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hy the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb was called the 'Zinda Pir'?

Not a fan of this man at all. A puritan and a poseur - What was the need to sell caps to earn money? Is that practical? a blatant act of PR really.

He was not wise and had a very narrow mind. He stretched the empire to breaking point, constantly warring to impose his vision. As soon as he was gone his vision went down the drain.

There is a reason other emperor's made alliances and compromises, because that's the only way you get long lasting power.
I really hate him . He was mullah . He killed many religious leaders of sikhism because of that enimity against muslim spread in sikhism. He did nothing to save empire but gave place and tax free the english traders .
Hindu rulers were busy fighting Muslim invaders...Hindu rulers before the coming of Muslims built some excellent world renowned universities like nalanda and takshashila.Those were burnt by Muslim invaders

You madarsa educated bigot,where did you learn India was never a bright place?it was home to some of the oldest civilsations like harappa and mehrgarh civilizations..when you Bangladeshi mongoloid and negroid tribes were roaming without clothes with arrows in hand,we built excellent temples whose engg skills are marveled even today ...we are the inventors of zero...we were the masters of high standard philosophy...we were the people who wrote first grammar book...we were the ones who gave Buddhism to the world..we were the ones who gave numbers to the world...I can go on without a stop...yeah ,for you ,a Bangladeshi ,who were living in jungles even 2000 years ago,Islam might have brought some civilization...we,Indians ,were far ahead in every period of history.

If India didn't have anything why the FCK did those Muslim rulers come in hordes one after the other to India?India was always the most sought after place for every king across the world for its riches...Columbus discovered America accidentsally in his quest to discover India...go and learn the history.
We wuz kangz and shieeeeeet
Haha...do you want me to list some of the greatest south indian empires before muslims invasions?pandyas,pallavas,cholas,cheras,shatavshanas,vijayanagara ..at least 3 of those are more than 2000 years old..except vijayanagra the remaining 3 are at least more than 1000 year old..now you tell me one kingdom which is at least 1500 year old which originated in bangladesh (not west bengal)
Search for bronze age of South India. You will know a lot about you and your relation with Indus civilization

Ever heard of Nalanda University, pea brain.
Ya that's pala dynasty.. what about it. Concept of University came from Europe.
You mean to say keralites were uncivilized simply because they didn't cover their breasts?what a bull shit...it might be their culture..who are you to define what is civilization for them?Western countries consider Muslim women covering in burkhas as uncivilized..does that make them uncivilized?kerala was the birth place of great mathematicians like madhava and parameshwara..it was the birth place of one of the greatest philosophers of all time,shankaracharya...I am not even mentioning other great mathematicians and philosophers of that time from other parts of south India..
shankaracharya the greatest philosopher of all time... I stop there. :lol:
Ya that's pala dynasty.. what about it. Concept of University came from Europe.
What pala Dynasty? It was Maurya and Gupta Dynasty who contributed to the construction of the university. Pala came hundreds of years later.

There were different universities from Indian subcontinent throughout history, and even before the Europeans had a university there were centers of study in the Middle East and Africa.
What pala Dynasty? It was Maurya and Gupta Dynasty who contributed to the construction of the university. Pala came hundreds of years later.

There were different universities from Indian subcontinent throughout history, and even before the Europeans had a university there were centers of study in the Middle East and Africa.
Ya university... Newton was educated there and law of gravitation was invented in it. ...

All mahavihara was universities.. if you want to call this that way. You will find a lot of similar universities in Myanmar now a days creating buddhist fanatics.
Stop bull$hitting and stop quoting Subramaniam Swamy the idiot. :lol:
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Ya university... Newton was educated there and law of gravitation was invented in it. ...
Isaac Newton lived in 17th-century doofus. These are ancient universities were brilliant minds like Chanakya, physicians like Charaka etc (Taxila)... studied.

All mahavihara was universities.. if you want to call this that way. You will find a lot of similar universities in Myanmar now a days creating buddhist fanatics.
Stop bull$hitting and stop quoting Subramaniam Swamy the idiot. :lol:
haha then what is a university Bangloo? Where people from different parts of world/country come and learn, having records of teachings, researches etc... These are ancient places of learning. Also, Nalanda had a fully fledged university where Aryabhatta learned and taught astronomy.

Speaking of Mr.Swamy, his research is a study subject for Harvard University and he used to teach in Harvard. Explains a lot. My knowledge is independent of Swamy, it's what I read from a different sources, you can do that, but it's better if you don't, at least we can enjoy your ignorance:lol:
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