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IAF plan to buy refuellers hit by 39-year-old probe

Just legalise middlemen, find a way through it. How? I do not know right now, but we have to. Just give it a thought.

@Dash @sancho @OrionHunter
'Middlemen' are legalised in many countries. Only they don't call them that! They work under Facilitative organizations responsible to the government, under whom all middlemen have to register.
Well, at least a good suggestion to begin with. But the Govt. is not coming up with any suggestion. Just sitting idle like those three monkeys will only harm the nation. Some where I read that we have only ammunition to fight for 20 days only!!

It doesnt make sense to create such an organization with existing framework of legal system, Like Orionhunter said. We first need to create a facilitative org that is answerable to the govt, the same govt which in turn can take the bribe and enforce these bodies to lobby for the organization they have been paid for. At that point the whole idea of such a system fails.

The problem of the day is corruption and that is because we have failed to enforce transparency. Once that is done, you can have whatever you want IMHO.
It doesnt make sense to create such an organization with existing framework of legal system, Like Orionhunter said. We first need to create a facilitative org that is answerable to the govt, the same govt which in turn can take the bribe and enforce these bodies to lobby for the organization they have been paid for. At that point the whole idea of such a system fails.

The problem of the day is corruption and that is because we have failed to enforce transparency. Once that is done, you can have whatever you want IMHO.

Next to Impossible!!
Not a huge deal, just (sadly) how these things work in India. This deal will be signed by the next GoI.

I agree though that the whole process of defence procurement in India is filled with loopholes that ignorant or biased parties can use to stall such deals- it's entirely needles and pathetic.

Again and again we see this happen- probe launched, procurement delayed, nothing comes of the allegations, deal goes through albeit much delayed.

This is becoming so commonplace it is clear this has become a genuine strategy losing venders pursue when they are dropped from the bidding process on genuine grounds. They write an anonymous letter filed with baseless claims and disrupt the entire selection/procurement process.

I'll list some of the major deals that have been indefeasibly affected by these baseless claims:
-A330 MRTT

I guess the most we can be thankful for is that the CBI/investigating authorities are able to disprove these allegations and get the selection process back on track after such delays-in most cases. One annoying part is that these deals, even after having been cleared, are subsequently tainted and the Indian Media/internaitonal media are all too quick to bring up these allegations no matter how baseless they are whenever these purchases are brought up in the media.

Credit where credit is due though- the MoD under the charge of Ak Antony have genuinely cleaned up the procurement process and now 99.99% of these deals are found to be clean and the anti-graft regulations in the DPP are as stringent as you'll get. However the MoD is far too cautious now and all too willing to disrupt the Indian Mil's modernisation drive just to keep their image, namely Antony's, clean.

Something has to change....

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