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IAF night flies Chinook over DBO as PLA ramps up troops in Aksai Chin

The Indian Air Force’s rapid deployment Chinook helicopters have flown in the night over 16,000 feet Daulet Beg Oldi, Indian Army’s last outpost near Karakoram Pass, after the deployment and road building activity of China’s People’s Liberation Army deployment increased in the area across the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

According to authoritative sources, the divisional commander level meeting at Teinweindien (TWD) post in occupied Aksai Chin was to lower the temperatures in the DBO sector with the Indian Army demanding that patrolling in Depsang Plains should be allowed unhindered. The DBO dialogue is separate from the military commanders on-going dialogue on Chushul-Moldo area with the specific task of disengagement and de-escalation of troops on the four friction points.

The decision to fly Chinook over DBO advance landing ground during night time was taken to test the Indian Army’s capability of rapid insertion of special forces and infantry combat vehicles in case the situation deteriorates in the sub-sector north (SSN) area. “ While Apache attack helicopters have been patrolling Chushul area, the US made Chinook flew over DBO to test its night fighting capabilities…..we have already deployed T-90 tanks and artillery guns in the area,” said a senior commander. The US built Chinook has a proven record of night flying in Afghan mountainous terrain and is used for rapid military retaliation by the special airborne forces. The twin rotor platform has two heavy calibre machine guns deployed at the front and back of the chopper to suppress ground fire.

While the Chinese have raised objections to the deployment of tanks and guns at DBO, the Indian Army have pointed to recent accretion of PLA troops in the area along with air activity across the SSN. Both sides are matching each other’s deployment in the area even as the PLA is indulging in fast paced construction of roads in the area for rapid deployment. The interesting part is that while China raises objections to India building border infrastructure, there is no slowing down of the same all along the LAC---from occupied Aksai Chin to Kibuthoo in Arunachal Pradesh.
At the divisional commander level meeting on Saturday, India has also raised the issue that both sides should be allowed to do unhindered patrolling of their respective claim lines in the area including the Depsang Bulge, south of DBO. This was a clear indication of the Indian intent that it is not going to back down from patrolling rights at the Bulge or at any other place on the LAC.

This is very concerning. More than likely, this CH-47 will be shot down by India's own SAMs or will crash due to faulty maintenance/poor piloting. Flying near Chinese positions may make it seem the PLA shot down the CH-47 lol ... possibly causing a greater war.

You see Pakistan is 8 to 10 times smaller India.
8 time in population
10 times in
economy (GDP in PPP terms)

If you ask any Pakistani if they are afraid of India, they would laugh at you before literally slap you.

Now compare India with China.
Population size is same.
while Chinese economy is 2.5 time (GDP in PPP terms) bigger than India.

Any Chinese think they can impose their will on India, i've a small caution for them, South asia including India is infamous for pedophiles.

Please don't compare your current Sangh-ridden, open-defecating, weapons importing sad excuse of a country with China. India's present state of affairs is ALL modi's fault. Back-dated Gangu with back-dated mentality.

The Chinese LITERALLY have their $hit together.

You want me to show everyone pictures of what happens at the train tracks in Mumbai in the morning??

A country that fails to build latrines in spite of head Chaiwala screaming 'Swacch this' and 'Swacch that' trying to compare itself to China - hilarious. I rest my case.....
I think China wants to be the only power in Asia and beyond. For that, India needs to be subdued.

To achieve that, they are willing to (and have) burn(t) all bridges with India. In effect, the economic cost is of a total Indian boycott is worth the objective they seek to achieve. That calculus was made long before the wheels were set in motion.
Could be but i feel that this is a result of Chinese humiliation in doklam. They felt highly insulted and this drama is payback . But they miscalculated and didn't anticipate the turn it took. Probably a local commander over reacted and used deadly force against unarmed Indians, while till now pushing was the norm.
They managed to do in one stroke what usa couldn't do in 70 years. I bet lot of back channel coordination between India and usa now.
Whatever the planning, all water under the bridge.
China is ruining Indo-China relations for the next decade for few sqr km of barren land at 16000ft. I can't fathom any logical reason behind Chinese action.

It has larger ambitions which is part of a larger war due to the conflicting ambitions of the west, india is more like a giant hurdle which the west will obviously strategically take advantage of to enervate or even subjugate the chinese that's why one of the reasons they want a stronger Pakistan is to abbreviate the encumbrance so China maintain considerable strength. Peace or no peace you'll always be a potential threat with a strong army and geographical advantages (especially from the sea), India is a vital strategic needle to keep them in check and no outside influence with a sane mind would leave the opportunity to flare up something from any angle and to any degree however the political climate is with the Chinese in order to change things for the worse, so a permanent solution (or something close to permanent) is needed


You see Pakistan is 8 to 10 times smaller India.
8 time in population
10 times in
economy (GDP in PPP terms)

If you ask any Pakistani if they are afraid of India, they would laugh at you before literally slap you.

Now compare India with China.
Population size is same.
while Chinese economy is 2.5 time (GDP in PPP terms) bigger than India.

Any Chinese think they can impose their will on India, i've a small caution for them, South asia including India is infamous for pedophiles.

Both countries are large enough that any inaccuracy in any integer or a ±0.20 change ∆ in the ratio will be largely significant. All you had to do was some calculations before posting, your estimated numbers are too incorrect so it may lead to misconceptions in general

You see Pakistan is 8 to 10 times smaller India.
8 time in population

Around 6 times as of 10th of August

10 times in
economy (GDP in PPP terms)

It's around 8.75 times
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