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I reject US aid for Pakistan in exchange for sovereignty: Imran on BBC.

That is right.

He rammed the jeep.

Maybe he was indoctrinated by the Islamic activists in the UK.

That is just a one off case.

tiki tam tam sir our indian lobby in washington is worse than terrorists...you very well know what they do...they pay law-makers hard earned cash of indians in the form of bribe to destablise Pakistan and Aghanistan...what about our consulates in india?what are they for?we have a set-up in nepal too...infact you would second me here that nepal is an indian state:agree:
Hey Tikki Tikki Tick Tock

was he indian or not?

that was the question; not what was his religion

unless of course you think all Muslims in india are ISI agents --which could very well be the ''case'' it appears!! :woot:
Gov should confiscate properties and sell it if the residents do not pay Property Tax, income tax, and Pakistani Heritage tax (Duel nationality) tax

If PIA cannot generate , 10 billion sell the Pakistan Territory rights to Emirates for 7 billion / year deal exclusive rights to Pakistan and sell PIA off , send them to unemployment

Put a bloody , notice to PIA employee generate 10 billion in revenue in a year or pack your bags and sell business to Emirates provided they pay 10 billion royalty for Pakistan route
have u seen how many people use PIA every day all over the world to go to and from Pakistan

it is beyond comprehension as to how such a large company could not be profitable for another few years.....a company with investments around the world, like the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City

beyond comprehension, really..
Pakistanis overseas pay TAXES IN USA/ CANADA/ ENGLAND /EUROPE

a) 100-200 / month on car insurance
b) 200-300 / month on home property tax
c) 100$ / pay check to governments for health care

And let me add this they all SMILE , a big smile that they paid it to other nation's government but when it comes to Pakistan - they complain that they do not make enough ... while in Pakistan you see people driving BMW and expensive cars

And to ask 1 Annual 500$ to retain duel Nationality is nothing !!! - this has to also get implement with - Agricultural TAXES !! ON Property for Farmers

Some one does not wants to pay lock them up sell the property , put it up for SALE by federal state

Countless Pakistanis own property value 190,000 USD in Pakistan but they live in USA/Canada/Australia/Europe
This is alot of cash !!! so Gov need to collect 100$ USD per property owned by any Pakistan -

New buyer buys the property state gets their taxes !!!

Pakistanis always have abundance of CASH ... 100-900$ for Application/lawyer fees for citizenships of Farangi nations
ITS ABOUT TIME pakistani Nation says you want to retain your nationality you bloody pay for it


Ever one now have to Commit 100$ - 500$ direct deposit to Pakistan Tresury and lets KICK OUT THE AID MONKEY OFF OUR SHOULDERS

All the champions that complain about prices , and go on Strikes , capture them and lock them up - and check their financial statements and audit them one by one

Starting with all politicians

Anyone that owns Property Overseas , should also pay 50$ , as they do not show the value of that property in Pakistani Taxation papers


Upon Re entry in Pakistan frist question should be

a) Did you paid taxes in 2010, 2009 , 2008
b) Do you have NADRA CARD did you paid its annual fee
c) What is your passport
d) If you did all above you get in Pakistan else you go get yourself a Visa !!
Hey Tikki Tikki Tick Tock

was he indian or not?

that was the question; not what was his religion

unless of course you think all Muslims in india are ISI agents --which could very well be the ''case'' it appears!! :woot:

Hey Boo Boo Zulf Fakir,

He was an Indian.

He died.

He was indoctrinated by non Indians!! ;)

Fell under the evil peoples' evil spell :woot:
Give the management of all the hospitals,Bait ul Maal and other welfare institutions to abdul Sattar Edhi....He is a one of the best administrators..famous in india too:agree:
Pakistanis overseas pay TAXES IN USA/ CANADA/ ENGLAND /EUROPE

a) 100-200 / month on car insurance
b) 200-300 / month on home property tax
c) 100$ / pay check to governments for health care

And to ask 1 Annual 500$ to retain duel Nationality is nothing !!! - this has to also get implement with - Agricultural TAXES !! ON Property for Farmers

Some one does not wants to pay lock them up sell the property , put it up for SALE by federal state

New buyer buys the property state gets their taxes !!!

A new law will have to be enacted.

It will be contested in court. both in Pakistan and abroad.

It is better to get those in Pakistan, who avoid tax, to register themselves as taxpayers.
Public Sector
170,000,000 People x $200 tax = 34 Billion US Dollars

Over Seas Pakistan Duel Nationality Tax
7,000,000 People x $500 tax = 3.5 Billion US Dollars

If you lose your status , you have to apply with 5000 USD application pakistani people understand money talk

Corporate Pakistan Herigate Tax :
10,000,000 Business in Pakistan x $100 = 1.0 Billion US Dollars

National Assets Productivity Bench Mark (10 Billion per company):
PIA (10 Billion USD) if they do not pay it Sell the rights to Emirates and get 9 Billion dollars deal with them / for 4 years fire PIA employees
Steeles (10 billion USD)
WAPDA (10 billion USD)

30 Billion Raised from just 3 Major companies in Pakistan

Toll Highway Roads Afghanistan-Pakistan Route:
1 Million Vehicles travel between Pakistan - Afghanistan , charge 5$/ One Way Trip , road Tax = 2 Billion Annual Revenue

Ban Electrical Generators this should conserve energy as ppl charge their generators putting load on grid

Agricultural Property Tax per Squad Footage:
Generate 20 Billion in Taxation from Farm Land that is just sitting around doing nothing , owners do not pay taxes, confiscate it by STATE
and set up state owned company farm lands in those lands -

Shut Down Parlimentarian Salaries :
1000 people cost 5 Billion USD in 1-2 years
Save 5 Billion Dollars

No FREE FLIGHTS , NO free Hotels, NO Free Car

Aircondition Tax : 100$ , if an air-condition is installed in your Home you pay a 100$ annual tax on that refrigerator as it sucks up electricity
300,000 homes have aircondition x 100$ = 300 Million USD generated annually from Air-condition Tax

Setup of Special 2 day courts :
To speed process of collecting National Tax

So Pakistani , national Reserves , are not cut down by 10% every year just by fluctuating Rupee Ditch the Rupee and Adapt US dollar

There must be at least 30 Million Cell Phones
30,000,000 x 4 = 120 Million dollars per month or 1 Billion in year tax collected

Make it illegal to own a Cell phone with no Registration ID

This should prevent illegal Terrorist to own phones as they do not go to banks monthly to pay bills easy to identify them

Strict Price Enforcement has to be implemented - no price increases infact in order to make things work the price of food will have to be reduced locally in Pakistan

Move 40,000 Soliders around Afghanistan border backed up with 20 JF17 Thunders, and 30 Mirages
any ill adviced adventures from others should be prevented by Force -

Get Cheap Oil into Pakistan from Iran and Venezuelan government , and exchanged Tanks and Missiles with these government , we need to bring in Cheap oil into Pakistan -

10 Billion Dollar credit oil, and our KAMRA , weapons factory will make Hand Held missiles and Tanks Available for these oil producing countries

Charge 20$ surcharge on Hotels - for Foreign Residents , example all the International Hotels in Pakistan smack a 20$ tax on their hotel room prices, all these European visitors , and delegates are coming in , make them pay 20$ / night extra

300,000 visitors in hotels = 300,000 x 20$ = $6 million dollars / Use this annual funds to provide to Families of Soldiers of Pakistan injured in War on Terror , annual payment

Pakistan Bank Patriotism Tax
Every time , transaction is made Pakistan treasury should get 0.20 cents (US figures)
1 billion transactions = 200,000,000 Two Hundred Million Dollars for Pakistani Government

So instead of our incompetent gov begging , western governments - we can use this funds to help improve schools
and universities in Pakistan

Make Desert , land available for Middle Eastern Companies , so they can convert it into Farm Land , and Dairy
provided its 60% owned by State of Pakistan , 50% of the food is made available to Pakistani Market reducing prices
and 50% is moved into Middle east. Land should be the land that is presently not being used for Agricultural purpose Farms.

All Zakat , Sadaqa , and Donations should be Given to Government of Pakistan Treasury , Gov of Pakistan Treasury will
then give the funds to registered non-for profit organizations , and accredited mosques

Or the Funds will be used to finance
a) Hospitals
b) Schools
c) Orphanages
d) Homeless centers

Very Innovative ideas..If implemented will generate wealth for years.. BUT will the bureaucracy allow this to happen...?
Dear Mr. Khan, please tell the terrorists based inside your country to not violate the sovereignty of other countries and we shall have a deal.

As long as you cannot do that, your country cannot claim sovereignty.

I'm sorry, was India the one making this deal?
I have one more plan of earning revenue. Rent out all the unused land of punjab to farmers they will cultivate it and that will definitely be beneficial for both the state and the farmers.

like railway has much of cultivable land but is not used if they can use it to generate revenue that will definitely benefit them... Many farmers will be willing to have that land on rent.
And again. Im not surprized actually that so many Indians are lecturing us that we should not reject aid. And im also not surprized that these indian just don't miss a chance to lecture us in every other thread that our country is running on aid so we should reject aid and then claim any pride in regards with our nationality. These people just don't miss a chance.

But on topic i think we are better of rejecting this aid, a pakistani's life should be more valued than this aid. We want US and their beloved talibans to go and fight their war in some where else. I think we can end this if we end our so called alliance with both these bastards. A pakistani's life is more important for me.
That man only inherited that name.


@Azad Pakistan,
the strategy is good but you are only taxing those who use facilities like banks etc. These are people who are already paying most of the taxes. There are many people who just deal in cash and avoid declaring any assets.
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