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IAF MiG-21 pilot awarded medal for saving aircraft twice last year


Mar 29, 2013
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An IAF FIGHTER pilot who brought a stricken Mig-21 Bison back to the base after his aircraft¡¯s systems failed by holding a torch in his mouth was awarded Shaurya Chakra on the eve of Republic Day.
He also managed to avoid another possible crash after his combat jet was hit by a bird in a separate incident.His professional handling of two grave emergency situations within a span of three months was hailed in the IAF circle as an act of gallantry.
Wing Commander Singh was flying a Mig-21 Bison to Halwara for a practice diversion night sortie on April 30 last year when the electric system of the aircraft failed.The cockpit lights faded slowly, making it difficult for him to see the instruments in the dark night.
He removed his mask to hold a torch in his mouth to keep an eye on the instruments.He lowered the undercarriage and flaps to take off position before the electric system failure would have jammed the controls. He flew with the help of only pressure instruments and the global position system and brought the aircraft down safely.
The officer was in the middle of another emergency situation three months later on July 29.This time he was the captain of Mig-21 T-69 trainer flying from the rear seat. The engine of the aircraft failed after a bird hit when he was coming for landing.
Wing Commander Singh managed an engine off glide to land the aircraft safely without any damage.The fighter pilot showed composure in emergency situation and has set an excellent professional example for others to emulate, said his award citation.
The two situations could have turned fatal for the pilot as the emergencies were grave.The pilot used his experience to handle the failures. The ageing Mig-21s have been in the news for years now for high accident rate.

we are playing with our pilots lives :hitwall:
IAF MiG-21 pilot awarded medal for saving aircraft twice last year | idrw.org
Raffy is on it's way............

By 2017.. till then he may end up holding more things in his mouth and living with a lower probability of him coming back alive on routine flights.
By 2017.. till then he may end up holding more things in his mouth and living with a lower probability of him coming back alive on routine flights.
Well that is how it is- what can you do? The FLs are already gone, some BISON SQDs have converted over to the MKI but now everyone is waiting for the show-stopper, the Raffy.

And some idiots are still questioning why India needs that bird.......
More than a medal.. he deserves a new aircraft where he does have his heart racing every other day.

Isn't it ironical that aviation experts from a traditionally enemy nation feel more for our soldiers than our MoD and Babus... :hitwall:
Isn't it ironical that aviation experts from a traditionally enemy nation feel more for our soldiers than our MoD and Babus... :hitwall:

No it isnt. Matters on how you see the enemy. As human beings with valuable lives who deserve an objective look or as objects of hatred where no inch is spared to express cynicism and bias.
I fear that these kinds of articles may have an adverse effect on a student aiming to join the air force . I'm not referring that these kind of articles should not be printed , its just that which parent would want his son/daughter to fly such a deadly machine .
No it isnt. Matters on how you see the enemy. As human beings with valuable lives who deserve an objective look or as objects of hatred where no inch is spared to express cynicism and bias.
No No, it IS ironical. And it is a reflection on our Babus and MoD.. Was glad for your comments and thanked you though..
No No, it IS ironical. And it is a reflection on our Babus and MoD.. Was glad for your comments and thanked you though..

The Babus are part of a government process. the more that system runs and evolves.. the more streamlined it gets. Yet, one should realize that it was similar American babus that got the F-35 program stuck into the commonality sinkhole.. just as babus before them did with the F-111 in the 60s. Yet, if not for Babus.. the US forces would have mucked up weapons due to the ever irreconcilable requirements of the brass and the effort of the R&D departments to deliver to them.

Each system has its place, and the concert between them ensures some balance. Too much of one is never good...balance is.
The day there are babus who understand air power(which will eventually come through proper democratic process and merit).. this problem will be sorted out.
The Babus are part of a government process. the more that system runs and evolves.. the more streamlined it gets. Yet, one should realize that it was similar American babus that got the F-35 program stuck into the commonality sinkhole.. just as babus before them did with the F-111 in the 60s. Yet, if not for Babus.. the US forces would have mucked up weapons due to the ever irreconcilable requirements of the brass and the effort of the R&D departments to deliver to them.

Each system has its place, and the concert between them ensures some balance. Too much of one is never good...balance is.
The day there are babus who understand air power(which will eventually come through proper democratic process and merit).. this problem will be sorted out.

Fair point, but the issue is not of air power anymore which these babus are impacting. They are today making our young men go up in planes well past their shelf life, endangering them as well as civilian population they may crash into...
Fair point, but the issue is not of air power anymore which these babus are impacting. They are today making our young men go up in planes well past their shelf life, endangering them as well as civilian population they may crash into...

Why is that? To those babus.. the IAF may be exaggerating the problem. Their job is to ensure their portfolio shows "keen oversight" and "budget control".
Why is that? To those babus.. the IAF may be exaggerating the problem. Their job is to ensure their portfolio shows "keen oversight" and "budget control".

And there in lies the problem.. Communication breakdown and lack of appreciation of the problems faced by armed forces. Like all remedies, the armed forces in India are very devoid of appreciation till the proverbial shit hits the fan (remember Kargil) and then every one starts scampering around to recover..

And Air force is not without blame either.. They have screwed around with the LCA program so much that they are now sitting with a dying platform(Mig 21) rather than a not so perfect one that they could have achieved 10 years back if they wanted..

That's one place PAF did a good job with JF 17, accepting it following the 80-20 rule
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