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Hussain Haqqani crying

And that NRO was issued by who..... A 'Patriotic general' who took over govt for 'Pakistan's wider interest '. Whats the guarantee that few years later Kiyani if he takeover govt wont issue such NRO again to save his own ***.???

yes that begerat want to save his self but is that ANY GOVT in Pakistan trying to finish Nuclear program. Yes i agreed musharaf tried to stop but still nuclear program working sound and safe now which govt in PAkistan's history who tried to stop Nuclear program WITH THE HELP OF FOREIGN COUNTRY ?

Nawaz ?
BB ?
Musharaf ?


Military should immediately FIRE PPP from Pakistan! it's height of ***. Memo exposed Zardari. Hang Zardari and PPP officials. Military should take control/changed and put PRO-ISI and Military (Pakistan) officials @ all embassies around the world.

No matter how angelic, never allow any single institution to get a free hand on everything.
And that NRO was issued by who..... A 'Patriotic general' who took over govt for 'Pakistan's wider interest '. Whats the guarantee that few years later Kiyani if he takeover govt wont issue such NRO again to save his own ***.???

If you don't know due to departure of general.. NRO was never enforced fully....

There is no way that scum bag iftikhar ch. choose to modify it partially....

Why you recognize the term immunity when you don't recognize the expiry of term.

---------- Post added at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 AM ----------

No matter how angelic, never allow any single institution to get a free hand on everything.

Sure but stop RAW dictating congress.
yes that begerat want to save his self but is that ANY GOVT in Pakistan trying to finish Nuclear program. Yes i agreed musharaf tried to stop but still nuclear program working sound and safe now which govt in PAkistan's history who tried to stop Nuclear program WITH THE HELP FOR FOREIGN COUNTRY ?

Nawaz ?
BB ?
Musharaf ?



We dont know that.....

and thats the problem We jumped to conclusion way to early..... I dont remember the exact words but a hadees is dont spread a news until you confirm it.... The Mansoor Ijaz and the memo and then Mike mullen didn't even brought that memo in consideration put that memo in doubt to be real at all....

2ndly lets suppose he wrote that memo.... Then what.... Do you think they can do all that in 2 years..... ??? Close nuclear program all by themselves.... Close a ISI wing .... if they had power to close ISI wing the first thing they would have done is closing the ISI political wing. And nuclear program.... When they issue a notification of closing a reactor wont the general in charge of that area ask why....??? will they be able to confront military in such direct manner.....Where will all the material go... Will politician put the material in bags and handover to americans or team of scientists who are experienced and work for the ARMY not politician.... And lets suppose the politicians will call US help i.e their Soldiers and scientists .... wont they have a Firefight will Pakistani soldiers guarding the site.....

Its all topi drama and now i have believe that ISI and ARMY is in someway involve to give fuel to their own suspected candidate IK.
The only hope for Pakistan is Imran Khan and PTI. He will make sure that no one sacrafices Pakistan's interests for personal gains.

Dr Shireen Mazari will become the Pakistani Ambassador to the United States aur woh amreekano ko apni control meh rakhi ghi :)
The only hope for Pakistan is Imran Khan and PTI. He will make sure that no one sacrafices Pakistan's interests for personal gains.

Dr Shireen Mazari will become the Pakistani Ambassador to the United States aur woh amreekano ko apni control meh rakhi ghi :)

whom does PTI wish to be foreign minister & foreign secretary?
whom does PTI wish to be foreign minister & foreign secretary?

Someone who will protect Pakistan's interests that is for sure.

Maybe Dr Shireen Mazari :yahoo:

Shireen M. Mazari, PhD, is a Pakistan political scientist and a prominent geostrategist, currently serving as Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Tank (FAT) of the Pakistan Movement of Justice. She is currently working as the editor of the daily The Nation newspaper and as the Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf political party. She has also served as the Director General of The Institute of Strategic Studies, a think-tank based in Islamabad and was until recently a regular columnist at the daily The News International. She former served as professor of Military Science at the Quaid-e-Azam University.
Dr Shireen Mazari :yahoo:

Just kidding, I seriously dont know. Someone who will protect Pakistan's interests that is for sure.

Good choice!
We dont know that.....

and thats the problem We jumped to conclusion way to early..... I dont remember the exact words but a hadees is dont spread a news until you confirm it.... The Mansoor Ijaz and the memo and then Mike mullen didn't even brought that memo in consideration put that memo in doubt to be real at all....

2ndly lets suppose he wrote that memo.... Then what.... Do you think they can do all that in 2 years..... ??? Close nuclear program all by themselves.... Close a ISI wing .... if they had power to close ISI wing the first thing they would have done is closing the ISI political wing. And nuclear program.... When they issue a notification of closing a reactor wont the general in charge of that area ask why....??? will they be able to confront military in such direct manner.....Where will all the material go... Will politician put the material in bags and handover to americans or team of scientists who are experienced and work for the ARMY not politician.... And lets suppose the politicians will call US help i.e their Soldiers and scientists .... wont they have a Firefight will Pakistani soldiers guarding the site.....

Its all topi drama and now i have believe that ISI and ARMY is in someway involve to give fuel to their own suspected candidate IK.

How True..!!

I'm 100% against this government and want to eliminate it as soon as possible...but
only through democratic means written in the constitutions not outside it.

Unfortunately our Army/ISI has the habit to mlign any democratically elected government through vicious propaganda...the minds behinds it...they simply not accepted the authority of civlian rule since 1947...
By striking on constitution they enjoy and laugh....and we have hardly any government who completed his terms in office peacefully...!! We lost East Pakistan only to thier shortcomings and misadventures...!!

If somehow HH resigns..still i don't see this matter will resolve as per Army/ISI...which should be....i believe..!! And that's exactly the point of my suspicion towards Army / ISI as a whole..!!
Military should get the resignations from the PM and President and announce new elections . No martial law but no more of this highly incompetent/corrupt/fraud and now treasonous Government . The charge sheet is as follows :
* sitting on a fake/dubious mandate over 35 million fake votes were cast in 2008 elections.
* nearly half of the National/Provincial assemblies have fake degree holders.
*Hajj Scandal/NICL Scandal/Steel mills scandal/Reko Dik gold mines scandal/National Bank loan write off scandal/Punjab Bank loan write off scandal ...blah blah the list goes on and on.
*Non implementation of NRO cases and delibrate forgery/destruction of evidence in vital cases.
*Systematic erosion of governance by appointing people of questionable backgrounds on sensitive posts.
*destruction of PIA.
*Destruction of Railways.
*Delibrate messing with HEC to render it non-functional.
* And now the 'memogate' ... which is the ultimate sin.
This list goes on and on ...
Military should get the resignations from the PM and President and announce new elections . No martial law but no more of this highly incompetent/corrupt/fraud and now treasonous Government . The charge sheet is as follows :
* sitting on a fake/dubious mandate over 35 million fake votes were cast in 2008 elections.
* nearly half of the National/Provincial assemblies have fake degree holders.
*Hajj Scandal/NICL Scandal/Steel mills scandal/Reko Dik gold mines scandal/National Bank loan write off scandal/Punjab Bank loan write off scandal ...blah blah the list goes on and on.
*Non implementation of NRO cases and delibrate forgery/destruction of evidence in vital cases.
*Systematic erosion of governance by appointing people of questionable backgrounds on sensitive posts.
*destruction of PIA.
*Destruction of Railways.
*Delibrate messing with HEC to render it non-functional.
* And now the 'memogate' ... which is the ultimate sin.
This list goes on and on ...

I agree bro. 2013 is just too far away. PPP should be kicked out before they cause more harm to Pakistan, and while we are at it kick PML-N too. PPP and PML-N are two sides of the same coin.
Military should get the resignations from the PM and President and announce new elections . No martial law but no more of this highly incompetent/corrupt/fraud and now treasonous Government . The charge sheet is as follows :
* sitting on a fake/dubious mandate over 35 million fake votes were cast in 2008 elections.
* nearly half of the National/Provincial assemblies have fake degree holders.
*Hajj Scandal/NICL Scandal/Steel mills scandal/Reko Dik gold mines scandal/National Bank loan write off scandal/Punjab Bank loan write off scandal ...blah blah the list goes on and on.
*Non implementation of NRO cases and delibrate forgery/destruction of evidence in vital cases.
*Systematic erosion of governance by appointing people of questionable backgrounds on sensitive posts.
*destruction of PIA.
*Destruction of Railways.
*Delibrate messing with HEC to render it non-functional.
* And now the 'memogate' ... which is the ultimate sin.
This list goes on and on ...

And the constitution allows that.......???? My guess is NO..... and give me one incident around the whole world where Military took over and announced election..... My bad they do announce election everytime but then delay it to decades......And then again we burn tyres protest on streets for democracy....

Pakistanis should makeup their mind..... Democracy or Dictatorship.....

Let me quote Hassan Nisar "Only PURE democracy or PURE dictatorship can resolve our problem"..... Dictatorship pure will come if we dont protest against it after few years.... And democracy pure will come if we let the process go on without shortcuts in it....

Another good post i would like all of you to read....



It is not the millitary that is the issue---it is a lack of character amongst us pakistanis that is a problem. We beg the millitary to come into power---then we kick them out----.

So---analyze it---what was bad about Musharraf---being a general---he was more honest and democratic than these elected members----. He gave them every oppurtunity to be democratic and honest---. The pakistani public did not want it---they did not want democray---.

Musharraf may have had many screwups, but democracy was not one of them---. The politicians should have had the gunption to move forward.

The biggest problem my countrymen have is that they want to start from 0 everytime----they want to start all over---which keeps them chasing the tail.
what so emotional in this ? is our railway doing BEST EVER BUSINESS ? PIA on world's top best ever airline and economy @ 7 8 9 10 ?????

yes people want DEMOCRACY not NRO PARTY

hope you get it!

---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------

Nop in Pakistan never FREE AND FAIR election held! here is pure politics all govts in past elected with the approval of USA and international powers and few govts elected when some general want to save his *** did NRO like Musharaf!

Brother u got it in the bold part and just remeber when elections held army was making sure no rigging happens and we did dhamal and also in the previous elections too.

they spent 31/2 years if they complete 5 years we will get rid of them once for all otherwise they will cry foul and become mazloom like always don't give them that easy way out

yara let me remind u nro was offered by an army chief and it was negotiated by isi chief which happens to be army chief now.

Army will not care unless something is gonna hurt their pride

Military should immediately FIRE PPP from Pakistan! it's height of ***. Memo exposed Zardari. Hang Zardari and PPP officials. Military should take control/changed and put PRO-ISI and Military (Pakistan) officials @ all embassies around the world.

We don't need any kind of JUSTIFICATION from this **** president

They destroyed Railway
destroyed Airline
destroyed infrastructure
destroyed economy

Are you inviting military for a coup?? No way we can't afford any further drama... If you are fed up of the current government then you better adopt a constitutional way to get rid of this regime... Dictatorship is not a choice, it has given us nothing but ignominy.
Are you inviting military for a coup?? No way we can't afford any further drama... If you are fed up of the current government then you better adopt a constitutional way to get rid of this regime... Dictatorship is not a choice, it has given us nothing but ignominy.

Where i said Military for a coup ???

I said REMOVE THIS GOVT how much you will wait for this this is totally **** to do something under the law


Who is following the law ?? who follow the last in past ?????? which law you are talking about by the way ?

btw match batsman sometime play some different game even very much different from the coach and captain guideline. Why ? just because sometime you play smartly and out from the limit to make something good for your team.

you want to wait 2015 and allow this govt who already destroy Railway, Airline, economy everything 1,5 years more ???

I said put PRO Pakistani people into embassies and how this is possible ? when you allow good people and who are the good people (track record) of every person in agencies and military already available in military history log!
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