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Featured IAF Mi-17-V5 Helicopter carrying CDS Bipin Rawat with family crashes

A military chopper has crashed near Ooty in Tamil Nadu. Senior officials including Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat were onboard. Injuries reported.
Just few days ago he was praising those who did lynching in Kashmir and of Muslims. ALLAH is the best planner and his revenge is the best one. But now he is dead ALLAH will deal with him. No need to laugh or celebrate. Just focus on the threat and keep your eye on the ball. May ALLAH help those working for his deen.
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They still use ancient Mi17s for VIP transport?
It was an Mi-17-V5 model, those are modern helicopters. The Mi-17 obviously hasn’t remained the same since it’s inception. It’s current models are some of the best helicopters out there for that class, including for VIP transport.
The chopper pilot wanted vir chakra ... too bad he didnt have Pak citizens on ground ..
As for pimpin dawat... dude wanted to change Kashmiri DNA .. today his dna is being sent to identify him.
Unlike in the Napak Army, the IA builds in process and protocol for all eventualities. So you can enjoy some short lived perceived joy, the next guy will be the same mettle. In the meantime, focus on protecting foreign nationals working in Paxtan (whatever are left).

Abay ja gandu

Aur do in kuttai k bachon ko condolences
Pakistani military literally can't do anything for Kashmiris except releasing a chutya song every year on Kashmir day

Now if General Rawat died in a crash they are sad and are sending condolences
Yup those retards who forgot how these same MCs were mocking our shuhada just 2 days back.

Btwn I dedicate this song as tribute to bhrti sena
I believe you. I am banned by IP address so can't go unless change service provider.

back to the retired morons, they are all of the same caliber as gd bakshi. rawat alone would not have been killed, the whole gang including fat shah, teli and mini bond would have been roasted too.
Use VPN.
Allah planning and taking revenge on his creation...great...what a god..
don't you believe in Karma?
Just 2 days old just 2 days…. Every action has equal and opposite reaction… karma!!

View attachment 799683

Kutiarya ki maa mar gaye hey hhaha
i think FB introducing the haha react was a bad move, just brought lot of ugliness out in the open.
I dont think we have seen the last of Bipin Rawat .... by the process of "reincarnation", he will come to this world .... and due to his achievements in this life, he likely to be a bigger warrior figure next time.

Only thing I am not sure is, what is the turn around time ? :partay:
It is inconceivable to point a finger at India for the deaths of our guest Sri Lankan, who was lynched by mobs. As a result, India cannot blame us for the loss of his entire CDS crew. The message is clear and loud. Do not play with fire, for it will consume you.
Come on guys, military leaders sending condolences is just a professional courtesy, just like world leaders condemn a terrorist attack. Not the Generals but its the foot soldiers who pull the trigger and commit atrocities against civilians and otherwise, yet we have no objections giving or taking Mathai to or from them on Eid or Diwali.
You disappoint me like always, Seriously, A kiddish statement coming from you ?

These foot soldiers follow orders, They cannot do anything that they aren’t supposed to do.
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