hmaid gul and zaid hamid live in there fairy land and dream of so called ..gazwa e hind and china going for 3rdWW for them and think all problems were caused deu to USA while compleatli ignoaring PA & ISI wrong foriegn policy from very biggining ..its easy to blame others for your mistakes and its fallowt which we miscalculated ..had pakistan taken the non aligned path and never went in for US camp and danced on emotionla teunes by the arabs things would have been much much different
as for india in afghanistan two things
1. ANA is becoming a very potent force and many afghans (majority of whome are pathans) have started trusting and respecting ANA more than Taliban which they often see as pakistani stooge and cause of all the melice in afghanistan so its a dream and will remain a dream that USA will loose control over afghanistan it will always have considrable force staioned there and that will be helped by its ariel assets USA is not going anywhere and ANA will be very different as many in pakistan think of it was a calculated risk taken by India to open consoulates in afghanistan(which they knew they will have to abondan one day) lolzzz to many indians(foriegn office) they had overstayed in afgahanistan we were there to show afghans we are freinds and dint came with bad feelings towards them and we made hospitals , schools , roads , universities so an local afghan changes the perseption taliban and its handlers created against no matter what happens afghans will always hold india and indians in high regards for a long time to come where as pakistan will hold/is holding a negetive image in minds of afghans
so we indians were never bothered in the first place about afghanistan much cause we were never physicalli attached to it and will always have to rely on pakistan for acsess to afghanistan
as for this article there is nothing PA & ISI could do about USA now all they will get throu this exersise will not be more than a couple of million dollars worth wepon systems that too of protection type(APCs&such) rather than the offensive kind(big guns, tanks , airplanes & missiles)