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I Witnessed the Kargil War. That's Why I Won't Celebrate It.

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Around 40% of Kashmir is with Pakistan. Azad Kashmir..........that too when india is more than 7× bigger than Pakistan........:azn:

Pales into comparison to the 35% of indian territory lost in the creation of Pakistan in 1947............:azn:
your "Facts" are wrong rss fictional stories are correct and truth!

yabbba dabba doo!
Pales into comparison to the 35% of indian territory lost in the creation of Pakistan in 1947............:azn:
You won that from the Maharaja of Kashmir. Not from us.
You almost won Srinagar from him. That is when we came into the picture and pushed you back.

Ahhh the Azad Kashmir and GB, the sweetest land
Glad you like it. We have the more productive valley.

GB is strategic though.
Around 40% of Kashmir is with Pakistan. Azad Kashmir..........that too when india is more than 7× bigger than Pakistan........:azn:

Yeah. Pakistan has about 33 % or so of Kashmir but you took that from the helpless Maharaja before the Indian army entered the scene. Once the army reached there, you haven't been able to take anything. Since then you have bee trying for what 72 years now ? And oh got split into two in the process. Anyway, keep trying, good luck.
You won that from the Maharaja of Kashmir. Not from us.
You almost won Srinagar from him. That is when we came into the picture and pushed you back.

Glad you like it. We have the more productive valley.

GB is strategic though.

Obviously you didn't do a good job of it because we have dominion over 40% of Kashmir, that too when you are more than 7× bigger than Pakistan...........:azn:

Yeah. Pakistan has about 33 % or so of Kashmir but you took that from the helpless Maharaja before the Indian army entered the scene. Once the army reached there, you haven't been able to take anything. Since then you have bee trying for what 72 years now ? And oh got split into two in the process. Anyway, keep trying, good luck.

As ever you forgot about August 1947 when india lost over 35% of it's territory in the creation of Pakistan wheras our former bengali colony is not even 17% the size of Pakistan........:azn:

FYI Pakistan controls at least 35% of Kashmir, india 45% and China 20%:


The 20% that China controls is also heavily influenced and concurrently run by Pakistan so Pakistan has reign over around 55% of Kashmir even though india is more than 7× bigger than Pakistan.............:azn:..........:lol:.......excellent odds by us.........:azn:

All we need to do is bind our time. We'll get what we want. Some things can take 100s of years to complete but in the greater scheme of things, that is but a second of time.........bring it on.......8-).......:azn:
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Obviously you didn't do a good job of it because we have dominion over 40% of Kashmir, that too when you are more than 7× bigger than Pakistan...........:azn:

As ever you forgot about August 1947 when india lost over 35% of it's territory in the creation of Pakistan wheras our former bengali colony is not even 17% the size of Pakistan........:azn:

FYI Pakistan controls at least 35% of Kashmir, india 45% and China 20%:


The 20% that China controls is also heavily influenced and concurrently run by Pakistan so Pakistan has reign over around 55% of Kashmir even though india is more than 7× bigger than Pakistan.............:azn:..........:lol:.......excellent odds by us.........:azn:

Partition happened during British India. It's not something we had control over. That's not an achievement. The British gave it you, just like the bail outs you receive from the West even today. I don't wish to use the term associated with what you have to do to get those things.
Partition happened during British India. It's not something we had control over. That's not an achievement. The British gave it you, just like the bail outs you receive from the West even today. I don't wish to use the term associated with what you have to do to get those things.

So let's get this straight here; The British took over india, broke up a large chunk of it and gave it to us????????...........and there was nothing indian-kind could do about it????.......:rofl::rofl::rofl:..............that sounds even worst. 72 years later, you still can't get that that conquered territory back again. Say's a lot about the achievements of our nation and armed forces considering india's population is 7× greater than that of Pakistan.........:azn:

Bailing Pakistan out is nowhere near as bad as having the greatest number of severely poor and malnourished people being a part of your race and nation ........:azn:.......:lol::


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So let's get this straight here; The British took over india, broke up a large chunk of it

Yes. The British did. Not you. And you too were a part of that British ruled India.

And, most Indians are glad the partition happened, considering how the two countries get along today, though I personally wish we had at least tried to stay together and see if it works out.
Yes. The British did. Not you. And you too were a part of that British ruled India.

And, most Indians are glad the partition happened, considering how the two countries get along today, though I personally wish we had at least tried to stay together and see if it works out.

Guess what? To put it mildly, we are happy that bangladesh is no longer our colony. We never had any bonds with them because they were a different race, culture and heritage to us who were also 1000s of kms away.

indians and Pakistanis are racially, genetically, culturally and ethnically TOO different to form one nation. There would have been genocide in 100s of millions.
Not just strategic point 5353, Pakistan occupies 6 more peaks captured during Kargil assault by Pakistani forces....and all 6 peaks remain with Pakistan to this day :)

Read the link below (which is an indian newspaper :D )

Pakistan still occupies 6 indian peaks in Kargil sector
The news article is from the year 2000. All of the peaks except pt 5353 were vacated by Pakistan after 2003 agreement.

Only pt. 5353 remains under pakistani occupation. India was not able to take back pt.5353 as the approach was relatively difficult from indian side when compared to pakistani side. Also Pakistan army had vacated pt.5353 after Kargil war was over. Both the side had agreed to maintain pt.5353, 5240, 4251 and 4875 as no man's land. Few months later pakistan occupied pt.5353, built concrete bunkers and a motorable road connecting pt. 5353 to Benazir post. Pt. 5240 and pt.5310 were occupied by Indian Army 16 Grenediers and 14 Sikh respectively in the year 2000. 1/3 Gurkha Rifles was tasked with occupying pt.5353 but they never made it as the approach from indian side was nearly vertical and pakistani posts present on either side of the approach directed effective fire on the troops assaulting the position. 1/3 Gorkha returned with 19 casualties and it was decided not to take back pt.5353. Using air power was out of question as the Kargil war was over a year before pakistan occupied pt.5353.

June 1999: Indian Army under Brig. P. C. Katoch, Col. Konsam Himalaya Singh seized control of pt 5770 (Naveed Top/Cheema Top/Bilal Top) in southern edge of the Saltoro defense line In Siachen from Pakistan troops.

Also After Pakistan occupied pt. 5353 Indian army retaliated by occupying pt. 5165, pt5245 and pt.5240. Pt.5070 was occupied by Indian Army during operation parakram in May 2002.

In the Year 2002 Indian soldiers on three posts, namely Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100, guided their superior 155-millimetre Bofors howitzers with devastating accuracy. Pakistani troops on Point 5353 were first hit with smoke-filled mortar shells, to flush them out of their bunkers, and then with air-burst artillery, which showered down shards of metal at great speed. Well over 40 Pakistanis are believed to have died on Point 5353. Pakistan could not reinforce the troops since the Indian soldiers on Point 5165 and Point 5240 were in a position to hit their supply lines.


India has sliced away significant area from Pakistani kashKas after 1948

Chalungka, Turtuk, Thyakshi and Thang villages
Point 18,402
Boudgam Village
Tootmar Khan Gali
Siachen Glacier

After Kargil war:
Pt. 5240
pt. 5165

In the backdrop of Kafir Khan mountainous range, crisscrossing the LoC is underground fully furnished Army hospital, just on the edges of the fence. The hospital displays a plaque “inaugurated by Capt Pervez Musharraf”.The area was captured by Indian Army in 1971 and Musharraf then a captain was injured here.

The news article is from the year 2000. All of the peaks except pt 5353 were vacated by Pakistan after 2003 agreement.

Only pt. 5353 remains under pakistani occupation. India was not able to take back pt.5353 as the approach was relatively difficult from indian side when compared to pakistani side. Also Pakistan army had vacated pt.5353 after Kargil war was over. Both the side had agreed to maintain pt.5353, 5240, 4251 and 4875 as no man's land. Few months later pakistan occupied pt.5353, built concrete bunkers and a motorable road connecting pt. 5353 to Benazir post. Pt. 5240 and pt.5310 were occupied by Indian Army 16 Grenediers and 14 Sikh respectively in the year 2000. 1/3 Gurkha Rifles was tasked with occupying pt.5353 but they never made it as the approach from indian side was nearly vertical and pakistani posts present on either side of the approach directed effective fire on the troops assaulting the position. 1/3 Gorkha returned with 19 casualties and it was decided not to take back pt.5353. Using air power was out of question as the Kargil war was over a year before pakistan occupied pt.5353.

June 1999: Indian Army under Brig. P. C. Katoch, Col. Konsam Himalaya Singh seized control of pt 5770 (Naveed Top/Cheema Top/Bilal Top) in southern edge of the Saltoro defense line In Siachen from Pakistan troops.

Also After Pakistan occupied pt. 5353 Indian army retaliated by occupying pt. 5165, pt5245 and pt.5240. Pt.5070 was occupied by Indian Army during operation parakram in May 2002.

In the Year 2002 Indian soldiers on three posts, namely Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100, guided their superior 155-millimetre Bofors howitzers with devastating accuracy. Pakistani troops on Point 5353 were first hit with smoke-filled mortar shells, to flush them out of their bunkers, and then with air-burst artillery, which showered down shards of metal at great speed. Well over 40 Pakistanis are believed to have died on Point 5353. Pakistan could not reinforce the troops since the Indian soldiers on Point 5165 and Point 5240 were in a position to hit their supply lines.


India has sliced away significant area from Pakistani kashKas after 1948

Chalungka, Turtuk, Thyakshi and Thang villages
Point 18,402
Boudgam Village
Tootmar Khan Gali
Siachen Glacier

After Kargil war:
Pt. 5240
pt. 5165

In the backdrop of Kafir Khan mountainous range, crisscrossing the LoC is underground fully furnished Army hospital, just on the edges of the fence. The hospital displays a plaque “inaugurated by Capt Pervez Musharraf”.The area was captured by Indian Army in 1971 and Musharraf then a captain was injured here.


Do you have ANY GENUINE, RELIABLE, HONEST, IRREFUTABLE & INDEPENDENT evidence to support your claims? The above links you used were ALL indian so are most probably FAKE NEWS. Need HONEST & REAL evidence.
The news article is from the year 2000. All of the peaks except pt 5353 were vacated by Pakistan after 2003 agreement.

Only pt. 5353 remains under pakistani occupation. India was not able to take back pt.5353 as the approach was relatively difficult from indian side when compared to pakistani side. Also Pakistan army had vacated pt.5353 after Kargil war was over. Both the side had agreed to maintain pt.5353, 5240, 4251 and 4875 as no man's land. Few months later pakistan occupied pt.5353, built concrete bunkers and a motorable road connecting pt. 5353 to Benazir post. Pt. 5240 and pt.5310 were occupied by Indian Army 16 Grenediers and 14 Sikh respectively in the year 2000. 1/3 Gurkha Rifles was tasked with occupying pt.5353 but they never made it as the approach from indian side was nearly vertical and pakistani posts present on either side of the approach directed effective fire on the troops assaulting the position. 1/3 Gorkha returned with 19 casualties and it was decided not to take back pt.5353. Using air power was out of question as the Kargil war was over a year before pakistan occupied pt.5353.

June 1999: Indian Army under Brig. P. C. Katoch, Col. Konsam Himalaya Singh seized control of pt 5770 (Naveed Top/Cheema Top/Bilal Top) in southern edge of the Saltoro defense line In Siachen from Pakistan troops.

Also After Pakistan occupied pt. 5353 Indian army retaliated by occupying pt. 5165, pt5245 and pt.5240. Pt.5070 was occupied by Indian Army during operation parakram in May 2002.

In the Year 2002 Indian soldiers on three posts, namely Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100, guided their superior 155-millimetre Bofors howitzers with devastating accuracy. Pakistani troops on Point 5353 were first hit with smoke-filled mortar shells, to flush them out of their bunkers, and then with air-burst artillery, which showered down shards of metal at great speed. Well over 40 Pakistanis are believed to have died on Point 5353. Pakistan could not reinforce the troops since the Indian soldiers on Point 5165 and Point 5240 were in a position to hit their supply lines.


India has sliced away significant area from Pakistani kashKas after 1948

Chalungka, Turtuk, Thyakshi and Thang villages
Point 18,402
Boudgam Village
Tootmar Khan Gali
Siachen Glacier

After Kargil war:
Pt. 5240
pt. 5165

In the backdrop of Kafir Khan mountainous range, crisscrossing the LoC is underground fully furnished Army hospital, just on the edges of the fence. The hospital displays a plaque “inaugurated by Capt Pervez Musharraf”.The area was captured by Indian Army in 1971 and Musharraf then a captain was injured here.



Your gullible arse cant see through the fact that all of your sources are Indian and hence bias and lying to save their humiliation.....just as we saw after 27th Feb indian media lied about so many things to hide their failures and humiliation.

Fact remains that Pakistan still held 6 indian peaks after Kargil war and hence it is laughable to see indians celebrate their defeat at kargil. But that's india for you. They will also celebrate 27th Feb meanwhile the world sees it as 'humiliating episode for india' (NY Times quote about 27th Feb military confrontation).

Pakistan maintains the highest and most strategic post under its control overlooking NH-1. That makes Kargil our military victory (which it was. But politically it was a stalemate).

Your long paragraphs from indian newspapers won't change the reality
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