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IAF had Superior airpower compared to china in 1962

I don't know who to believe. Responsible Indian leaders who have publicly declared China as India's number one enemy or some nondescript tin horns here who are stating that China is India's friend number one. I wonder if it is a common Indian cliche of being kuli number one or biwi number one or similar aspects more pronounced as bollywood diplomacy.
It was China which approached India to enhance and better the bilateral relationship, and look what India does - raise additional strike corps and armoured divisions to attack China. Undermine Chinese sovereign sea zone by aligning with American led containment efforts against China. Resort to duplicity at international level in order to present a friendly face while at the same time attempting to undercut the same friend with which enhancement of trade is being cited as enhancement of friendship.
The whole world knows how duplicitous India is both at bi-lateral and multi-lateral fora. Libya, Syria, Iran, China, Afghanistan and examples of many other countries are a testimony to India's double-dealing.
Hey tin horn, you are presenting yourself as a low paid rotten replica of MEA as you mentioned yourself in your post. I am just stating facts.
Blabbering same thing over and over again. Go read some scholarly work and articles on Foreign Policy magazine.

If you don't know whom to believe, ask senior Pakistani members especially the think tanks from your country. They will give you the real answer. Why don't you start a thread and ask all Think Tanks from Pakistan to comment on it. Lets see what truth comes out.

Kiddo, Try to learn from your own learned people instead of calling names to me. :lol:
End of the day : we lost.

i see no point discussing "could-have-been-s"

No one is denying that, Yes, we lost the 1962 war, nothing to be shy about it.

But we always read history lessons in school so that we can be aware what mistakes were done in the past & what we should avoid in the future, 1962 conduct of our military/polity/bureaucracy/intelligence agencies, can be a lesson for us & our future generations about - WHAT NOT TO DO. The greatest Indian achievement from 1962 war (that we lost) can be that our leadership learns it's lesson & never repeat that mistakes which led us to the most humiliating defeat of Independent India.
Blabbering same thing over and over again. Go read some scholarly work and articles on Foreign Policy magazine.

If you don't know whom to believe, ask senior Pakistani members especially the think tanks from your country. They will give you the real answer. Why don't you start a thread and ask all Think Tanks from Pakistan to comment on it. Lets see what truth comes out.

Kiddo, Try to learn from your own learned people instead of calling names to me. :lol:

Stating facts about Indian official statements is not blabbering. And it is an Indian official trait to practice duplicitous norms. Nehru lied to his people, to the world and also to the Chinese. And the Chinese gave you guys the hiding of your life in 1962. You occupy large tracts Chinese territory, raise additional forces against the Chinese and have the temerity to pronounce yourself as China's friends. As if the world does not understand you and your double-speak.

And then you are asking me to read stuff and ask think tanks. You yourself pose as a think tank, albeit a junior one and expose your own inability to even analyse an open truth which is visible to a naked eye.

Calling me names and even calling yourself names doesn't take me away from the reality. And the reality is that either you are a poor analyst or just a person who has recently learned to express himself in Hinglish.
End of the day : we lost.

i see no point discussing "could-have-been-s"

Well, to put it correctly: they left.

There are no "surrender" .... like Gen Niazi formally surrendered to Lt General Jagjit Singh Aurora.

And there was no "Treaty of Versailles" or whatever....

The fact is .... "they left".

And it was over.

And they kept silent.. whether they ackowledged their mistake or their supply lines could not sustain their troops in foreign lands.

Anyway, whatever the reason... but "they left".
You need to really examine your head. You keep parroting this nonsense over and over again on PDF. Yes, we have to counter the Chinese military buildup in order to MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO.

Head examined. Let me explain India's status quo so that most here understand it ........

India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, creeped forward following a duplicitous forward policy against China in 1962 till China defeated India, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, captured certain locations in Chorbatla in Kashmir in 1972, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1984, captured certain locations in Qamar Sector in Kashmir in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan and has spread state sponsored terrorism in all her neighbouring states including Pakistan.

But there was no India before 1947, right? :P

Yes there was an Old India, which was different from the New India which was born in 1947.
Few guys make me wonder about education system of Pakistan and mindset of the youth. Fortunately, the serious Pakistani members reflect that there is more promising future of Pakistan possible.

1962 taught us many lessons and india always learns from mistakes of others and made by itself. Still we need more involvement of armed forces in Foreign policy of India.
Head examined. Let me explain India's status quo so that most here understand it ........

India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, creeped forward following a duplicitous forward policy against China in 1962 till China defeated India, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, captured certain locations in Chorbatla in Kashmir in 1972, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1984, captured certain locations in Qamar Sector in Kashmir in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan and has spread state sponsored terrorism in all her neighbouring states including Pakistan.

Yes there was an Old India, which was different from the New India which was born in 1947.

Head examined. Let me explain India's status quo so that most here understand it ........

India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, creeped forward following a duplicitous forward policy against China in 1962 till China defeated India, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, captured certain locations in Chorbatla in Kashmir in 1972, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1984, captured certain locations in Qamar Sector in Kashmir in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan and has spread state sponsored terrorism in all her neighbouring states including Pakistan.


Mate, the distance between mainland Portugal & Goa is roughly 8000 miles, how can it be a Portuguese territory???

If this really is ur argument than we both are currently siting in a British territory :lol:

Yes there was an Old India, which was different from the New India which was born in 1947.

Yes, there was a pre-1947 India which was again & again attacked from outside since 1000s of years & there is a New post-1947 India, which can never be invaded by any outside/foreign power.
India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, creeped forward following a duplicitous forward policy against China in 1962 till China defeated India, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, captured certain locations in Chorbatla in Kashmir in 1972, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1984, captured certain locations in Qamar Sector in Kashmir in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan and has spread state sponsored terrorism in all her neighbouring states including Pakistan.

Yes Nice try. Ive never heard of India capturing Manavadar. As far as I know they acceded to Pakistan and then to India. But even if India captured Manavadar, Junargadh, Hyderabad it was the right thing to do. And you do need your head examined to expect India to let Pakistan be bang in the middle of it. Similarly, Goans are Indians. They wanted to be part of India, and India politely asked the Portuguese to F'off. They didnt, so we threw them out and took it.

As for Sikkim:

In 1975, the Prime Minister of Sikkim appealed to the Indian Parliament for Sikkim to become a state of India. In April of that year, the Indian Army took over the city of Gangtok and disarmed the Chogyal's palace guards. Thereafter, a referendum was held in which 97.5% of voters supported abolishing the monarchy, effectively approving union with India. On 16 May 1975, Sikkim became the 22nd state of the Indian Union, and the monarchy was abolished

So you see, its the people that wanted it. 98%!!!!

And India created the LTTE? :rofl: Yes India both created the LTTE and then went in and fought with them after which they blew up our PM :lol:

India invaded Maldives? It was Maldives that ASKED India to intervene. They did that again last year. We refused.

The militants took control of the airport in Male, the national capital, but failed to capture the President of Maldives Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who had fled and asked for military aid from India on November 3. The then-Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi ordered 1,600 troops to aid the Maldivian government. In a military operation codenamed "Operation Cactus," Indian forces arrived within 12 hours of the request for aid being made, squashed the coup attempt and achieved full control of the country within hours. 19 PLOTE militants were killed and 1 Indian soldier wounded.

India's intervention was endorsed by other nations such as the United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain and its neighbours Nepal and Bangladesh. Its speedy and decisive victory and the restoration of the Maldivian government brought both nations even closer in friendship and cooperation. In wake of internal security crises and tensions with Sri Lanka, Maldives saw its relationship with India as a source of future security.

So nice try, saying India is "hegemonic". Truth is India does not have the capability or the intention to be hegemonic.

And ummm....India sponsors terrorism against Pakistan? The land where Osama bin laden was hiding right next to your military complex :lol:
As for Sikkim:

In 1975, the Prime Minister of Sikkim appealed to the Indian Parliament for Sikkim to become a state of India. In April of that year, the Indian Army took over the city of Gangtok and disarmed the Chogyal's palace guards. Thereafter, a referendum was held in which 97.5% of voters supported abolishing the monarchy, effectively approving union with India. On 16 May 1975, Sikkim became the 22nd state of the Indian Union, and the monarchy was abolished

So you see, its the people that wanted it. 98%!!!!

Who are these voters actually? Weren't they the so-called indigenous Assamese who were actually not the real assamese!!! Who do you think you are bluffing.Do you seriously thought that the whole world is full of idiots like your kind?!!!
Few guys make me wonder about education system of Pakistan and mindset of the youth. Fortunately, the serious Pakistani members reflect that there is more promising future of Pakistan possible.

1962 taught us many lessons and india always learns from mistakes of others and made by itself. Still we need more involvement of armed forces in Foreign policy of India.

Surprising indeed. Most of you were concerned on the spirit of India which I quoted from the referred article, and almost of all you repeatedly and again and again demean and talk incessantly and negatively about the mindset of Pakistani youth.

Would you explain what is it that makes you wonder about Pakistani youth so much.

Or is it that this is your way of stealth trolling and working with a negative mindset on this forum.

Mate, the distance between mainland Portugal & Goa is roughly 8000 miles, how can it be a Portuguese territory???

If this really is ur argument than we both are currently siting in a British territory :lol:

Yes you and me both could have before 1947, when India was a British territory, 8000 miles from home.
Who are these voters actually? Weren't they the so-called indigenous Assamese who were actually not the real assamese!!! Who do you think you are bluffing.Do you seriously thought that the whole world is full of idiots like your kind?!!!

Nice conspiracy theory. Try again.

The ones that voted were the electorate. What real assamese, fake assamese are you going on about? The moment you cant prove something otherwise you resort to some bogus theory.
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