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I Witnessed the Kargil War. That's Why I Won't Celebrate It.

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Do you have ANY GENUINE, RELIABLE, HONEST, IRREFUTABLE & INDEPENDENT evidence to support your claims? The above links you used were ALL indian so are most probably FAKE NEWS. Need HONEST & REAL evidence.
I don't have any Pakistani source to prove my point as Pakistan never bothered to discuss the outcomes and failure of Kargil operations. Also governments were not allowed to make review committees to discuss the outcomes of miscalculation by Musharraf and hardly any info was let out in media.
As a result most of your own sources about Kargil are of Indian origin.:-):-)

OTOH our generals who served during Kargil and aftermath have been coming out with details of post Kargil operations like this one by Lt. Gen HS Panag.

Also in pre-2003 era capturing each others posts and heavy artillery bombardment were quite common. In the year 1989 indian army launched operation Ibex to capture pakistani posts overlooking chumik glacier. First attempt was unsuccessful. It was decided to to bombard pakistani logistic node at Kauser base using artillery which led to pakistan army vacating Chumik posts which were later occupied by indian army.
In 1995 Pakistani NLI attacked Tyakshi post on indian side.
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I don't have any Pakistani source to prove my point as Pakistan never bothered to discuss the outcomes and failure of Kargil operations. Also governments were not allowed to make review committees to discuss the outcomes of miscalculation by Musharraf and hardly any info was let out in media.
As a result most of your own sources about Kargil are of Indian origin.:-):-)

OTOH our generals who served during Kargil and aftermath have been coming out with details of post Kargil operations like this one by Lt. Gen HS Panag.

Also in pre-2003 era capturing each others posts and heavy artillery bombardment were quite common. In the year 1989 indian army launched operation Ibex to capture pakistani posts overlooking chumik glacier. First attempt was unsuccessful. It was decided to to bombard pakistani logistic node at Kauser base using artillery which led to pakistan army vacating Chumik posts which were later occupied by indian army.
In 1995 Pakistani NLI attacked Tyakshi post on indian side.

Don't use Pakistani sources, but do you have any reputable, honest reliable and genuine INDEPENDENT INTERNATIONAL sources to prove your claims? So far you have used the SAME indian sources which also claimed the iaf killed 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16...........:lol:........so it makes it look like you are using fake news to prove indian propaganda about Kargil.
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Don't use Pakistani sources, but do you have any reputable, honest reliable and genuine INDEPENDENT INTERNATIONAL sources to prove your claims? So far you have used the SAME indian sources which also claimed the iaf killed 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16...........:lol:........so it makes it look like you are using fake news to prove indian propaganda about Kargil.
First you provide me with a neutral source claiming that Pakistan still occupies 6 features on LoC and Kargil war was a grand success for Pakistan.
First you provide me with a neutral source claiming that Pakistan still occupies 6 features on LoC and Kargil war was a grand success for Pakistan.

Which means you have NO real, honest and genuine evidence to support your claims......:lol:
Which means you have NO real, honest and genuine evidence to support your claims......:lol:
You don't have them either. BTW even if I present certain Pakistani sources on your blunder in Kargil you will term them as idiotic or gaddar and refute their claims.

Okay sorry to burst your bubble.
Let me fix it......
.Kargil was a grand success for Pakistan. Pak army captured 6 features on LoC getting only 450 of their soldiers killed.There can be no success better than that.......It was such an astounding victory that no one in Pakistan army talks about it and all we have to celebrate is an Indian source........Yaaay

Now you happy?????
You don't have them either. BTW even if I present certain Pakistani sources on your blunder in Kargil you will term them as idiotic or gaddar and refute their claims.

Okay sorry to burst your bubble.
Let me fix it......
.Kargil was a grand success for Pakistan. Pak army captured 6 features on LoC getting only 450 of their soldiers killed.There can be no success better than that.......It was such an astounding victory that no one in Pakistan army talks about it and all we have to celebrate is an Indian source........Yaaay

Now you happy?????

Because 0 indian soldiers were killed in Kargil....:lol:.......also, 300 terrorists were killed in Balakot and the iaf shot down an F-16.......:lol:

You have no evidence, just meaningless conjectures.

PS How do you no know that no Pakistanis talk about or discuss Kargil?
Because 0 indian soldiers were killed in Kargil....:lol:.......also, 300 terrorists were killed in Balakot and the iaf shot down an F-16.......:lol:

You have no evidence, just meaningless conjectures.
Indian soldiers died for reason and a set objective and the objective was to evict pakistanis from Kargil and they were successful in that whereas Pakistani soldiers died for no reason and BTW what was musharraf's objective to go for a war.
Had Musharraf been an Indian general he would have been prosecuted for death of hundreds of soldiers for no reason. But then Pakistan is Pakistan.

BTW I haven't seen any army similar to Pakistan army which hides it's success i.e capturing of 6 features from its public and it's media.
Also I never heard Musharraf who advocates his actions in kargil talking about any of these 6 features.
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Indian soldiers died for reason and a set objective and the objective was to evict pakistanis from Kargil and they were successful in that whereas Pakistani soldiers died for no reason and BTW what was musharraf's objective to go for a war.
Had Musharraf been an Indian general he would have been prosecuted for death of hundreds of soldiers for no reason. But then Pakistan is Pakistan.

BTW I haven't seen any army similar to Pakistan army which hides it's success i.e capturing of 6 features from its public and it's media.
Also I never heard Musharraf who advocates his actions in kargil talking about any of these 6 features.

Again, more conjectures and a lot of talk, but NO SOLID, GENUINE, IRREFUTABLE, HONEST & INDEPENDENT evidence for any of your claims. You probably also believe that 300 terrorists were killed in Balakot and an F-16 was shot down by the iaf.

@waz @Dubious @WAJsal @Horus

This troll is making wild and ludicrous claims against the Pakistani military with 0 credible evidence. Please deal with him.
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