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IAF Helicopter Pilot had seen the missile

they used SAM system but to take down their own helli ;) and by the way entire purpose of that drama was to enable BJP to win the election and they achieved it successfully
yeah but why not shoot the damn intruders?
It lends support to the story that after the first AMRAAM hit and bombs landed on the grounds of Indian Brigade HQ and other targets, there was complete panic on the Indian side.

Yep. They were not expecting our response so quickly. That was a shock and awe moment for them.
Tragic and Sad. I mean there are losses in war but shouldn't be in this way. Its all stress management. Missile battery guys panicked and resulted in tragedy.

so if it was returning IFF shd be switched on ! I wonder what blunder SAM guys if they were high alert.
Not tragic if you are Pakistani or Kashmiri. These guys were there to kill us. Great that you kill each other. Not our issue not our loss
Why didn't these SAM's engage PAF strike packages if they could their own heli?, will there be inquiry on that as-well?
The same way pakistani Sam's didn't engage Indian ones the day before -

Because the pilots took a course where there is less risk of sams
going forward IAF should strap pilots like him in front of all fighters, at least they deteect incoming missiles better than the massive radars in SU30's

Before crashing, Siddharth had noticed the missile and alerted the ATC. His audio was also recorded.”
And yet Modi wins again, shows character of the Indian junta and they capacity to understand things specially related to the events of 26th and 27th February.
How does this have anything to do with Modi's win ?

What in your opinion were the alternatives to an Indian voter ?
Its a heat seeker and cannot differentiate between an aircraft and a helicopter.
Also lends credence to the possibility that the Mi-17 may have been mistaken as a Pakistani Mi-17(we both operate the type) and the confusion that was abound.
Also possible that a missile may have been fired at a Pakistani aircraft but found this helicopter instead due to low level evasion or otherwise but the range of the R-73 makes it doubtful.
This looks more like a case of mistaken identity and it would be laughable if they identified a chopper moving at less than 100 knots as a fighter.

How does this have anything to do with Modi's win ?

What in your opinion were the alternatives to an Indian voter ?
That is the right question. If Pakistanis can set aside the historical bias, one needs to look at India’s own struggles with alternatives to the Nehruvian dynasty and it’s own shackles to becoming an economic powerhouse actually reflecting on a larger portion of its population, and the associated ethnic/communal suspicion and blame-game that is common(globally) when economic and social inequality and pressures exist.

The issues the state of India has with the state of Pakistan are a driver for an election campaign that reflects greater issues with socioeconomics within India.
Unfortunately, there are no such clear centeres of study within Pakistan in general to actually identify these issues to either help assuage concerns on this end(or take advantage of them).
Simply because analogous or tangential socioeconomic issues exist in Pakistan as well.
just wondering why SAM operators didnt engage PAF strike packages?

This Spyder SAM battery is placed to defend Srinagar airbase, when they saw, an unidentified low flying aircraft approach Srinagar airbase, outside the designated safe entry channel for the airbase, they assumed the worst that (a Pakistani UAV) was approaching the airbase and they fired.

The maximum engagement range of Spyder SAM system is 50 Km, with detection range of 100 Km.

Attempted PAF intrusion and the subsequent air battle ensued more that 100 Km away from airbase, they both had nothing to do with SAM battery defending the Srinagar airbase.
How does this have anything to do with Modi's win ?
Everything! A simple listening to Modi's election speeches would tell that he had nothing to tell about his last 5 years performance other than how he taught Pakistan a lesson, how he said flying jets in clouds would make them invisible to Pakistani radars (that was classic) etc.

What in your opinion were the alternatives to an Indian voter ?
Alternative was for Indians to decide and they have decided, however one thing is clear in all of this is that all things be damned Indians only need someone to tell them how they taught Pakistan a lesson. Nobody bothers to see if its a blunt lie being told to their faces with zero evidence to back it up.
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