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Hurriyat rejects Pakistan High Commission's invitation for Eid Milan: reports!

I have flagged many of his anti-Pakistan posts as well including the ones that are deleted.
But you liked that one
And it would require a special level of hate to agree with what he said in that post
Heck even if some sne said something along those lines about India i wouldn't take a good view of it
And what does this has to do with China except it has repeatedly shown India the birdie about development projects taking place in Azad Kashmir.

since your ego cant handle it and your reluctant to accept the new positions everyone including india , china , russia and afghansitsn and even iran are taking its useless to tell you that

but since you asked let me tell you chinese are very smart people and they even after so many diffrences with india are doing tarde and commerce with us + they are already making many routes to central asia and now when prospects of Iranian corridoar are look so juicy with world wanting to invest in it will china ignoare it :azn: think about it from that nagle and youl know what im talking about :sarcastic:
in short take it or leave it as beggers are not choosers :haha:
Actually like a stray cow, after getting whacked on the backside, India has come to it's senses and heading on the track.....Achey din must be coming close. :laugh:
thing is kashmiries after all have started to realise that they cant keep on fighting with indians for pakistanies anymore and since all past masters of pakistan are one by one alighning with india their own personal future prospects are getting diluted day by day and since thier are new devlopments in the nieghbourhood they are after all altering threir stand :dance3:

Lol sole reason he refused invitation is because Pakistan didnt raise Kashmir issue and here Lunatics like you start day dreaming :chilli::flame:. Secondly Kashmir issue is being kept at back burner to first solve solvable issues. How much progress do you expect to make by putting kashmir at front row. Not that i would expect a misery feasting indian to understand.
In Norwegian we have a famous saying:

"He who laughs last laughs best." :omghaha:
Also, He who laughs, lasts!! :-)

Ok. So these Hurriyat turds have now started c0cking a snook at Pakistan too!!! Jeeeez! They seem really pissed off!! :rofl: It's time Pakistan stopped molly coddling these featherbrained nonentities. They've passed their expiry date eons ago. They're just poison. But hey......

they are already making many routes to central asia and now when prospects of Iranian corridoar are look so juicy with world wanting to invest in it will china ignoare it :azn: think about it from that nagle and youl know what im talking about :sarcastic:
They are already connected to Central Asia with the shortest route. Why would they want to connect through Iran. Makes no sense. China's best way to connect to Arabian sea is through Pakistan. Your argument makes no sense.
Nawaz Sharif should have discussed the issue with Modi ....Geelani is justified in his anger !
Actually like a stray cow, after getting whacked on the backside, India has come to it's senses and heading on the track.....Achey din must be coming close. :laugh:
jammer bhiyya ji you are a good friend so lets not get into abusing game ;)

point is your establishment now knows what was all this so called "great game" about but they were always trying to act extra smart while your "friends not masters with covert help from your all weather friends and mortal enemy" were already doing so called "track 2 nagociations on your back" while dolling owt few lollipops like millitarry and monitarry assistences :haha:

now the thing is even china is getting weary of your double games as they very well know that a nation whome USA fed for more than 67 years is now trying to harm USA's interets cant be ever trusted no matter hwo many songs pakistanies sing in chinese praises .... actions speak louder than words

now about india pakistan and kashmir well kashmir is still with india and pakistan cant take it by force so its onli option was to lease owt its kashmir(G&B & aksi chin) to china which they did but chinese know sooner or later if it wants to be a superpower it cant ever be hostile to india as it already has too many issues with japan , south korea , vietnam , phillipines and taiwan so their is also a prospect of new indo chinese "samjhouta" over it :devil:

and guess what unlike pakistanies kashmiries are getting nervous about growin anty shia politics in pakistan and are now reluctant to trust their future with pakistan whoalready traded most of the so called "azad kashmir" to china so why not talk directli with india and china and reach some "win win situation" for all the parties like what iran just diod with USA :azn:

baat samjh aa jaye to duaoon me yaad zaroor rakhna ;)

Lol sole reason he refused invitation is because Pakistan didnt raise Kashmir issue and here Lunatics like you start day dreaming :chilli::flame:. Secondly Kashmir issue is being kept at back burner to first solve solvable issues. How much progress do you expect to make by putting kashmir at front row. Not that i would expect a misery feasting indian to understand.
but wasnt kashmir the your "juglar vien" and the "core issue" without which no nagociation could be fruitfull :haha:

dont worry abhi to party shuru hui hai :dance3:
Nawaz Sharif should have discussed the issue with Modi ....Geelani is justified in his anger !
Who the fuk is Geelani to decide on what Pakistan and India should talk about? Does he drive the Indo-Pak agenda for talks?

I think Pakistan has given him far too much importance especially seeing that he commands a mind boggling following of not millions of Kashmiris but 1270 (including 4 paid Pakistani and IS flag-wielders!) to be exact, out of a population of 11 million!! :P
They are already connected to Central Asia with the shortest route. Why would they want to connect through Iran. Makes no sense. China's best way to connect to Arabian sea is through Pakistan. Your argument makes no sense.
I agree. The shortest route to warm waters is Gwadar port. Its shocking how Pakistan failed to understand its geostrategic location for decades until Chinese took the initiative:
They are already connected to Central Asia with the shortest route. Why would they want to connect through Iran. Makes no sense. China's best way to connect to Arabian sea is through Pakistan. Your argument makes no sense.
sirji your young but ask any tranporter or buisnessman he will agree a longer that passes thru a fully controlled area is always more profitable than a short trechrous way that passes thru a uncotrolled area ;)
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