are JF17 and F16s.

Meanwhile IAF has huge number of SU 30s, then Mirage 2000, Rafale, Mig 29s and Sepecat Jaguar for COIN. IAF's only junk fighter is MiG-21 which is also the flying coffin.

And they were humilated last year in 2019

Where were all their su30s, MIGs and mirage 2000s
And they were humilated last year in 2019

Where were all their su30s, MIGs and mirage 2000s
What happened in 2019 is disputed(except for the Abhinandan incident).

Like Pakistan, India also claimed to have destroyed F16s and JF17s and attacked bases which belonged to Jaish e Mohammed terrorists.

The incident of 2019 requires independent analysis.
What happened in 2019 is disputed(except for the Abhinandan incident).

Like Pakistan, India also claimed to have destroyed F16s and JF17s and attacked bases which belonged to Jaish e Mohammed terrorists.

The incident of 2019 requires independent analysis.

It's not disputed

India is trying to cover it's humilation with unsubstantiated claims

Panicking and shooting down their own helicopter killing 7 Indian officers was the conclusion of a utterly humiliating episode for india and the Indian air force
@drumstick Originally, I was going to give you a warning for your off topic post and be done with it. However, seeing as you are a relatively new member here I instead decided to take this opportunity to teach you how defence.pk works, as opposed to whichever 'Indian echo chamber masquerading as a discussion forum' you have come from. We value freedom of speech here but don't like wasting bandwidth on off topic childish fantasies, idiotic claims and nonsensical arguments which have already been answered and rejected. Next time, be a bit more mature, do a little more research and stick to the topic. No one here is interested in what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night.

Abhinandan is a hero, and after shooting down a superior aircraft his aircraft was shot down and he return to India in no time.... do you have any such heroics in pakistani army airforce or navy??

A hero who shot down an imaginary aircraft without ever launching a single missile? A hero who is today a laughing stock across the globe and a symbol of India's failure, not because of something that the poor man did himself, but because of the hilarious propaganda that his government tried to peddle which no one in the world ever bought, except for his compatriots who still pretend to in order to cope with the utter humiliation meted out to them and their establishment who then proceeded to scurrying back into their holes until the matter had died down a bit? No, you are right, we don't have any such "heroics" here. In fact, we might even have a completely different definition of "heroics" altogether.

We do however have a few guys who were recommended for our highest military award by our enemy.

i want to put a reminder to such posters....

In May 1997 a MiG-25R aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF) flew deep into Pakistani airspace on a reconnaissance mission, photographed sensitive defense sites and broke the sound barrier, sending a powerful sonic boom over Islamabad. Before the Pakistanis could figure out what had hit them or scramble their fighter aircraft, the intruding MiG-25 – code named Foxbat by NATO – was back in Indian airspace.

post such examples of bravery by pakistani forces....

An Indian source:

Conventional Warfare in South Asia, 1947 to the Present

let me put some examples of pakistani pilots with f16 crashes... and no this is not the latest march crash of f16.... (notice the bold red text)

Date Status Local S/N Aircraft AF/Unit Version Info Details

04 Sep 1989
[w/o] 84712 81-0910
F-16A Block 15Q Details
During a night sortie and a few minutes after take-off from Sargodha AB, the wingman informed his lead - Sqn.Ldr. Zafar Ahsan - and ground control that he is disoriented. They tried to help by repeatedly telling him to concentrate on the instruments but he crashed a few miles from Sarghoda, killing the pilot.

Hate to break it to you but spatial disorientation in aviation isn't exactly what you think it is. It is a major hazard for pilots across the world, including the IAF. I found a fair many Indian examples but decided to give only one since this is about educating you and not childish point scoring. Click on the links below.

Spatial disorientation

After Losing Son to IAF MiG Crash, Pune Parents Ensure Safety of over 470 Pilots

29 Apr 1987 [w/o] 85720 81-0918
PAF 14 sqn
F-16A Block 15S Details
Shot down by Wing Commander Amjad Javed - mistakenly shooting down his wingman. Flight Lieutenant Shahid Sikandar Khan ejected safely.

A heat seeking missile which was launched towards an enemy aircraft mistakenly tracked the wingman's heat signature as he crossed the missiles flight path? Pretty stupid, I admit.

Could have been worse, though. Could have freaked out and forgotten all his training after seeing the first blip on his radar. Could have mistaken that blip for an enemy aircraft without any reason whatsoever and launched a missile towards it on purpose. Could have even killed half a dozen of his own men. May they rest in peace.

Glass houses and all.

So pakistanis have no ability to fly such sophisticated plane where they shot down their own pilots.... and pilots are disoriented after take off... dont fly and dont put yourself to shame.

And shooting down Indian pilots. Don't forget that.

now pakistani will quote the fog or war incident of Mi17 in feb 2019, which is completely different than the above incident.

That's a cute attempt....You shot down your own heli when there was no enemy aircraft anywhere nearby, a couple of minutes after hearing that there might be an operation being conducted by Pakistanis in a completely different sector? Seems more like a 'trembling legs incident' to me. You are correct, completely different.

we will wait for few more years before truth comes out. India moved ahead but pakistanis are still in last year....

Sorta wasting a lot of time there, bud. The truth has been known and acknowledged by the entire world since more than a year now. Heck, we even told you that you shot your own helicopter the very next day. You still wasted months to admit it.

The incident of 2019 requires independent analysis.

At least a dozen independent analyses out their. What rock have you had your head stuck under?


Off topic posts and childish claims that have already been rejected, answered and ridiculed a year ago will not be allowed on this thread anymore. From here on, I will be issuing warnings.
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