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I LOVE this duo: Chinese Smartphones Lift Japan’s Electronics Business

I think Make in India is not going to happen...
'Made in China' is already good enough and cheap enough for developing countries...
India made products can only be slight cheaper with much lower quality..
India can only make something that is extremely sensitive to cost...

This is the new enrollment in global supply chain. Nice collaboration of both countries.

Sourcing from Japan is only part of China's demand and the major portion still retained to Chinese venders such as BOE and even small firms. China is such monstrous industrial giant and hold the crux of global supply chain. I am just wondering how "makes in India" even starts. No offensive just fair observation.

As what I see, the problem will be mostly the base infrastructure and people..
India lacks base infrastructure of power, transportation, water
Also education of people is not that good...
Even much younger than China, not every people can read and write..
A majority of India population is useless from economy side...

India suffers from widespread corruption, hence, it is a huge risk for overseas investors to do business there. Also, the country lacks infrastructure. China, on the other hand, is a manufacturing powerhouse with great logistics. Do the math.
India suffers from widespread corruption, hence, it is a huge risk for overseas investors to do business there. Also, the country lacks infrastructure. China, on the other hand, is a manufacturing powerhouse with great logistics. Do the math.

i disagree with you on the corruption part bro. china is also corrupt as well, but that doesnt means foreign investors are afraid of investing there. Corruption is a very small part of what investors consider when investing in a country. there are other more important factpts like the one you mentioned: infrastructure, water, Electricity, education, logistics, investment climate ( policies/laws towards FDI). Supply chains, manpower (literacy) etc. so its not just due to corruption. if it was then china willl be attracting much less investment than it does now
Made in India products high end like china toilet paper that you wipe done and flush right away. I bought Indian so high end and it like Sh!t
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