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IAF Helicopter Crash, A Case of CFIT or Nose Dive !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
During Afghan/Soviet war in the 80s, while several intruding aircraft from these countries were shot down by Pakistan Air Force, there were also several cases where Afghan Air Force or Army pilots along with their equipment simply defected to Pakistan. These included several fighter jets, helicopters and transport aircraft. One such defection involving an Afghan Air Force Transport aircraft during night, which was again intercepted by the PAF, the Afghan pilot(s) immediately lowered his flaps and landing gear, he was ordered by the interceptor to land at a forward strip and was given directions. The Afghan pilot mistook a dry river bed shining in the moonlight as the runway and while attempting landing, the aircraft cartwheeled into a ball of fire.
Now coming to the recent crash of an Indian Air Force Mi-17 helicopter in which the CDS was killed.
There are so many versions for the cause of the crash out there.....due to poor weather, pilot error or maybe both, some unforeseen overhead electric cables etc. We have seen couple of videos, one where the chopper disappears into thick fog and soon after some rattling, the blade/engine sound cuts off....the second video of the first eye witness is interesting as he was present close to the crash site when it happened. He said he was repairing some pipe when he heard the noise and saw the fire.
I have taken a screen shot from that video. Notice the man is standing on the roof of a building and the crash site is below that.
The area seems to be the valley floor rather than some cliff or hill face, there are electricity cables visible but they are very low to be in the flight path of anything flying at several thousand feet. Also note the impact area is not surrounded by any any high structure or land mass, it also doesn't seems to be the case that the crash happened on higher ground and then the wreckage rolled down the hill. So what is the explanation or could have gone wrong. It is said that the helicopter was flying some 1500 feet lower than flight plan, it had completed 20 minutes of journey and was just seven minutes from reaching it's destination.
Even in thick fog, the pilot would know his altitude even if given an error of + - 50 Feet......but it seems instead of say 4500 feet, the helicopter was just 50 feet AGL. ..... did the pilot totally misjudged his journey time and thought he has arrived at his destination and in the thick fog was groping to find his landing site and flew into the trees and ground, or did the helicopter suffered such a catastrophe during the flight high up that it dropped like stone and simply nose dived. There was no Mayday call given by the pilot either, which doesn't require much effort or diversion even if he was busy trying to handle and save the aircraft unless his communication system also was knocked out. !!

Somewhat reminds me of the Sikorsky S-76B Crash Kobe Bryant (former NBA Player) was involved in early last year.

There are thick fog occurred when crash happened. The pilot shall have not try landing when there is thick fog which hinder the vision.
During Afghan/Soviet war in the 80s, while several intruding aircraft from these countries were shot down by Pakistan Air Force, there were also several cases where Afghan Air Force or Army pilots along with their equipment simply defected to Pakistan. These included several fighter jets, helicopters and transport aircraft. One such defection involving an Afghan Air Force Transport aircraft during night, which was again intercepted by the PAF, the Afghan pilot(s) immediately lowered his flaps and landing gear, he was ordered by the interceptor to land at a forward strip and was given directions. The Afghan pilot mistook a dry river bed shining in the moonlight as the runway and while attempting landing, the aircraft cartwheeled into a ball of fire.
Now coming to the recent crash of an Indian Air Force Mi-17 helicopter in which the CDS was killed.
There are so many versions for the cause of the crash out there.....due to poor weather, pilot error or maybe both, some unforeseen overhead electric cables etc. We have seen couple of videos, one where the chopper disappears into thick fog and soon after some rattling, the blade/engine sound cuts off....the second video of the first eye witness is interesting as he was present close to the crash site when it happened. He said he was repairing some pipe when he heard the noise and saw the fire.
I have taken a screen shot from that video. Notice the man is standing on the roof of a building and the crash site is below that.
The area seems to be the valley floor rather than some cliff or hill face, there are electricity cables visible but they are very low to be in the flight path of anything flying at several thousand feet. Also note the impact area is not surrounded by any any high structure or land mass, it also doesn't seems to be the case that the crash happened on higher ground and then the wreckage rolled down the hill. So what is the explanation or could have gone wrong. It is said that the helicopter was flying some 1500 feet lower than flight plan, it had completed 20 minutes of journey and was just seven minutes from reaching it's destination.
Even in thick fog, the pilot would know his altitude even if given an error of + - 50 Feet......but it seems instead of say 4500 feet, the helicopter was just 50 feet AGL. ..... did the pilot totally misjudged his journey time and thought he has arrived at his destination and in the thick fog was groping to find his landing site and flew into the trees and ground, or did the helicopter suffered such a catastrophe during the flight high up that it dropped like stone and simply nose dived. There was no Mayday call given by the pilot either, which doesn't require much effort or diversion even if he was busy trying to handle and save the aircraft unless his communication system also was knocked out. !!

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That little yellow mark is the crash site, funny thing is that the adjoining peaks, which this heli should have been clear of otherwise, are a full 500 meter above this crash site...1500 feet......this heli was flying right through the valley floor which is not explained since it not near some border where you have to fly nap of the earth tactics...
View attachment 800424
That little yellow mark is the crash site, funny thing is that the adjoining peaks, which this heli should have been clear of otherwise, are a full 500 meter above this crash site...1500 feet......this heli was flying right through the valley floor which is not explained since it not near some border where you have to fly nap of the earth tactics...
What I understand chopper fly from airfield 1500 above sea level and I don't know why instead of adjusting their altimeter(my assumptions) he continue low level flight despite terrain is hilly and valleys also their.

I assume that pilot is not familiar with that area or just posted their or might be he was assign to Mr. Bipin permanently where he used to fly on plains.
Unless some fresh information on this accident emerges, it would be difficult to surmise, what actually happened?
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