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IAF Museum Gives Bangladesh Vintage Dakota

Indian govt. is running a useless and fruitless campaign to show that India is a friend of Bangladesh, while killing Bangladeshis in our land and sucking Bangladesh dry economically using its agents.

Actually it is a conspiracy by RAW and awami l againgt jamatis... if india gives this plane .... it will fill the museum and Awami will not retire vintage aircraft frm Baf. so modernisation will be slow.

also RAW agents are hidden inside this to kill jamatis.
A museum piece that keeps peoples mind on 1971. The aircraft is another tool of political branding like naming everything with bongahabhondhu, every new project whether its a bridge, airport, etc needs to be used as a marketing/propaganda tool the AL needs the population to keep focusing back to 71, when it was the only party and india was its ally.

Similar to naming stadiums nehru, by congress in india or putting up massive posters that glorify a leader in communist nations and many arab dictatorships.
dont over think it,
it is just a good will gesture between the respective airforces,,nothing to do with civilian govts. or there petty propaganda issues.
there r tons of other ways for civilian govt. to sway public opinion in there favor then this.
dont over think it,
it is just a good will gesture between the respective airforces,,nothing to do with civilian govts. or there petty propaganda issues.
there r tons of other ways for civilian govt. to sway public opinion in there favor then this.

Actually the request was from the AL gov, they want to build a new museum that glorifies hasinas father at the exclusion of all others especially if they were not members of the AL. This aircraft is just a piece in this jigsaw, keep the memory of the leader of the AL alive and white wash history of the AL.
Actually the request was from the AL gov, they want to build a new museum that glorifies hasinas father at the exclusion of all others especially if they were not members of the AL. This aircraft is just a piece in this jigsaw, keep the memory of the leader of the AL alive and white wash history of the AL.
that may be.but all political parties of S.asia do dat,irrespective of country :)
do u think k.zia or jamatis will do any bettr?
only when public becomes educated n well informed sch tactics will loose there effectivnes.
that may be.but all political parties of S.asia do dat,irrespective of country :)
do u think k.zia or jamatis will do any bettr?
only when public becomes educated n well informed sch tactics will loose there effectivnes.

They may do the same, but being inspired by soviet era methods the AL have taken this to a whole new level. You litteraly see almost every government project named after hasinas father. Take the example of the china-bangladesh friendship convention centre designed, built and paid for by the chinese government, as soon as the AL came to power they changed its name to bongobhondhu. Then there is the example of changing the name of zia airport just because it was named after the BNP leader.

Politicians tend to be petty as a race, but the AL take this to the extreme, to the extent its become a bit of a joke. We even have jokes about new law to be enacted that says any new born must have mjuib, or bongobhondhu as their middle name....
This aircraft is symbolic. Like Bangladesh it is an antique and doesn't work too well :D
They may do the same, but being inspired by soviet era methods the AL have taken this to a whole new level. You litteraly see almost every government project named after hasinas father. Take the example of the china-bangladesh friendship convention centre designed, built and paid for by the chinese government, as soon as the AL came to power they changed its name to bongobhondhu. Then there is the example of changing the name of zia airport just because it was named after the BNP leader.

Politicians tend to be petty as a race, but the AL take this to the extreme, to the extent its become a bit of a joke. We even have jokes about new law to be enacted that says any new born must have mjuib, or bongobhondhu as their middle name....
hehe,,,seems AL is towing the congress line.u wud be amazed by d no. Of monuments,places,buildings n whole lot of other trivial stuff named after Indira,Rajiv n Nehru here :agree:
hehe,,,seems AL is towing the congress line.u wud be amazed by d no. Of monuments,places,buildings n whole lot of other trivial stuff named after Indira,Rajiv n Nehru here :agree:

True considering the AL is effectively a child of the Congress and they say children tend to emulate their parents its to be expected. Well more and more people in BD are seeing this gov as a joke, what worries me is as time goes by this will turn into fustration and then you'll see major disturbances which may badly effect our economy.

There is a 1000MT nuke hidden in it. :P :P

Cool so your gonna hand over one your nukes to us, thanks, don't worry we'll take good care of it until the time comes to return it on New Delhi.

This aircraft is symbolic. Like Bangladesh it is an antique and doesn't work too well :D

Wow that's rich comming from an indian who's economy is growing slower then BDs.
True considering the AL is effectively a child of the Congress and they say children tend to emulate their parents its to be expected. Well more and more people in BD are seeing this gov as a joke, what worries me is as time goes by this will turn into fustration and then you'll see major disturbances which may badly effect our economy.

Cool so your gonna hand over one your nukes to us, thanks, don't worry we'll take good care of it until the time comes to return it on New Delhi.

Wow that's rich comming from an indian who's economy is growing slower then BDs.
chill,,,this is internet(sans inhibition)
so,,,what is the public opinion about India in BD?
here in India, there is a big positive image of BD(apart from NE n west Bengal).
chill,,,this is internet(sans inhibition)
so,,,what is the public opinion about India in BD?
here in India, there is a big positive image of BD(apart from NE n west Bengal).

Depends on who you speak to, in my experience BD people are very friendly to foreigners regardless of who they are or where they are from. They tend to differentiate an individual from their country of origin or religion, I am half Bangladeshi and have always been welcomed in Dhaka, and feel more at home there then in my native london.

Similarly if anyone from india comes to BD, the general population will treat him or her with respect regardless of their own political or personal feelings, I think it's just the way they were bought up.

How ever saying all that, there is a distinct reaction from different groups towards india (as opposed to individual Indians), which can be summed up as follows.

Those over say 60 or 65 and support the ruling AL party tend to have a positive image of india regardless of indian policies. This is because they have a romantic notion of being South asian, the help india provided to our independence struggle and will always give the benefit of dought to india. This group is growing smaller each day, can't fight time.

Then there is those that are aged say under 45 or so, they tend to have a negative feeling towards india, they either have no personal recollection of the independence war, more focused on economic/national growth and laugh at any cultural link to india. This is a growing demographic group, who look towards the west, China, and other ASEAN nations from inspiration.

Finally there are those minority who completely dislike india regardless of what they do, who tend to be see conspiracy in everything. This group tend to be those that are either politically or/and religiously motivated.

Hope that helps answer some of your questions.
A museum piece that keeps peoples mind on 1971. The aircraft is another tool of political branding like naming everything with bongahabhondhu, every new project whether its a bridge, airport, etc needs to be used as a marketing/propaganda tool the AL needs the population to keep focusing back to 71, when it was the only party and india was its ally.

Similar to naming stadiums nehru, by congress in india or putting up massive posters that glorify a leader in communist nations and many arab dictatorships.

u mean bangladeshis should forget about '71 slowly ? have some shame. a little bit... honestly. do u live in bangladesh ? i cant see ur flags on my phone. have to ask.
I get it,,,,,, China is developing fast,,young BDians wanna emulate that(which btw is natural)...but do u think a democracy(like India or Bangladesh) can achieve that in similar period of time?
anyway,,,its nice to have a sane conversation with a BDian(full or half ,doent matter) for a change.
u mean bangladeshis should forget about '71 slowly ? have some shame. a little bit... honestly. do u live in bangladesh ? i cant see ur flags on my phone. have to ask.

I live in London 50% of the time and Dhaka about third of the year, I neither say they should forget 71 nor glorify it forever. I say this is what is happening in BD, and as the forum member asked, I answered as honestly as I could.

It my upset your feelings as an indian, but that's how things stand, you can't expect Bangladeshis to be grateful to india forever, they live in the real world and what happens now effects how they feel about india not what happened half a century ago.

BD people are very pragmatic, they don't prescribe to any alligence to any groups or nations, the new generation that has grown up in Dhaka don't have any notion of cultural or historic link to india. There alligence is to BD, they are very nationalistic and focused on building their nation.

As for having shame, why should we? India saw an opportunity to divide pakistan during 71 and took it a logical strategic decision, they didn't do it because they loved the people of BD. We have no such, misplaced delusions and or any don't prescribe to any idea that there is any cultural link between india or BD, we don't have much in common, either religion, language, food etc. We just share a similar skin tone that's all.

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