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I reject US aid for Pakistan in exchange for sovereignty: Imran on BBC.

Dear Mr. Khan, please tell the terrorists based inside your country to not violate the sovereignty of other countries and we shall have a deal.

As long as you cannot do that, your country cannot claim sovereignty.
Dear Mr. Khan, please tell the terrorists based inside your country to not violate the sovereignty of other countries and we shall have a deal.

As long as you cannot do that, your country cannot claim sovereignty.

we indians shoud close our consulates in afghanistan if we want peace in the region
I think throwing away the AID and setting up proper taxation in country with population of so many ppl taxation would give Pakistan ample revenue 100% more then any aid we ever got

Sure it will hurt the first 1-2 years but once its done it will be best thing that ever happened to Pakistan

See the problem is not about rejecting Aid....The problem is what next - People who are giving advice for rejecting aid should also come up with some sort of road map ahead, no??? Taxation alone is not going to solve all the problems...In fact $1 earned from taxation is not going to bring in $1 improvement in economy......Anyhow i would love to ask Mr Imran Khan what is his idea about how to improve Pakistan economy by rejecting Aid???
Crackdown on state bank/banks and the loan defaulter since 1970 as much as 280 Billion rupees waived...

Who gave the right to state bank to do this which country allows that.
i don't know what imran khan really thinks abt his country but his recent statements are more like political statements which seems like the measure to connect with common ppl of pakistan. nowdays he only speak what common pakistanis like to hear.

I hope i am wrong but to me he is too emotional....This is dangerous especially when such people get the highest post....What is important is that he should back his big statements with actionable plans....unfortunately such things are not common in South Asia - Leaders just make empty big statements and masses just think that there is some magical wand that the leader posses and everything will work out just fine...
USA will keep killing these militants as long as Pakistan is incompetent in combating them..

In a way USA is doing favour to international community by killing these scums...
See the problem is not about rejecting Aid....The problem is what next - People who are giving advice for rejecting aid should also come up with some sort of road map ahead, no??? Taxation alone is not going to solve all the problems...In fact $1 earned from taxation is not going to bring in $1 improvement in economy......Anyhow i would love to ask Mr Imran Khan what is his idea about how to improve Pakistan economy by rejecting Aid???

see below ... duplicate
Pakistani Crisis is very simple to solve , specially relation to Aid

Personal Tax Reform:

Pakistan has a population of 170,000,000 (Million People)
if Gov collects Mandatory tax $200 / year from each Pakistani
it can generate 34 Billion USD

Suspension of Parlimentarian Salaries:
Salary of Pakistan’s MNAs (Member Of National Assembly) « Your Pakistan

800 Member of Parliments

Monthly Salary : Rs. 120,000 to 200,000

* Expense for Constitution per month : Rs.100,000
* Office expenditure per month : Rs.140,000
* Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km) : Rs.48,000 (For a visit to ISLAMABAD & return): 6000 km

1. Daily BETA during Assembly meets : Rs.500
2. Charge for 1st class (A/C) in train : Free (For any number of times all over PAKISTAN )
3. Charge for Business Class in flights: Free for 40 trips / year (With wife or P.A.)
4. Rent for Govt.. hostel any where: Free
5. Electricity costs at home : Free up to 50,000 units
6. Local phone call charge : Free up to 1,70,000 calls
7. TOTAL expense for a MNA per year : Rs. 32,000,000
8. TOTAL expense for 5 years : Rs. 1,60,000,000

9. For 534 MNA, the expense for 5 years;

Rs. 85 , 440,000,000 (more than 800 Korores)
About Billion USD so we do know its really 2 billion mark as there are almost 900 officials

Making National Assets Profitable at least 10 billion profit per company

PIA (10 billion Profit should be margin)
Steeles (10 billion Profit)
WAPDA (10 billion Profit)

i.e 30 Billion Generated

So with few simple ideas we can see , that you can generated almost 70 Billion USD

Now, and by making Solar Energy Mandatory / home we could also generate 10 Billion savings/ year

One other idea I feel we MUST do is , we need to immediately convert all Pakistani Currency into USD funds into a stable fund!!!

1 USD for 84 rupees , is not going to fly
It was 1 USD - 24 Rupees in 1995 and now the difference is enormous

Imposing of 300$ Pakistani - Heritage Tax on Pakistanis living in Europe and USA
There are One Million Pakistanis in USA 1,000,000 x 500$ = $300,000,000 that is three hundred Million dollars TAX
There are One Million Pakistani in UK 1,000,000 x 500$ = $300,000,000 that is three hundred Million dollars TAX

Almost a billion dollars

Because Pakistan Issues a NADRA card to overseas Pakistanis time to pay back to country

Pakistani gladly pay 500-1000$ in application fees to US green card, well time for Pakistan to get tough ...

Step #1
We need to Shift our currency into USD

Step #2
Suspend Parliamentarian Salaries for year drink form tap water and drive scooter

Step #3
Immediate Tax reforms , every Pakistani with NADRA card must deposit $200 tax / year

Step #4
Get PIA, STEELS, WAPDA to generate 10 billion Profit Each

Step #5
Corporate Tax reforms , and Impose of Agricultural Land Tax !!!
Raise 20 billion dollars minimum

Step #6
Imposing of Tax on Duel Nationality holders of Pakistani Origin
Raise 2 billion dollars annually

Step #7

10,000,000 Million business in Pakistan x 100 USD corporate tax = 1 billion USD raised from Corporations

Step #8
$1000 visa fees for Europeans in Pakistan

There are Estimated 8 Million pakistanis world wide

8,000,000 x 500$ = 4 Billion dollars can be raised if all Pakistanis overseas are required to submit 500$ annually to Pakistani Tresury to retain their Nationality

If they don't they lose their duel status , and to claim it they need to file an application for 5000$ USD each

All Pakistani Highways going from Pakistan to Afghanistan shoudl also have TOLL!!!

1 Million Trucks between Pakistan/ Afghanistan daily if they drive on Pakistani roads, they MUST pay 1 dollar Toll to use Pakistani Roads

NATO trucks should be charged 100$/km
There is no such thing as f*cken aid, pak sacrifices more than the so called f*cken aid in american wars, it's not pakistan war, and also pak is forever dragged into this crap called war on terror. it's not pakistan's problem, it's american made american problem.
Suspension of Parlimentarian Salaries:

This means you are giving them a free hand for corruption..How can you expect a poor MNA to feed his family when you are not paying him any salary for a 24/7 job..

One other idea I feel we MUST do is , we need to immediately convert all Pakistani Currency into USD funds into a stable fund!!!

This will also have disastrous effect.. This will convey the message that you dont have faith in your currency..Not good in long run..

Get PIA, STEELS, WAPDA to generate 10 billion Profit Each

Good idea..but how..? when they are in so much debt ..? Privatize them and scrap the bureaucratic management...That might help..

Other than these i broadly agree.. But even those reforms will need autocratic approach by federal govt. which democracy will not allow and Army is not willing now to take the power..
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