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IAF night flies Chinook over DBO as PLA ramps up troops in Aksai Chin

China is ruining Indo-China relations for the next decade for few sqr km of barren land at 16000ft. I can't fathom any logical reason behind Chinese action.

Honor before anything else, obviously.
Just to save relations, will they let Indian Army transgress and break understanding agreements on the border?
China is ruining Indo-China relations for the next decade for few sqr km of barren land at 16000ft. I can't fathom any logical reason behind Chinese action.
They obviously thought with India and the rest of the world busy with COVID 19, a great opportunity was in pressurizing India and getting away with concessions both territorial and stoppage of construction on the Indian side. The incident in Galwan valley was a strong prick to these ambitious plans.

The Indian public and the government has peaked with anti-China sentiments. Trade with a huge market right next door has been ruined, trade escalations with the US have reached precarious levels. All they have left is their big fat ego to lick.

They will stretch this for as long as possible and make a quiet retreat. They could not afford India in the non Chinese camp and they have foolishly done this with their big fat pride making it worse and thus ruining a real chance with pressurizing India at some other time.

Not a single bullet will be fired. Wait and watch. As winter sets in and sometime next year, they will make their exit quietly having lost potentially a big market and generally a non aligned neighbor. They made an enemy when they couldn't afford another one in the growing list.

The smaller countries with weak economies getting colonized economically will learn big lessons shortly as the world is getting aligned into two camps - One with China, the other Anti-China. It's important to understand the Anti-China camp. It may seem like a western camp but in reality it's only the anti-China sentiment bringing these countries together. A bad sentiment for a country dreaming to be a super power.
China is ruining Indo-China relations for the next decade for few sqr km of barren land at 16000ft. I can't fathom any logical reason behind Chinese action.

There are logical reasons. Long term ones. The Chinese don't do anything without long term planning and analysis. Blame Modi for amateurish ham-handed response and treating neighbors like trash. He is getting his come-uppance.
China is ruining Indo-China relations for the next decade for few sqr km of barren land at 16000ft. I can't fathom any logical reason behind Chinese action.

I think China wants to be the only power in Asia and beyond. For that, India needs to be subdued.

To achieve that, they are willing to (and have) burn(t) all bridges with India. In effect, the economic cost is of a total Indian boycott is worth the objective they seek to achieve. That calculus was made long before the wheels were set in motion.
They obviously thought with India and the rest of the world busy with COVID 19, a great opportunity was in pressurizing India and getting away with concessions both territorial and stoppage of construction on the Indian side. The incident in Galwan valley was a strong prick to these ambitious plans.

The Indian public and the government has peaked with anti-China sentiments. Trade with a huge market right next door has been ruined, trade escalations with the US have reached precarious levels. All they have left is their big fat ego to lick.

They will stretch this for as long as possible and make a quiet retreat. They could not afford India in the non Chinese camp and they have foolishly done this with their big fat pride making it worse and thus ruining a real chance with pressurizing India at some other time.

Not a single bullet will be fired. Wait and watch. As winter sets in and sometime next year, they will make their exit quietly having lost potentially a big market and generally a non aligned neighbor. They made an enemy when they couldn't afford another one in the growing list.

The smaller countries with weak economies getting colonized economically will learn big lessons shortly as the world is getting aligned into two camps - One with China, the other Anti-China. It's important to understand the Anti-China camp. It may seem like a western camp but in reality it's only the anti-China sentiment bringing these countries together. A bad sentiment for a country dreaming to be a super power.

I am glad that Chinese don't think like Indians do.

@Beast your thoughts...
China is ruining Indo-China relations for the next decade for few sqr km of barren land at 16000ft. I can't fathom any logical reason behind Chinese action.
The Chinese government doesn't just respond to the actions of other states, it conducts a deep analysis to determine the motives of other states for making the moves they did. This is about far more than barren land - the barren land is simply the stage for the geopolitical drama to play out. China has calculated that Indian ingresses into its territory is motivated by the following factors:
  1. India believes that China is weakened by COVID-19 and its contest with America.
  2. India's perfidious and treacherous nature and its betrayal of the Wuhan consensus.
  3. India's desire to show South Asia that China is weak and that it is the hegemon of South Asia.
  4. India's belief that China by nature a passive state and won't risk war.
  5. India wanting to join the American camp and signalling this to America through harassing China.
  6. Modi's fascist nature and desire to confront China.
China had to correct all the above and establish the rules:
  1. China relative global position has been improved by COVID-19 due to its superb management of the crisis. America is the one weakened, not China.
  2. China will exact a price for India's treachery.
  3. China is the strongest power in South Asia and its hegemonic role cannot be challenged by India. Pakistan already believes this; Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, even Bhutan now understand this.
  4. China is very militarily powerful and will impose its will by force if its red lines are crossed.
  5. China has made this backfire by demonstrating to America India's weakness and its unsuitability as an ally.
  6. China has taught Modi that his fascism stops at India's borders, and it's China that says where those borders are.
There are logical reasons. Long term ones. The Chinese don't do anything without long term planning and analysis. Blame Modi for amateurish ham-handed response and treating neighbors like trash. He is getting his come-uppance.
I'm sure China treats its neighbor with utmost respect and dignity. Bhutan will vouch for it.

Btw I hope China would think about its Bangladeshi friends/fans living in lower riparian of Brahmaputra river before it wages a water war with India. Cheers

I think China wants to be the only power in Asia and beyond. For that, India needs to be subdued.
Commie authoritarian regimes attitude remains same whether they rule in tiny North Korea or a country of the size of China.

India was literately bending over backwards to accommodate Chinese concerns. With slightest effort China could have befriended India away from US block while still persuading aggressive expansionist policies in SCE but now China have created a Pakistan for themselves i.e their worst enemy is a nuclear armed neighbor.

US is laughing all the way to the Bank.
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India was literately bending over backwards to accommodate Chinese concerns. With slightest effort China could have befriended India away from US block while still persuading aggressive expansionist policies in SCE but now China have created a Pakistan for themselves i.e their worst enemy is a nuclear armed neighbor.
This is full of more sh*t than the Ganges. Indians hate China and have always done so.
I think China wants to be the only power in Asia and beyond. For that, India needs to be subdued.

To achieve that, they are willing to (and have) burn(t) all bridges with India. In effect, the economic cost is of a total Indian boycott is worth the objective they seek to achieve. That calculus was made long before the wheels were set in motion.
Absolutely correct analysis. The crown is worth it.
  1. China is the strongest power in South Asia and its hegemonic role cannot be challenged by India. Pakistan already believes this; Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, even Bhutan now understand this
  2. China is very militarily powerful and will impose its will by force if its red lines are crossed.
  3. China has made this backfire by demonstrating to America India's weakness and its unsuitability as an ally.
  4. China has taught Modi that his fascism stops at India's borders, and it's China that says where those borders are.

You see Pakistan is 8 to 10 times smaller India.
8 time in population
10 times in
economy (GDP in PPP terms)

If you ask any Pakistani if they are afraid of India, they would laugh at you before literally slap you.

Now compare India with China.
Population size is same.
while Chinese economy is 2.5 time (GDP in PPP terms) bigger than India.

Any Chinese think they can impose their will on India, i've a small caution for them, South asia including India is infamous for pedophiles.
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You see Pakistan is 8 to 10 times smaller India.
8 time in population
10 times in
economy (GDP in PPP terms)

If you ask any Pakistani if they are afraid of India, they would laugh at you before literally slap you.

Now compare India with China.
Population size is same.
while Chinese economy is 2.5 time
(GDP in PPP terms) bigger than India.

Any Chinese think they can impose their will on India, i've a small caution for them, South asia including India is infamous for pedophiles.
If India were as competently run as China, or even if it was a functional state, I would say that China's aim is too ambitious. But India is not a functional state, India shouldn't even be called a country; it is as Lee Kuan Yew described it - 32 countries that happened to be arrayed along a British rail line. Britain managed to conquer it with 10,000 goons employed by a private company. You can't put away Pakistan, a country a tenth your size.

South Asia is ripe for the taking, and China is going to take it.
... the divisional commander level meeting at Teinweindien (TWD) post in occupied Aksai Chin was to lower the temperatures in the DBO sector with the Indian Army demanding that patrolling in Depsang Plains should be allowed unhindered. The DBO dialogue is separate from the military commanders on-going dialogue on Chushul-Moldo area with the specific task of disengagement and de-escalation of troops on the four friction points.. ...

What is this? Is something new happening at Daulat Beg Oldie?

Interesting. More escalation right next to Siachin Glacier. Very interesting.

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