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IAF goes full Bollywood - Indian Air Force releases promo video featuring Balakot airstrike

A scene by Sunny Leone should have been added to make this promo more worthy.
1.4 odd billion indians and not 1 single narrative that gos against the systematic lies and fabricated concocted version of events.

Sad reality, but this is what you get when your entire existence has been one of slaves and dhimmis from various occupiers.

However When all you have known is slavery, and you get a crumb of a victory, that crumb tastes like a Michelin level cuisine. Its understandable.
I hope the dance numbers are good!!! Who is doing the singing? Will the story be about how mother loses her two sons in childhood, only for them to accidentally discover each other in adult hood, and then they go and avenge the wrongs to their family? It would be nice if it was .........
Video is very funny and clearly iaf don't have anything to show to public.also I see the dead crow picture above.i think we shouldn't make fun of dead birds,animals.that is unacceptable.
Video is very funny and clearly iaf don't have anything to show to public.also I see the dead crow picture above.i think we shouldn't make fun of dead birds,animals.that is unacceptable.
They dont have anything to show because their crystalmaze bombs which would have given them video refused to release.So only their spice 2000s came.
But 1 billion people will pour shit load of money.
lol i dont need money from beggers

Their Government is gaining approval from 1 Billion Indians who would believe anything their Government tells them.....much like it happens in Pakistan too, we too believe everything that our Government tells us. This is a global phenomenon, the US population believes all the BS that is thrown at them about Muslims and extremism and Talibaan etc.
the only difference is that in Pakistan and in US people have right to question on what their govt is saying which is not there in countries like India where you would be labelled as traitor or Pakistan and most probably would be killed/lynched by hindu mods for questioning and asking for proofs from indian RSS govt for their rhetoric..
Buddy only Pakistani PM and Army chief goes on official trips to collect money from around the world.
So use this very carefully against another country those who used to buy stuff from hard earned money.

Pakistani people have right to ask question? Just search world freedom index by countries, your army run propaganda making you fool nothing else.

lol he is talking about people now go and check your fav indexes for poverty. further keep your bullshit freedom index to india as we all knows if today Pakistan Iran Russia and China starts licking Americans balls like indians do we would be called the more freest countries in the whole world:lol::enjoy:

check the reality in your own country and the pathetic journalism where any one questioning RSS govt actions are either called traitor/Pakistani or get killed.
Buddy only Pakistani PM and Army chief goes on official trips to collect money from around the world.
So use this very carefully against another country those who used to buy stuff from hard earned money.

Pakistani people have right to ask question? Just search world freedom index by countries, your army run propaganda making you fool nothing else.

And Modi goes around the world looking to hug other men.... didn't he divorce his wife ages ago and prefers to live alone....

dude is so desperate to touch other men that he flies around the world for it.... look at his face... pure joy of touching other men :rofl:
Indian Air Force releases promo video featuring Balakot airstrike
The Indian Air Force has released a promotional video that tells the story of the Balakot airstrike that was launched earlier this year
New Delhi
October 4, 2019
UPDATED: October 4, 2019 13:24 IST
video features a voiceover that talks about how the Indian Air Force avenged the Pulwama terror attack of February 14 in which 40 jawans of the Central Reserve Police Force were killed.

The voiceover is accompanied by visuals of IAF pilots in a briefing room. The pilots are then seen running out to their Mirage-2000 fighter jets and taking off. This is followed by visuals of air traffic control centres as well as shots of radars zooming in to potential targets.

The video also briefly shows the story of the February 27 dogfight between Indian and Pakistani fighter jets. This part features visuals of MiG-21 fighter jets, which were involved in the dogfight, taking off from a runway.


The Balakot airstrike was launched on February 26, around two weeks after a Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist rammed a car full of explosives into a CRPF convoy in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama. Forty CRPF jawans were killed in the attack.

In response, the Narendra Modi government gave the military a free hand to respond to the attack, carried out by the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad.

On February 26, the Indian Air Force's Mirage-2000 fighter jets took off from various airfields in India. The fighter jets launched smart bombs that targetted Jaish-e-Mohammad's largest terror facility, located in Balakot in Pakistan's Kyber Pakhtunwa.

The next day, Pakistan responded to the pre-dawn Balakot airstrike by sending its fighter jets into India. The Indian Air Force scrambled a pack of its Sukhoi Su-30 and MiG-21 fighter jets.

In the ensuing dogfight, a Pakistani F-16 was downed. An Indian MiG-21, piloted by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman was also shot down. Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman was taken prisoner by Pakistani forces. He was released two days later, a development that significantly cooled tensions between India and Pakistan.



While Pakistan Air Force releases the actual footage of one of the strikes inside IoK under the name "Operation Swift Retort", IAF felt the necessity to showcase some promo knowing the weak spot of Indian populace that will easily live with Bollywood cut as compare to some truth. From 300+ bodies to some trees and now, the Bollywood promotional video to shove them some fantasy.
As usual, IAF relies on bollywood footage of fake strikes.

Note the huge ball of fire supposedly after impact, against the earlier claim of controlled demolition inside the building that didnt even destroy the roof, another claim by IAF itself stands debunked by IAF itself, lol, let alone could have made any ball of fire... yet nothing but a dozen trees and a crow was scored by the phusaddy IAF, lol...

Pakistanis instead of trying to find out who that second IAF pilot was in reality which gafur claimed in his statement are trolling here and denying. Maybe 10 years after they will know about their f16 pilot who was shot down by Abhi.
Hugs are still way better than going on countries official trip to arrange aid from other counties.
Just look the pathetic condition of your state that even your army chief need to go for same.

Licking American balls? Only pakitstani army and government allowed USA to kill your citizen while using your own soil and use drones against them.
Even your army chief lied that they were not using Pakistani base for operating those drones. So its your army who used to lick American balls not other way around.

And India shown middle finger to America and going on with S-400 missile deal. And you cancel pipe line with Iran while licking American balls.

Indians are known to be such beggars that there are even peer reviewed articles on it

India calling others beggers is hilarious since they are the mother of all beggers.

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