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I was treated better than my expectation in Pakistan, says BSF jawan swept away by Chenab

ISLAMABAD: A BSF jawan, who was swept away into Pakistan by strong currents of Chenab river and picked up by Pakistan Rangers, on Friday said he was treated "better" than his expectation and was looking forward to meeting his family.

Satyasheel Yadav told reporters in Pakistan before he was to be handed over to BSF authorities that his boat accidentally strayed into Pakistan after it went out of control in strong river currents.

"My colleagues swam out but I did not know swimming. The boat took me into Pakistani territory. I jumped into water near a Pakistan post and was rescued by jawans of Pakistan Rangers," he said in his narration of the events leading to his capture.

Yadav, flanked by Rangers' officials, said he was made "comfortable" by them.

"They took my introduction. They helped me to the extent they could. They kept me better than what I had thought. I have no complaints. I am happy," the 30-year-old jawan said.

READ ALSO: BSF jawan swept away in Chenab river to Pakistan

Yadav was out on a patrol with three other personnel in the Paragwal-Khour sub-sector of general area Akhnoor when the boat they were travelling in developed a problem.


(A man crosses the Chenab River on ropes at Shashu village in Kishtwar. File Photo: Reuters)

Indian officials have said when the patrol squad was negotiating a narrow bend in the river in this sector, the engine of the motorboat failed.

A rescue boat later sent to fetch the BSF men was taken by three personnel but Yadav got drifted in the strong current as the rope holding him snapped and he subsequently landed 400 metres away in the Sialkot sector of Pakistan where he was picked up by the villagers initially and then handed over to the Rangers, they said.
he was treated "better" than his expectation
that the problem with both side
now both side have "Prejudice' both good and bad of each other..
hope sense prevails at both side....
and Zaid hamid type war monger in both side go in sidelines
The current in the Chenab is always very fast.

My question remains.
Arre, He might have slipped into the current and instead of fighting the current and drown by getting tired, he might have simply followed the current and kept floating.

Dont think too much. No person will go into enemy land in this manner to get caught.


Treated better than expectation? Ohh ya. He expected his head rolled off but was sent in 1 piece. :D :D :D

On serious note. Pakistan did it to maintain impression internationally. This event has only helped them move a step forward.
He was on a boat which developed snag, forcing him to swim in the fast current of Chenab.
Arre, He might have slipped into the current and instead of fighting the current and drown by getting tired, he might have simply followed the current and kept floating.

Dont think too much. No person will go into enemy land in this manner to get caught.


The soldier says he didnt know how to swim, my Q therefore is what was doing on the boat then ?
Welcome ....and don't get swept away again !

he was treated "better" than his expectation
that the problem with both side
now both side have "Prejudice' both good and bad of each other..
hope sense prevails at both side....
and Zaid hamid type war monger in both side go in sidelines
Who is the Indian counterpart of Zaid Hamid ?

Arre, He might have slipped into the current and instead of fighting the current and drown by getting tired, he might have simply followed the current and kept floating.

Dont think too much. No person will go into enemy land in this manner to get caught.


Treated better than expectation? Ohh ya. He expected his head rolled off but was sent in 1 piece. :D :D :D

On serious note. Pakistan did it to maintain impression internationally. This event has only helped them move a step forward.
On another serious note ....few years back a chopper lost it's way and was halted by Pakistan Army ...On knowing that it intruded just by a human error ...the chopper along the pilot and other personnel were returned to India safe and sound :yay:
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