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Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

Do your homework before you post.

Did you read the post? You actually brought Merriam Webster. Are you alright?

Oh Bhai do you know Pakistan law. Do you know about the fact that if the wife says no then the husband's application for restitution for conjugal rights is dismissed. Do you know this? No you don't bcz all you know is telling other people that its alright to for yourself upon their wives. Why don't you tell them that if their sisters or daughters come to them saying marital rape, you say its alright and you don't file an FIR.

It is you who have not done any homework. It is you who doesn't understand basic concept.

Bura haal iss liye hai qiyun key Feminism has taken hold and scores of women have been misled.

For God's sake this is not feminism or liberalism. Khuda ja khauf karo. Yeah common sense aur insaniyat hai. A wife has every right to say no to her husband and a husband has no right to then force himself upon her.

Society is messed up bcz of this. Bcz people condone this and dont call it for what it is. rape. How dare any of you call India rapistan when you yourself condone marital rape.

You know what forget it. You want to stand proudly and say that women are property of men to be used and abused and husband has full to force sex. Go ahead but don't you dare call it Islam.

I was done with this thread and quite frankly I am done now.
Did you read the post? You actually brought Merriam Webster. Are you alright?

Oh Bhai do you know Pakistan law. Do you know about the fact that if the wife says no then the husband's application for restitution for conjugal rights is dismissed. Do you know this? No you don't bcz all you know is telling other people that its alright to for yourself upon their wives. Why don't you tell them that if their sisters or daughters come to them saying marital rape, you say its alright and you don't file an FIR.

It is you who have not done any homework. It is you who doesn't understand basic concept.
What is wrong with citing Merriam Webster as a source to elaborate a concept?

Problem with pseudo-liberals is that they are way too judgmental, dismissive and accusatory. Did you go through my posts before accusing me of being a rapist-apologist?


If husband [has to] force himself on his wife to satiate his sexual urges every time, then his marriage is a SHAM or his wife has desire-related problems. In this scenario, both will do each other a favor by separating unless they want to work it out.

When a woman marries, she fully understands that she is consenting to sexual relations with her partner [in advance]; same for the man. This is an important aspect of a marriage. Why husband has to seek her consent every time he wants sex? Doesn't makes sense. Wife should be willing under normal circumstances unless she is sick.

If a husband does not want a physical relationship then he might be suffering from depression. If the situation cannot be fixed, then wife can file for divorce.

I do not condone abuse in marriage but a one-time non-consensual sex is not a problem to the extent that husband received 7-year jail term for it. F**K this shit.

Pakistani laws are a joke much like Western laws in regards to marriage so I won't bother addressing them.

Withholding intimacy [without a valid reason] can damage a marriage and a form of marital abuse. If a wife is refusing her husband for selfish reasons, she is not doing her marriage and bonding any favor. If this becomes a norm, husband has the right to file for divorce on the grounds that his wife is not fulfilling her marital duties. Why should the husband tolerate selfishness of his wife? Wife can seek khula, if the husband is not fulfilling his martial duties.

Allah Almighty has instructed Muslim women to be obedient to their husbands in Surah An-Nisa (verse 34). Do you understand the meaning of obedience? If a wife is arrogant and/or selfish in her behavior, Allah Almighty has granted her husband the right to reason with her and if she does not heed his advice, then to punish her and/or divorce her. I don't give a shit about Man-made laws in the light of divine revelations. FYI: https://quran.com/4/34

You can also find hadith in regards to importance of obedience on the part of a wife in a marriage.

A man has conjugal rights in a marriage because he provides for his wife and fulfill her every need that is possible (standard practice worldwide). However, for the sake of gender equality, women also have conjugal rights.

Conjugal rights do not imply that wife is the property of husband; this is a misconception. What you need to understand is that intimacy is one of the major expectations in a marriage from both wife and husband. The "My Body" attitude does not works in a marriage unless husband (or wife) is willing to put up with it.

For God's sake this is not feminism or liberalism. Khuda ja khauf karo. Yeah common sense aur insaniyat hai. A wife has every right to say no to her husband and a husband has no right to then force himself upon her.

Society is messed up bcz of this. Bcz people condone this and dont call it for what it is. rape. How dare any of you call India rapistan when you yourself condone marital rape.

You know what forget it. You want to stand proudly and say that women are property of men to be used and abused and husband has full to force sex. Go ahead but don't you dare call it Islam.

I was done with this thread and quite frankly I am done now.
Yes, this is Feminism talking. The "My Body" mantra is an invention of Feminists, in case you didn't knew.

Wife [can] say no to her husband but she [should not] say no for selfish reasons; this is my point all along. A wife should not be a cake-eater in the marriage; she should be obedient to her husband as per Islamic teachings.

As far as the label of Marital Rape is concerned, I consider it disingenuous to the notion of marriage; Marital Abuse is appropriate term in its place, IMO.


What is the point of marriage once again? It does not work without compromises and implied consent. Only an entitled indoctrinated wife will deny her husband without a valid reason.

Marriage statistics are falling because societal laws are increasingly intrusive in the matters of marriage and rights of men in relation to marriage.

And I don't need any lectures from you about Western notions of morality. I know how moralistic Western societies are in practice; hypocrites of highest order.

A wife is likely to accuse her husband for raping her only in a [dysfunctional] marriage. If it has come down to accusations of rape, is it a marriage anymore?
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Not our headache; he has learned his lesson that how stupid he was to marry in that society. More will avoid marriage over there, thanks to this nonsense.

If the WEST will ever fall apart, it will be due to idiotic laws and policies that are against the essence of marriage.

You need to devout your time to understanding the role and expectations from a woman in a marriage [in Islam] instead. Above all, why the [wife] should be obedient to her husband and not arrogant.

I am not condoning 'martial rape' in any way or form but I find Western (bedroom) laws intrusive and excessively harsh. I also find the term 'martial rape' disingenuous to the concept of marriage; MARITAL ABUSE is an appropriate label, IMO. Nobody is advising a woman to stay in an abusive relationship here; she can seek divorce if the husband does not cares about her well-being.

However, wife should try her best to fulfill sexual urges of her husband; similarly, husband should try his best to fulfill sexual urges of his wife. Only an idiot will not feel satiated with a cooperating partner.

Additionally, if a husband has to [explicitly] seek consent of his wife each time he initiates romance then the couple's bonding is in question. Both should be comfortable with each other and welcome the advances of his/her partner, if one of them is not sick at the time.

This is why you will not get my point.
useless having a debate here with you, no?
Ok, so why is everyone assuming that the men forced herself on the wife?The wife was surely drunk but you know drunk people do have sex,consensual sex.Which sometimes they don't remember in the morning.

And the men himself told the wife to report the so-called rape to police.Maybe he was under the impression that someone else really raped her before he took her home.
Lack of Islamic knowledge and stupid cultural male dominance in society. Think women are cattle for their own satisfaction and desire. Only if they know the status of a women is Islam.

Please explain "Male Dominance"?

And women think that men are ATMs that are their to only fulfill their financial desire and for material support only!
useless having a debate here with you, no?
If you go through my posts and provide a valid counter-argument, I'll listen. Ball in your court.

I believe that we can have a constructive conversation.
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If you go through my posts and provide a valid counter-argument, I'll listen. Ball in your court.

I believe that we can have a constructive conversation.
then it will turn into a religious discussion, which is not allowed
Please explain "Male Dominance"?

And women think that men are ATMs that are their to only fulfill their financial desire and for material support only!

Let me decipher this for you. Firstly, it is a man's religious duty in Islam to provide and maintain the needs of his wife and children. Secondly, don't marry Pakistan's next top model and then complain. If you married her for her deen as recommended by the Prophet PBUH then you wouldn't face this issue.

If you don't agree that we live in a male dominant society then you don't live on planet earth. Have a goodnight sleep.
Let me decipher this for you. Firstly, it is a man's religious duty in Islam to provide and maintain the needs of his wife and children. Secondly, don't marry Pakistan's next top model and then complain. If you married her for her deen as recommended by the Prophet PBUH then you wouldn't face this issue.

Yes you are right!

According to Islam It is a man's duty to provide for his wife and children at all cost. Whether he is in the mood or not,he has to provide for his family,even it means doing jobs that are detrimental to his health.

Likewise,according to Islam it is wife's duty to obey his husband and fulfill his sexual desires,whether she is in the mood or not.

If you don't agree that we live in a male dominant society then you don't live on planet earth. Have a goodnight sleep.

If by "Male dominant society",you mean:

  • Men is responsible for providing food and shelter to his wife and children as long as he is alive.
  • Men giving up his own desire so that can his wife and children can have new clothes at the social function.
  • Men working overtime so that his family can have the latest gadgets.
  • Men saving money for his whole adult life so can give his daughters big dowry,so no in her husband's family taunt her and she can have better future.
  • Men doing the most dangerous jobs in the world i.e Guarding borders,patrolling streets,firefighting,search and rescue missions and etc.
  • In any dangerous situation like "Hostage situation",the importance is always given to children and women.But never to men.
  • Men doing all the blue collar jobs,some of which are very low-level(gutter cleaning,sweeping streets) and some of which are physically very hard (Labour,miners and etc)
  • Men giving up their plans so the can take their wife,daughter and sister to their meetups,gatherings and etc.
  • If robbers enter your house at night,the men is always the first one to face the intruders.
  • AND if you are on Titanic then all the life boats will be given to the women,while all the men will sink with the Titanic.:angel:
Then I completely agree with you that we are living in a "Male Dominant Society"!
Don't know whether to bang my head on the wall or laugh at the responses. Khuda ka khauf karo tum log.

How can a husband rape his wife? Very easily if he forces himself upon his wife. How do you guys not get that?

Are you all literally saying that it's OK to force yourself upon your wives. That when she says no, you guys grab her by the hair, rip her clothes and rape her as she screams openly that she doesn't want to and after that ask her to heat you some water for a bath.

This scenario is OK with you guys bcz if not then when that scenario happens between a husband and wife what would you all call it? Abuse, rape, forced sex right. So either you endorse the above and say there is no rape between a husband and wife or you say the above is rape and it can happen.

Marriage is indeed consent between two adults for sexual relations but consent is required every step of the way. You can't say once signed now its party forever. Good God what is wrong with you people.

Sorry but you ask your wife for sex, she says no and you force is rape. You intoxicate her and have sex with her, that's rape. This isnt feminism. This is simply humanism.

You people twist everything in Islam and show complete ignorance of Pakistan law and then you have the audacity to call yourself educated.

Hadd hogaye hain. Very disappointed with the responses.

There are multiple cases in kocheri where this happens and proceedings are ongoing and you have those piece of shits making the same shit excuses that marriage takes away the wife's right to say no.

@Zibago @Hell hound @django yar I am going to end up taking a break from this rubbish.
Dont blame you bro lol.Kudos
MIYANA RAVI (Difficult Urdu word IKR)
Middle ground.
Not extreme left(Feminism)
Not extreme right(Ultrazealous religion)
A woman may say no coulpa times.
But if she keeps it up, it probably gonna end her marriage.
He deserves it true, cause he should have told her when she woke up , instead he lied and let the police get involved
Are you mad ? It is small domestic dispute, he might not have told her due to fight of the last night but serving a 7 years sentence on such a minor issue ...

At most he should have been penalized monitarily ... 7 year is quivallent to punishment of a murder ... Do you have any idea where your society is heading ?
What is wrong with citing Merriam Webster as a source to elaborate a concept?

Problem with pseudo-liberals is that they are way too judgmental, dismissive and accusatory. Did you go through my posts before accusing me of being a rapist-apologist?


Pakistani laws are a joke much like Western laws in regards to marriage so I won't bother addressing them.

Withholding intimacy [without a valid reason] can damage a marriage and a form of marital abuse. If a wife is refusing her husband for selfish reasons, she is not doing her marriage and bonding any favor. If this becomes a norm, husband has the right to file for divorce on the grounds that his wife is not fulfilling her marital duties. Why should the husband tolerate selfishness of his wife? Wife can seek khula, if the husband is not fulfilling his martial duties.

Allah Almighty has instructed Muslim women to be obedient to their husbands in Surah An-Nisa (verse 34). Do you understand the meaning of obedience? If a wife is arrogant and/or selfish in her behavior, Allah Almighty has granted her husband the right to reason with her and if she does not heed his advice, then to punish her and/or divorce her. I don't give a shit about Man-made laws in the light of divine revelations. FYI: https://quran.com/4/34

You can also find hadith in regards to importance of obedience on the part of a wife in a marriage.

A man has conjugal rights in a marriage because he provides for his wife and fulfill her every need that is possible (standard practice worldwide). However, for the sake of gender equality, women also have conjugal rights.

Conjugal rights do not imply that wife is the property of husband; this is a misconception. What you need to understand is that intimacy is one of the major expectations in a marriage from both wife and husband. The "My Body" attitude does not works in a marriage unless husband (or wife) is willing to put up with it.

Yes, this is Feminism talking. The "My Body" mantra is an invention of Feminists, in case you didn't knew.

Wife [can] say no to her husband but she [should not] say no for selfish reasons; this is my point all along. A wife should not be a cake-eater in the marriage; she should be obedient to her husband as per Islamic teachings.

As far as the label of Marital Rape is concerned, I consider it disingenuous to the notion of marriage; Marital Abuse is appropriate term in its place, IMO.


And I don't need any lectures from you about Western notions of morality. I know how moralistic Western societies are in practice; hypocrites of highest order.

A wife is likely to accuse her husband for raping her only in a [dysfunctional] marriage. If it has come down to accusations of rape, is it a marriage anymore?

Might be those few instances when I am agreeing with you.

This feminist bullsh!t has started to rotten Pakistani society too. In fact the number of girls who don't married for various f*cked up reasons is increasing rapidly. This marital rape is a new concept in our society but it is only a matter of time before it would be fed to Pakistani women and we would have problems arise because of this lunacy.

Media outlets like express tribune have already started to write about it. The indoctrination has started. There are also dozens of videos of FB and other social media mostly from India where some dumb Indian girl is explaining this marital rape crap and how it is a huge issue and should be dealt like rape in other normal cases.

This is a funny issue and it is sad to see that several Pakistani members actually support this feminist lunacy. If sex without agreement or consensus is marital rape then in similar manner if a wife asks money from her husband for her needs and if husband is not willing give her money then that should be called as what? "Marital extortion" from the wife?? You married to a man lady. What else did you expect? This is a joke and it is sad that even Pakistanis are getting indoctrinated with this BS.
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Served him right.

How come?

very excellent move by the court

Are you for real?? The court demolished a family, sent a perfectly fine man to jail for 7 years and you think it was excellent?

How can a husband rape his wife and why?

Some western countries consider non-consensual sex in a married couple to be rape. Although it may be considered domestic violence, but to call it rape is just pure madness.

husband raping wife is actually the most disgusting form of rape and unfortunately it's not uncommon.
there was this girl i know in an abusive marriage (love marriage gone bad). she repeatedly tried to commit suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills but would end up getting raped by her husband after falling unconscious.

She should have asked her husband to divorce her or to get a second wife. But since we only have 1 sided story we should not form an opinion on whether the marriage was actually abusive or not.

I would also like to know what the husband is supposed to do when his marriage was a legal, moral and religious license to satiate his natural and perfectly normal desire?

No, he shouldn't have raped her. That is why he deserves it.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as RAPE in a marriage in our country and religion.

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