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Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

all those who are opposing this, and jumping up and down and crying how this is not rape.

News Flash for you fellas, the dude DID RAPE HIS WIFE, and HE HAS GOT A 7 YEAR JAIL SENTENCE

cry all you want, justify this heinous act all you want, HE IS GOING TO JAIL

I am sorry but I disagree with your Feminist point-of-view. And you should dedicate your prayers to your betterment and guidance to right path instead.

Both Husband and Wife have "conjugal rights" in a marriage. If one of them is selfish and denies his/her partner without valid reason, then the marriage is not going to work or remain healthy.

Marriage is implied consent in regards to sexual relations. If you do not get this, you are not marriage-material for many men out there.

Perhaps you are single and do not get it.
No matter what you say, I will continue to pray for your Hadayat from Allah
maybe one day you will come to the straight path
May Allah give you hidaya, ameen
some people said that others dont have knowledge of islam but when they are told what are the guidelines they simply refuse to accept that. they shouldn't call themselves muslims because they accept some of the instructions and reject others. bani israel used to do so.
there was discussion about the mullah of islamic ideology council issued fatwa that husbands can lightly beat their wives. people were making fun of that mullah but when i gave them references from Quran and their interpretation majority of them were unwilling to accept.
I am big fan of your posts but on this instance I surprised you have such views

Question is why should marriage only be about intercourse between the wife and Husband?

I am pretty sure there above 60 couples who do not have intercourse, should their marriage be considered void?
My views are realistic in regards to marriage because I am speaking with appropriate experience and exposure.

For a devout (or practicing) Muslim, making a girlfriend and having sex outside-of-wedlock is out-of-question because these acts are forbidden in Islam. Marriage is the only avenue for him to satiate his sexual urges, and this is a perfectly normal expectation on his part. If he gets a wife who is arrogant and denies him without a valid reason, what is he supposed to do? Rape is not the solution [obviously] but he cannot carry this relationship on his own for long. Conversely, a loving and devoted wife will take care of his needs and not give him a chance to complain. Now, this doesn't implies that the wife is an object and is in the marriage for the sake of satiating the sexual urges of a man; this is Feminist BS talking.

If a woman chooses to marry, she knows very well that her husband will have expectations from her and she should not deny him without a valid reason. Why is this such a shocking revelation to some members here?

Marriage does not works without appropriate compromises. Never said that marriage is (only) about intercourse between the husband and wife but consent is implied and expectations are genuine.

If your wife denies you without any valid reason, wouldn't you be upset? Any husband (with a functioning brain) would be upset.

At old age, most human beings loose their sexual capability (and urge) so this is not a valid ground for divorce. My point-of-contention is in regards to partners who are sexually capable and deny each other for selfish reasons.

Feminist indoctrination is so strong these days that some people simply fail to understand the concept of "conjugal rights" in marriage.
How does a husband rape his own wife?????
Heard about a similar case here in Chicago. Where is humanity heading?
Haram relations are perfectly permissible and Halal is forbidden. WTF??? :hitwall::hitwall::suicide:
husband raping wife is actually the most disgusting form of rape and unfortunately it's not uncommon.
there was this girl i know in an abusive marriage (love marriage gone bad). she repeatedly tried to commit suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills but would end up getting raped by her husband after falling unconscious.

It's kinda sad and funny at the same time. Lol
How does a husband rape his own wife?????
Heard about a similar case here in Chicago. Where is humanity heading?
Haram relations are perfectly permissible and Halal is forbidden. WTF??? :hitwall::hitwall::suicide:
and the worst thing is that even the muslims are supporting them.
all those who are opposing this, and jumping up and down and crying how this is not rape.

News Flash for you fellas, the dude DID RAPE HIS WIFE, and HE HAS GOT A 7 YEAR JAIL SENTENCE

cry all you want, justify this heinous act all you want, HE IS GOING TO JAIL
Not our headache; he has learned his lesson that how stupid he was to marry in that society. More will avoid marriage over there, thanks to this nonsense.

If the WEST will ever fall apart, it will be due to idiotic laws and policies that are against the essence of marriage.

No matter what you say, I will continue to pray for your Hadayat from Allah
maybe one day you will come to the straight path
May Allah give you hidaya, ameen
You need to devout your time to understanding the role and expectations from a woman in a marriage [in Islam] instead. Above all, why the [wife] should be obedient to her husband and not arrogant.

I am not condoning 'martial rape' in any way or form but I find Western (bedroom) laws intrusive and excessively harsh. I also find the term 'martial rape' disingenuous to the concept of marriage; MARITAL ABUSE is an appropriate label, IMO. Nobody is advising a woman to stay in an abusive relationship here; she can seek divorce if the husband does not cares about her well-being.

However, wife should try her best to fulfill sexual urges of her husband; similarly, husband should try his best to fulfill sexual urges of his wife. Only an idiot will not feel satiated with a cooperating partner.

Additionally, if a husband has to [explicitly] seek consent of his wife each time he initiates romance then the couple's bonding is in question. Both should be comfortable with each other and welcome the advances of his/her partner, if one of them is not sick at the time.

Not married, so cannot comment
This is why you will not get my point.
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actually the great game plan of dajjal is to completely destroy the unit of family from human society so that the next generation of humans can be misguided completely. in order to do it he has to make marriage difficult and extra marital relations and other sexual perversions lot easier. the way women are being treated in west is far from ideal. the latest and ongoing series of allegations by hollywood actresses against their male colleagues shows how sick minded people are there in the apparently most glamorous world. and many of them stayed quiet initially so that they may get wealth and fame.
@Zibago @Hell hound @django yar I am going to end up taking a break from this rubbish.
bro for them wife is no more than an object to be used for pleasure and baby making they don't think of her as human so it is impossible to get it in their head.
so i will say it's a nice call take a break from this thread instead of pulling your hairs in agony while trying to educate them
bro for them wife is no more than an object to be used for pleasure and baby making they don't think of her as human so it is impossible to get it in their head.
so i will say it's a nice call take a break from this thread instead of pulling your hairs in agony while trying to educate them
Having sexual expectations from your partner in a marriage is perfectly normal and legal. No need to generalize about men who have such expectations.

In-fact, denying your partner without a valid reason is also an act of ABUSE.

How about you educate yourself about "conjugal rights" in marriage before generalizing about men who have perfectly honest and natural expectations from their wives in a marriage?
If he was her boyfriend, he wouldn't have received this punishment..

That's why, I advice all my western friends, not to marry.. because more than half of your women are gold diggers.. who need 50% of your assets.. now she will file for the divorce and take away 50% of what he rightfully owns.. and the poor soul will decay in a jail for seven years, while she having multiple boyfriends..

What a "society"..

It's called 'divorce rape'. On many western men's forum men are turning vociferously anti- women, especially American. Either they say they will never marry, or go to some place miles away where western feminism hasn't got hold yet, to find a slimmer, darker women.
(Some Americans think Africa is in Mexico :partay:)
It's called 'divorce rape'. On many western men's forum men are turning vociferously anti- women, especially American. Either they say they will never marry, or go to some place miles away where western feminism hasn't got hold yet, to find a slimmer, darker women.
(Some Americans think Africa is in Mexico :partay:)

A friend of mine from the South was planning a trip to Latin America. His aunts didn't want him to go. They didn't understand why he wanted to go to a foreign country.

Finally one of his aunts says, ''Any way, where is Latin America? Somewhere in Africa?''.
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