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IAF officers can't grow beard on religious basis: Supreme Court

Bcos of supreme court ruling India becomes anti-muslim and non-secular. What a logic :hitwall:
Secularism has become a license to abuse and take things for granted. Well secularism also says responsibility & tolerance for others as well but no body follows that. ppl simply pick and choose for their convenience and evil devious intentions.
We would get you a fatwa from Dar ul uloom Deoband that it is mandatory if you need that and if that is how your country works.

Now change this discriminatory rule and allow any muslim to have beard or not as per his will.
Basically beard is not mandatory in islam so we are not hurting anyones religious belief.And we wont change the rule for your sake like you dont do it for our sake.And in case of will they can file a case against the rule to not allow tatto on body in Indian armed forces.
Count how many beards how many clean shaven

Your question is answered by the post quoted above.

Observe , national security does not figure anywhere in the judgement hence is not an issue here.

This confuses me.
IAF says it doesn't want its men to be divided on the basis of religion,caste etc, if growing beard is considered religious then how about wearing a turban?

That reminds me,some moons back I had read somewhere that Sikh (fighter jet) pilots tie their hairs without turbans and wear helmets. True?
My grudge is why law of the land doesn't apply to Sikhs.

Or sikhs live on some other land than muslims and hindus.

I personally appreciate this decision since it only exposes hypocrisy of hindu extremists who demand uniform civil code in India.

A radical fundamentalist can be a clean shaven too.

Or have you in your islamophobia think that every muslim with a beard is a radical fundamentalist?

I have actually seen Sikhs without beard and turban. So again why not allow muslims to have or don't have beards like anyone else?

It is not about religious compulsion. Why have one rule for one community and another one for some other community?

What happened to all those BJP and other right wing hindu extremists who demand unifom civil code in India?

Then why remove permission for Muslims only?

Or why no allow everyone since if sikhs can have beard and it doesn't harm national security then why not muslims have the same privileges?

Growing beard and wearing turban are the identity of Sikhs but having beard is not an identity of a Muslim hope u get the point
It is not about religious compulsion. Why have one rule for one community and another one for some other community?

What happened to all those BJP and other right wing hindu extremists who demand unifom civil code in India?

This confuses me.
IAF says it doesn't want its men to be divided on the basis of religion,caste etc, if growing beard is considered religious then how about wearing a turban?

That reminds me,some moons back I had read somewhere that Sikh (fighter jet) pilots tie their hairs without turbans and wear helmets. True?

In response to both posts quoted above, the diff lies in the fact that for one community its mandatory to grow their beard & wear a turban / head cover. Those from the Sikh community were already sporting a beard when they enrolled / joined/ were commissioned.

On the other hand , its not mandatory for a Muslim to grow a beard, it may be desirable. The plea Muslim officers made was to be allowed to grow a beard for religious reasons. The AFA ( Air Force Act ) was not changed after they joined, its provisions on the subject existed even when they joined hence they ought to have been aware of what was the dress code.

@Levina , Sikh Pilots, Tank Crew and many others who need to wear a head gear ( as Russian tanks have ) were a Patka under the head gear see image below.


I hope I have managed to answer your queries , if not I shall be happy to elaborate.
On this moment I would like to thank Jinah and Iqbal for giving us Pakistan. India under Modi is showing its true colors so not surprised here. This is slap on those Muslims who opposed creation of Pakistan I am not talking about all the Muslims in India. Many Many of them supported creation of Pakistan despite the fact they knew they never be able to make it to Pakistan but there were some who opposed so Have a Nice Day now.

On this moment I would like to thank Jinah and Iqbal for giving us Pakistan. India under Modi is showing its true colors so not surprised here. This is slap on those Muslims who opposed creation of Pakistan I am not talking about all the Muslims in India. Many Many of them supported creation of Pakistan despite the fact they knew they never be able to make it to Pakistan but there were some who opposed so Have a Nice Day now.


How difficult is it to observe that Modi has nothing to do with decisions made by the Supreme Court.
How difficult is it to observe that Modi has nothing to do with decisions made by the Supreme Court.
Sir How difficult it's for you to see that after Modi in power with two third majority your SC is now more going after Muslims and Islam.
It is compulsory(as a part of religion) for sikhs to keep beard which is not the case with Muslims,Hindus, Christian etc. Period.
so you have different rules for muslims only?
Nope We have different rules only for Sikhs as it's mandatory for them to keep long hair and beard according to their religion. And there is one law for people of other faiths as their religion doesn't make it necessary for them to keep beard/long hair.
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