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IAF to Buy 83 more Tejas fighters from HAL instead of foreign jets, CDS Rawat says

Easy. MMRCA 2.0 is being cancelled to make way for G2G with the US on F-35.

It is simple.

MMRCA deal is being cancelled to go with a G2G deal with the US for F-35+THAAD.

Cancellation of S-400 will also be announced shortly.

So India is cancelling the S-400 order...
One of the best news today, Tejas is perfect fighter for our forces. Age old Mirage's can go deep into pakistan, do the strike and come back unharmed .... then Tejas can beat them any day.

Plus the money will stay in the country, our next platforms will be more and more ingenious content including engine.

Load them up with new spice bombs :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Hal tejas is nothing bu a sitting duck.
PAF will only have a target practice with pl-15 just like that in videogames.:D

I m not sure what does mean by light years.

I could see only jf 17 block 3 with p15 missile could be a threat to IAF.. I don't count block 1 and 2.

Same goes to 1st 40, HAL Tejas... MIG 29 and mirage 2000.

Real game changer will be jf 17 block 3 and HAL Tejas Mk1a... And both still need to come. Most properly, Pakistan will get by 2021 and India will get by 2023-24...

After a years, India will have a one advantage because HAL Tejas is not a OEM product.
First, all the jft ms are currently upgraded to block2 standard and in future will also be upgraded to block III or even block IV just like Pakistan is looking for upgrade its F-16 fleet to Block 70 standards....So you can consider all the jft on block3 standard in future....So, what was your point?

Easy. MMRCA 2.0 is being cancelled to make way for G2G with the US on F-35.

It is simple.

MMRCA deal is being cancelled to go with a G2G deal with the US for F-35+THAAD.

Cancellation of S-400 will also be announced shortly.
I'm afraid but F-35 probably not going into IAF....You could afford more than 36 rafales.
but will US allow PAF F-16 V upgrade?

In my opinion never say never but I think India exerts this much influence on US that this V upgrade will never happen, although USA might allow it through Turkey but currently Turkey is in hot waters against USA.

Viper upgrade with Aim-120D that will be a potent combination but unlikely PAF will get its hands on that though.
Dear, F-16V is just an upgrade not arm purchasing....Recently we get the MLU upgrade of our F-16s from Turkey....and do you really think india exert pressure on US anything regarding F-16? Also ask Abhinandan for better explanation.

27 feb, only one fighter aircraft was winner due to better missile range " F-16".

Now come to Topic, Please...
Regarding 27/2, it was cz of the pilots not missiles range which were better.

Manufacturering sir, not designed..

HAL Tejas mk2 is on plate and so now, MMRCA 2 is almost dead..
Mk2 is the one with canards right?
If you guys had enough with troll fest, can i lock the thread ??:police:

I know, the news is a joke and there is a disconnect b/w CDS & IAF / IN chiefs , which is hilarious:pop:
But come ' on we had enough fun with this....time for serious discussion....how we can exploit this disconnect b/w service cheifs
how we can exploit this disconnect b/w service cheifs
the post of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) who will be a four star General and will function as the Principal Military Adviser to the Defence Minister and also as the Permanent Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC).
We have ours truly CDS Gen Bipin Rawat for that. Him just being unprofessional and ordering the tri - services chief will erode the Indian military. India military is degrading from internal factors so why stop letting them go down this road.
Looks like the Indians have given up on Rafaels...

They've now understood no matter what PAF keeps the edge over them...
Nope. Indian Air force is still way forward than Pakistan Air force. Bulk of the air crafts operated by PAF are 3rd generation fighters like Mirage 5, Mirage 3 and Chengdu J7. Their only capable jets are JF17 and F16s.

Meanwhile IAF has huge number of SU 30s, then Mirage 2000, Rafale, Mig 29s and Sepecat Jaguar for COIN. IAF's only junk fighter is MiG-21 which is also the flying coffin.
It is not a choice. We have to buy US weapons to maintain trade balance.
Trade balance?What kinds of things US bought from India?After election do you think there next president will be the same?
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