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I own Karachi... Lets Burn it !!

So damn true. I'm in Bahria college, obviously there's no such nonsense there but I have a lot of friends in Adamjee and nothing like that happened to them. On the other hand, they were pestered by the Jamiat. Also, in Dehli College, the ANP and PPP took over the adjoining football field and the college had to be closed because the people there were spreading drugs, wine and other stuff. Then the heads of the ANP and PPP came and asked for the field to be opened for the children despite what was happening.
No matter what else you blame MQM for, the only area in which colleges have APMSO would be the PECHS area
Once there were No ANP and PPP at then we only curse MQM.. But now when ANP and PPP kind of parties get exposed and their Terrorism, Their real terrorism which they had done in rest of the parts of Pakistan have been exposed .. I really think that MQM is much better and educated then others... I'm the one who hate them but now they makes us to realize that Karachi don't belongs to Karachittes, The one who born here.. Jobs in karachi are not for karachi's public..
I have lived my entire life in Karachi.. I belong to a Urdu Speaking family...This is for those, who might start accusing me...

MQM is surely a Mafia and terrorist organisation... They have terrorised Karachi since 90's...but now...MQM, ANP, and PPP...ALL polutical parties are responsible for the violence in Karachi... I would say, BAN all political parties in Karachi, and only then, we can have peace...

Plus..i get very hurt, when someone says to Punjabi or ppl from Khayber Pukhtunkhwah/Balochistan in Pakistan, not to comment on Karachi... Are they not , part of Pakistan? Is Karachi, not part of Pakistan? Why cant we, think as Pakistans only? I love other areas of Pakistan, as much as i love Karachi...maybe i have slight more attachment with Karachi, as I have lived my entire life in Karachi, but it doesnt mean, I dont own or love other areas of Pakistan...We all are Pakistanis... This sectarianism and racism have brought Pakistan to the point, where we are today... We must rise above our differences and work in unity for a better Pakistan.. For God's sake...we are going through one of the worst phase of our history...and only through unity, we can overcome difficulties... Now dont plzz say...tht I dont belong to Karachi and i am just a false flagger.... Plzz... I am NOT...Even, if u think so plzz ignore my post, bcoz its going to hurt me immensely...if u say, i am a flase flagger....I love Karachi...I want peace in my city... And i know the only way, peace can be achieved, is by banning ALL political parties in Karachi..

Provincialism, racism or sectrianism is the biggest curse on Pakistan now... Friends...can we plzz stay united ...and not blame the other? Cant we stay united in every difficulty? Is it something too much to ask for? When an Indo Pak cricket can unite us all, why not we stay united throughout the year? Do we ask the other, whether u are from Karachi, or Punjab, or NWFP or Balochistan...whenever there is an Indo Pak cricket match..or anyother major cricket series?.Arent we all united in cricket matches? So why not...we remain united in day to day issues...throughout the year? We must love our cities... But more than anything...we must Love Pakistan...We all hope...tht there is an end to violence in Karachi as soon as possible...and alsoI hope, theres peace, in other areas of Pakistan...
This is what Quaid-e-Azam said about provincialism and sectarianism... It will be good...if we learn something from this :

Quaid-e-Azam said, “Let me warn you in the clearest terms of the dangers that still face Pakistan and your province in particular, as I have done already. Having failed to prevent the establishment of Pakistan, thwarted and frustrated by failure, the enemies of Pakistan have now turned their attention to disrupting the state by creating a split amongst the Muslims of Pakistan. These attempts have taken the shape principally of encouraging provincialism.” He said, “As long as you do not throw off this poison from your body politic, you will never be able to weld yourselves, mould yourselves, galvanize yourselves into a real true nation. What you want is not to talk about Bengalis, Punjabis, Sindhis, Baluchis, Pathans and so on. They are, of course, units; but I ask you, have you forgotten the lesson that was taught to us 1300 years ago? If I may point out, you are all outsiders here. Who were the original inhabitants of Bengal?- not those who are now living. So what is the use of saying “We are Bengalis, or Sindhis, or Pathans, or Punjabis”? No, we are Muslims, Islam had taught us this. Here I think you will agree with me that whatever else you may be and whatever you are, you are Muslims. You belong to a nation now.

He said, “You have now carved out a territory, a vast territory, it is all yours. It does not belong to a Punjabi or a Sindhi, or a Pathan or a Bengali, it is yours. You have got your central government where the several units are represented. Therefore, if you want to build up yourselves into a nation, for God’s sake give up this provincialism. Provincialism has been one of the curses, and so is sectionalism, Shia, Sunni, etc. Now I ask you to get rid of this provincialism because as long as you allow this poison to remain in the body politic of Pakistan, believe me, you will never be a strong nation, and you will never be able to achieve what I wish you could achieve. Please do not think that I do not appreciate the position. Very often it becomes a vicious circle. When you speak to a Bengali he says “Yes, you are right, but the Punjabi is so arrogant”; when you speak to the Punjabi or a non-Bengali he says “Yes, but these people do not want us here, they want to get us out.” Now this is a vicious circle, and I do not think anybody can solve this Chinese puzzle.”

He said, “The question is, who is going to be the more sensible of the two; and whoever is going to be the more sensible, more practical, more statesmanlike will be rendering the greatest service to Pakistan. So you make up your mind, and from today put an end to this sectionalism.”

Long live Pakistan:pakistan:
I have lived my entire life in Karachi.. I belong to a Urdu Speaking family...This is for those, who might start accusing me...

MQM is surely a Mafia and terrorist organisation... They have terrorised Karachi since 90's...but now...MQM, ANP, and PPP...ALL polutical parties are responsible for the violence in Karachi... I would say, BAN all political parties in Karachi, and only then, we can have peace...

Kid, Karachi's history of violence and terrorism did not start in 1990, read up your history first and then you would be in a much better position to analyse the situation in Karachi. Read about the ethnic violence against Mohajirs by Ayub Khan's son under Ayub's military regime when Karachiites supported and voted for Fatima Jinnah instead of Ayub. Then read about the Pakka Qila and acts of terrorism against Mohajirs in interior Sindh by Sindhi Nationalists. After all that go and read up on the treatment of Mohajir students in universities at the hands of student wings of different political parties. Once you have done all that you should go and have a deep look at the military operation unleashed on Karachi that was supposed to be a military operation against decoits in interior Sindh. This will give you an insight on the terrorism in Karachi before there was even a thought of MQM......and then decide.

Furthermore I believe it is necessary for you to go and have a good hard look at the development and investment in Karachi by governments of various political parties and compare that to the tenure when MQM was somewhat in power (during Musharraf's era....and yes Arbab Rahim created hurdles against MQM at every point he could especially by ensuring that Mayor of Karachi was not forwarded proper support from civic agencies that weren't under city Government).

To conclude this argument, you need to take serious note of the fact that MQM is the only political party that has family roots in Karachi, MQM members/supporters/leaders/activists etc. are those who have lived in Karachi all their lives, were born in Karachi, have their families, investments and interests in Karachi. MQM was forced to fight fire with fire for themselves and for us otherwise you and me would be living as third rate citizens in our own country. There was a time when Government jobs were advertised with noting "Karachi domiciles are not eligible" and even today Government jobs are awarded to those who do not deserve it instead of people from Karachi. You have no idea of reality because you are living in a protective shell and have probably never seen the real issues.

Plus..i get very hurt, when someone says to Punjabi or ppl from Khayber Pukhtunkhwah/Balochistan in Pakistan, not to comment on Karachi... Are they not , part of Pakistan? Is Karachi, not part of Pakistan? Why cant we, think as Pakistans only? I love other areas of Pakistan, as much as i love Karachi...maybe i have slight more attachment with Karachi, as I have lived my entire life in Karachi, but it doesnt mean, I dont own or love other areas of Pakistan...We all are Pakistanis... This sectarianism and racism have brought Pakistan to the point, where we are today... We must rise above our differences and work in unity for a better Pakistan.. For God's sake...we are going through one of the worst phase of our history...and only through unity, we can overcome difficulties... Now dont plzz say...tht I dont belong to Karachi and i am just a false flagger.... Plzz... I am NOT...Even, if u think so plzz ignore my post, bcoz its going to hurt me immensely...if u say, i am a flase flagger....I love Karachi...I want peace in my city... And i know the only way, peace can be achieved, is by banning ALL political parties in Karachi..

Provincialism, racism or sectrianism is the biggest curse on Pakistan now... Friends...can we plzz stay united ...and not blame the other? Cant we stay united in every difficulty? Is it something too much to ask for? When an Indo Pak cricket can unite us all, why not we stay united throughout the year? Do we ask the other, whether u are from Karachi, or Punjab, or NWFP or Balochistan...whenever there is an Indo Pak cricket match..or anyother major cricket series?.Arent we all united in cricket matches? So why not...we remain united in day to day issues...throughout the year? We must love our cities... But more than anything...we must Love Pakistan...We all hope...tht there is an end to violence in Karachi as soon as possible...and alsoI hope, theres peace, in other areas of Pakistan...

I agree with you, we should all be Pakistani's first and foremost. Everyone should be welcome in Karachi and well, everyone who comes here for work and with honest intentions is quite welcome. However I must invite your attention towards 2 issues:

The first issue is of those who start thinking that Karachi is their father's property and want to exploit the city and her citizens while offering nothing in return.....these include the terrorists of ANP and and PAC (People's Aman Committee) especially. They are involved in extortion, kidnappings for ransoms and the most violent acts of terrorism that one can imagine. ANP is full of Afghans who are traitors and criminals at best and PAC is full of criminal elements.

The second issue is that of the civic structure of Karachi city. This city had reached her saturation population point over 10 years ago and despite hard work and a lot of development by mayors of the city especially Mustafa Kamal, the city still requires massive investment and overhaul in transport, water/sewerage, garbage disposal, electricity, environmental, general congestion etc. which has not been forthcoming because of obvious reasons. Due to this, newcomers/fresh migrants just continue to add to the misery of the city....the issues are growing exponentially and nobody cares.

For the reasons stated above, I strongly favor deporting unwanted elements from the city back to their cities to clean up not only criminal and other acts of terrorism but also to provide some much needed relief to Karachi.


A nice article....but I must tell you that children of MQM leaders mostly reside in Karachi and roam around without protocol or security. I am personally witness to this. They live in low profile in terms of security, perhaps not in terms of wealth.

never heard such story by adamjee college guys, i myself am from DJ college which was famous for politics, by the way if you for real, you should have said APMSO not MQM

this guy is fake to the core!!

I am not fake, come to the college and u will know if u want it then I will give u cell nmbr of dozen of my friends and u can confirm then....or you can of course get hold of adamjee students and confirm then
None of the student parties force anyone to join them you are just lying
grow up

I am NOT lying and of course no one will tell you what is going on for very obvious reasons, like I said come to the college and get hold of some students and they will tell you the truth I am a current 2nd year student in Adamjee and this really happened in February if u want to close your eyes to the truth and accuse everyone telling u reality about your parties of being a liar then God save this country

and that was a stupid argument that adamjee is not in MQM dominated area, adamjee is located adjacent to jahangir road which virtually controlled by MQM
Mind your language khi's littracy rates is more than combined population of this country , also its easy to give lectures from a place which is not a mix , first house baluchs and pushtoons in your city than talk

first read then quote, jahil educated peoples. I didn't objected literacy rate, and you confirmed my saying.. thank you for the proof.

Lastly why you are comparing, isn't all cities of pakistan are same? Atleast they are for me. Lahore is not my city atleast was not before, n i am not representing lahore, but there are many pathans, baluchis, kashmiries living in Lahore. Just the difference is in Lahore no one fight to own the city they just become the part of the city.
Plus..i get very hurt, when someone says to Punjabi or ppl from Khayber Pukhtunkhwah/Balochistan in Pakistan, not to comment on Karachi... Are they not , part of Pakistan? Is Karachi, not part of Pakistan? Why cant we, think as Pakistans only?

I get really pissed off when someone says that. No one is implying that Karachi isn't a part of Pakistan when they say that (you'd have to be a naive idiot to think like that).

What they are implying is that those people living in KPK and Punjab don't know **** about the ground realities in Karachi. To them, violence in Karachi = MQM taking care of business, when in fact ALL these parties (PPP, MQM, ANP, MQM-H) and fringe groups (PAC, Religious nutjobs of the various sects) are involved. I've been in Karachi long enough to know that no party is innocent.

Though MQM has its faults, it's main party base is Karachi and they're working to develop it unlike the other parties.

Fact is, Karachi is for the people living and working in Karachi legally. People living and working outside of Karachi are its guests.
I get really pissed off when someone says that. No one is implying that Karachi isn't a part of Pakistan when they say that (you'd have to be a naive idiot to think like that).

What they are implying is that those people living in KPK and Punjab don't know **** about the ground realities in Karachi. To them, violence in Karachi = MQM taking care of business, when in fact ALL these parties (PPP, MQM, ANP, MQM-H) and fringe groups (Religious nutjobs of the various sects) are involved. I've been in Karachi long enough to know that no party is innocent.

no party is innocent AGREED! 100% however the same parties go to NWFP,BALUCHISTAN & PUNJAB and become peaceful??? WHY? reason is MQM instigates them in karachi and these parties fight back!!

why don't we see PPP fighting PML N or ANP or any party fighting the other in any city besides karachi ANSWER: NO MQM!! ground realities of karachi is MQM does politics of body bags! sometimes kills their own workers who stand up against MQM and then cries and blames others!
no party is innocent AGREED! 100% however the same parties go to NWFP,BALUCHISTAN & PUNJAB and become peaceful??? WHY? reason is MQM instigates them in karachi and these parties fight back!!

why don't we see PPP fighting PML N or ANP or any party fighting the other in any city besides karachi ANSWER: NO MQM!! ground realities of karachi is MQM does politics of body bags! sometimes kills their own workers who stand up against MQM and then cries and blames others!


PML-N -> full of terrorist sympathizers and support terrorists financially and morally
ANP -> Drug-runners/smugglers and probably support the terrorists there (going by what i've seen here in Karachi)
PPP -> Subjugate their own people in interior Sindh in horrible ways

You gave me examples of parties who have no other significant competitors in their areas.

Karachi is a very important piece of Pakistan's pie. Everyone has their vested interests here.
Kid, Karachi's history of violence and terrorism did not start in 1990, read up your history first and then you would be in a much better position to analyse the situation in Karachi. Read about the ethnic violence against Mohajirs by Ayub Khan's son under Ayub's military regime when Karachiites supported and voted for Fatima Jinnah instead of Ayub. Then read about the Pakka Qila and acts of terrorism against Mohajirs in interior Sindh by Sindhi Nationalists. After all that go and read up on the treatment of Mohajir students in universities at the hands of student wings of different political parties. Once you have done all that you should go and have a deep look at the military operation unleashed on Karachi that was supposed to be a military operation against decoits in interior Sindh. This will give you an insight on the terrorism in Karachi before there was even a thought of MQM......and then decide.

Furthermore I believe it is necessary for you to go and have a good hard look at the development and investment in Karachi by governments of various political parties and compare that to the tenure when MQM was somewhat in power (during Musharraf's era....and yes Arbab Rahim created hurdles against MQM at every point he could especially by ensuring that Mayor of Karachi was not forwarded proper support from civic agencies that weren't under city Government).

To conclude this argument, you need to take serious note of the fact that MQM is the only political party that has family roots in Karachi, MQM members/supporters/leaders/activists etc. are those who have lived in Karachi all their lives, were born in Karachi, have their families, investments and interests in Karachi. MQM was forced to fight fire with fire for themselves and for us otherwise you and me would be living as third rate citizens in our own country. There was a time when Government jobs were advertised with noting "Karachi domiciles are not eligible" and even today Government jobs are awarded to those who do not deserve it instead of people from Karachi. You have no idea of reality because you are living in a protective shell and have probably never seen the real issues.

I agree with you to much extent...tht when MQM was created it had strong reason for it... My own father and grand father voted for MQM , the first time...But it was only the first time, tht they voted for MQM...After seeing the violence they do..now my family is amongst the strongest opponents of MQM...Have you ever seen the torture cells of MQM? My sister's in laws...once used to live in MQM area....they told my sister....tht they had seen the torture cells of MQM...cant describe in words...My one relative.....he was young...his friend was in MQM...once he took him to some place (torture cell of MQM) and then he ran away from karachi...from his own house....went and started living with his uncle in Rawal pindi....he was so much mentally disturbed...tht he said he cant live there anymore...after seeing tht.... Now, i am sure, u must be thinking tht I am a false flagger, and i dont live here in karachi...and wrongly accusing MQM...but u only have to trust my words, if u can...

As for the development...yes...i have regards for Mustafa Kamal...he did very good for Karachi, but so did Naimatuallah Khan (from Jamat e Islami), the mayor of Karachi, just before Mustafa Kamal...He started many development projects in karachi..there was much development in his time .and then Mustafa Kamal also continued with the good work.... No doubt, Mustafa Kamal did lot of good to Karachi...

Having said tht about MQM, ANP and PPP are also eqully responsible..During violence last yr in karachi, Our maid told tht her nephew, her bhabhi..were in a bus last year, and tht bus was burnt by Pathans..and her nephew died...tht bus was burnt, with ppl still inside the bus... Tht wa a horrific incident...

Thts the reason, i say tht ALL current political parties, which are operating in Karachi (MQM, ANP and PPP) must be legally banned...only then, we can have peace...

PML-N -> full of terrorist sympathizers and support terrorists financially and morally
ANP -> Drug-runners/smugglers and probably support the terrorists there (going by what i've seen here in Karachi)
PPP -> Subjugate their own people in interior Sindh in horrible ways

You gave me examples of parties who have no other significant competitors in their areas.

Karachi is a very important piece of Pakistan's pie. Everyone has their vested interests here.

What is in every parties interest? As per my understanding, they just want to divide karachi into pieces, urdu speaking, pushto speakers, Sindhi, Baluchi speakers etc.. and enjoying the rule (All parties are enjoying rule), and interestingly main parties MQM and ANP were always been in the rule. and cry for discrimination for Urdu Speakers and Pushto Speakers. Main culprits are these political parties not karachi or it's value.

If we start realizing as Pakistanis and be Urdu Speakers, Pushto Speakers or Sindhi Speaker all as just pakistani and part of Pakistan, then i am sure no party including MQM can own the part of Karachi, since then people will not vote on the basis of their ethical representation but on the basis of goodness of Pakistan and Karachi.
I agree with you to much extent...tht when MQM was created it had strong reason for it... My own father and grand father voted for MQM , the first time...But it was only the first time, tht they voted for MQM...After seeing the violence they do..now my family is amongst the strongest opponents of MQM...Have you ever seen the torture cells of MQM? My sister's in laws...once used to live in MQM area....they told my sister....tht they had seen the torture cells of MQM...cant describe in words...My one relative.....he was young...his friend was in MQM...once he took him to some place (torture cell of MQM) and then he ran away from karachi...from his own house....went and started living with his uncle in Rawal pindi....he was so much mentally disturbed...tht he said he cant live there anymore...after seeing tht.... Now, i am sure, u must be thinking tht I am a false flagger, and i dont live here in karachi...and wrongly accusing MQM...but u only have to trust my words, if u can...

How old are you Farah? Because if you are a teenager it is useless for me to continue this conversation. It is quite obvious that your experience is second/third hand based on 'stories' from others and I can only call them stories as they are devoid of factual positions. MQM's torture cells, MQM's terrorists etc. were paraded on National TV (PTV) everyday before/after 9:00pm news and the transmission was broadcast to the whole of Pakistan. That was to fool Punjab and to scare them out of voting for MQM and boy did that work. Even today it is etched in the memory of Punjab. I was born and raised in Karachi in an MQM dominated locality, I went to a Government college and APMSO was also present in my university but I was never forced to join, I never was a part of MQM or APMSO. But my experience is first hand and I never saw any of those torture chambers......and my experience is undeniable especially because I have access to details that none of you have.

I cannot deny that MQM fought back in the 80's but it was out of necessity, for survival. Mohajir men were being executed, women raped, children taken in to slave labour. As I said, you have no idea of the atrocities faced by Mohajirs in their own country. A country for which they sacrificed more then anybody in Pakistan yet they were, and still are, considered 2nd grade citizens! The fight back forced a ceasefire and eventual peace b/w Sindhi's and Mohajirs and again b/w Mohajirs and Pathans (Pathans were instigated by none other then the father of our beloved President, Mr. Zardari). MQM's overwhelming majority in the elections proved their spread and baffled the establishment which was forced to ensure that MQM never enter Punjab with such a majority as that would have meant an end to feudal/landlord and absurd establishment system. It would have meant a power shift from the elite 3-4% to the middle/lower class or 96-97% majority!

And by the way, have you ever seen the torture cells of feudals/landlords? Have you ever seen the torture cells of police/military agencies? There is so much you need to learn.

As for the development...yes...i have regards for Mustafa Kamal...he did very good for Karachi, but so did Naimatuallah Khan (from Jamat e Islami), the mayor of Karachi, just before Mustafa Kamal...He started many development projects in karachi..there was much development in his time .and then Mustafa Kamal also continued with the good work.... No doubt, Mustafa Kamal did lot of good to Karachi...

Having said tht about MQM, ANP and PPP are also eqully responsible..During violence last yr in karachi, Our maid told tht her nephew, her bhabhi..were in a bus last year, and tht bus was burnt by Pathans..and her nephew died...tht bus was burnt, with ppl still inside the bus... Tht wa a horrific incident...

Thts the reason, i say tht ALL current political parties, which are operating in Karachi (MQM, ANP and PPP) must be legally banned...only then, we can have peace...

I have posted the same thing so many times that it makes me wonder if things even get through. Naimatullah Khan did not initiate a single project that was not devised under the development plans made by Mayor of Karachi in 1999 (Farooq Sattar - MQM)! and Naimatullah's legacy as I remember is the digging up of 13 main arteries of Karachi which created a chain reaction that has not turned back even today. He not only destroyed the transport system when he realized that he had lost the election by digging up 13 main transport corridors in Karachi, he also destroyed the moral/legal system of the city. When you watch some one drive through a red light or drive wrong way or break a dozen other traffic laws, you can thank Naimatullah for that as he was the one who ensured that Mustafa Kamal's tenure would be a nightmare...trying to fix up the mess he created before exiting the office of Mayor!

As I said earlier, if MQM had not been formed none of the Mohajirs would be offered Government jobs or equal employment opportunities. We would be living as third grade citizens in our own city and migrants would have been ruling us!
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