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I was treated better than my expectation in Pakistan, says BSF jawan swept away by Chenab

Dammit i was so looking forward to the beheading ceremony, we were going to have BBQ and watch it live in the concert, but for some strange reason they returned him:pissed:. But still not to late you can always publish the same lies you did last time.:omghaha:

Pakistan takes the cake as for as lies ARE concerned bro..
Kargil? its not Pakistan, its Mujahideen...
Osama? he is not in Pakistan..

You should stop this please...
Pakistan takes the cake as for as lies ARE concerned bro..
Kargil? its not Pakistan, its Mujahideen...
Osama? he is not in Pakistan..

You should stop this please...

We have all this and still have the cake and shared it with world ;) now move on
he was treated "better" than his expectation
that the problem with both side
now both side have "Prejudice' both good and bad of each other..
hope sense prevails at both side....
and Zaid hamid type war monger in both side go in sidelines
LOL why blame Zaid Hamid When u have the mass murderer ruling yr country.
Welcome ....and don't get swept away again !

Who is the Indian counterpart of Zaid Hamid ?

On another serious note ....few years back a chopper lost it's way and was halted by Pakistan Army ...On knowing that it intruded just by a human error ...the chopper along the pilot and other personnel were returned to India safe and sound :yay:
there are many ...
but not prominent in news chaneel (national)
seach on you tube you will get many hate speech...in india tooo..
but its freedom as per indian democracy so they can have their view..even when its exteme
Pakistan takes the cake as for as lies ARE concerned bro..
Kargil? its not Pakistan, its Mujahideen...
Osama? he is not in Pakistan..

You should stop this please...

Stick to the topic and stop measuring contest? If you wanna talk about cakes your plate is not clean in any possible way.
LOL why blame Zaid Hamid When u have the mass murderer ruling yr country.
dear ....
you have right to have views ..but control...
i can take shit out of your constitutional position guys..but i dont want and intended as
it would be disrecpt to position - will of peple of pak
@Aeronaut @Chak Bamu @Manticore @Oscar
i respoted this many time
again doing it
some of pak memebr calling indina PM _mass murders and terrosrist.. which is not acceptable.
i know it may /will not get any action on same..
still sending it
@Umair Nawaz
bro.. put your view but with constrain...
it a suggestion
hope you will get it

they just dont have one like zaid hamid but have a full battalion of them. One example is the mass murderer who is ruling them.
please control your language when you talking about indian constitional postion and one of HEAD of STATE -INDIA
dear ....
you have right to have views ..but control...
i can take shit out of your constitutional position guys..but i dont want and intended as
it would be disrecpt to position - will of peple of pak
@Aeronaut @Chak Bamu @Manticore @Oscar
i respoted this many time
again doing it
some of pak memebr calling indina PM _mass murders and terrosrist.. which is not acceptable.
i know it may /will not get any action on same..
still sending it
@Umair Nawaz
bro.. put your view but with constrain...
it a suggestion
hope you will get it

please control your language when you talking about indian constitional postion and one of HEAD of STATE -INDIA
this is our forum our marzi. If u dont like it please leave. Have u even visited indian defense forum ever to know how yr moderators treat us there??
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