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Featured IAF Mi-17-V5 Helicopter carrying CDS Bipin Rawat with family crashes

Not sure who the body belongs to but it's shocking to see the remains treated in this manner.
These are soldiers who are crash site not just some local villagers doing the recovery.
If no stretchers then at least cover up the remains or bodies properly.
Exactly my thoughts.
The cloth in which they are carrying a body is probably acquired from a house nearby. No stretchers,no medical staff there to handle with the situation professionally and to treat the dead with dignity. No excuse either as that's not a jungle but a urban area. I remember when crashes happened here there were proper and professional response unlike this. Seriously how disorgnized indian armed forces are in many areas. If this is the treatment their four star CDS gets,imagine what treatment an ordinary citizen gets.
Accidents can happen with anybody, we also had a chopper crash couple of days ago.
We shouldn't be making fun of the death of anybody, especially a soldier.
If we also make fun of their tragedies then we're no different from them.

We also had:
- Zia dying in an aircraft blowing up mid-flight
- CAS Mus'haf Ali Mir died in a crash
- Musharraf took multiple halos with him and one of the escorts crashed. He might have boarded that halo

These things happen.
Like seriously RIP for what? For 5 August 2019? for that balakot drama? for deliberate killings of AJK civilians using cluster munitions? for killing innocent Kashmiri civilians many of whom were not even militants? For being Modi's sidekick?

Like for what you are praying peace for him? Like what??

I again say. Don't mock his death. Don't make fun of his death

But also no need to pray for his peace. Never.
Exactly no RIP for him but at the same time don't mock him either.
You know if all you Indian trolls weren't so pathetically hateful then we'd be sorry for their loss, but this commander is a mass murderer and karma bit him in his a$$.

Well, on the bright side they will have to burn less wood since those who died are already half-way there. Less smog for everyone, yay!

They wont be able to blame Pak, it would mean we can shoot down MI-17s all the way in Tamil Nadu or we have infiltrated the IAF Unit that services it's VIP Choppers. India will never admit to either of these, even in order to make a false flag.

Let's be respectful here. If not him, someone else would be the Defense Chief. Same situation in Pakistan. Militaries tend to honor code of honor on all sides. RIP, especially to the civilians.
But this will put a poor light on India's military aviation.
I wonder how they are gonna blame Pakistan or China for this one

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