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I got stabbed - and people just stared

well the west really don't care whats going on surrounding them... most they can do is...after the person is robbed they will come to him/her and ask how was he robbed...or dial 999 to inform the police.

I tell you one short story of a Indian guy who recently came in UK couple of months ago and was married almost an year before that and had a few weeks/months old baby back home in India. He saw a girl being robbed by the thieves and he rushed to help her out. When he reached near her the thieves showed him a knife to get lost...but he rather tried to help her out and after they snatched that lady's handbag and ran away....he followed them and in consequences they stabbed him and the indian "Sikh" guy died at the spot. There was a huge crowd there who witnessed this incident but none of them got enough courage to help him out and at least frightens them by shouting and giving a moral support to that guy. So the girl first robbed and then the guy died in front of number of eye witnesses but nobody really reacted much and maximum they did is quickly call the police after he was stabbed.

The police came.... tried to save that guy but he lost his breath :cry: and in response the police said it is Guy's fault who actually tried to help her out. All Asian community considered that guy like a Hero and police was willing to convict him had he survived in the aftermath. They clearly made their point clear that whatever happened to that girl is a seperate issue...that Indian guy should have also become an idol and call the police instead....

Welcome to Europe

Watch the women in the brown suit. And the time it takes for her to turn on and start talking.
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