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Hundreds of Britons waging jihad in Syria


Jul 29, 2010
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Hundreds of British jihadists in Syria
More than 300 Britons are fighting with jihadist groups in Syria, raising concern that they will return trained in the latest terrorist techniques

Syria is considered within Whitehall as a greater threat to national security than the al-Qaeda heartlands on the Afghan-Pakistan border because of the sheer numbers of British Islamists heading to the war zone.

Intelligence sources told The Telegraph that Britons make up the largest contingent out of about 1,000 Westerners fighting with Islamist groupsagainst the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

France and Australia each have about 200 citizens fighting in Syria, with others coming from countries including the US and Canada.

On Tuesday, Richard Walton, the head of Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism command, said that children as young as 16 were travelling to Syria to fight.

The prospect of hundreds of battle-hardened extremists returning to Britain with sophisticated training and practical experience of bomb-making and weaponry has become a grave cause of concern in recent months.

A senior Whitehall source said: “The large number of British Muslims travelling to Syria to wage jihad against the Assad regime is developing into a major security issue for the UK. They are openly associating with Islamist terror groups like al-Qaeda, and the concern is that, once they have finished fighting in Syria, they will try to return home and wage jihad on the streets of Britain.

“Not only will they be battle-hardened as a result of their experience in Syria, they will also have been trained in all the latest terrorist techniques.”

Mr Walton, speaking at a conference organised by the business group London First, said there were already indications that Britons were returning from Syria with orders to carry out attacks, with the Metropolitan Police carrying out a “huge number of operations” to protect the public.

He said: “I don’t think the public realises the seriousness of the problem. The penny hasn’t dropped. But Syria is a game-changer. We are seeing it every day. You have hundreds of people going to Syria, and if they don’t get killed they get radicalised. So it’s the impact when they come back.

“I think the implications over the next three to five years are very profound. We have got probably around 200 Britons who have gone to Syria and some have returned.”

Theresa May, the Home Secretary, is considering stripping terrorism suspects of their citizenship by cancelling their passports if they go abroad to fight, preventing them from returning to Britain.

Such a move would leave jihadists stateless, but Mrs May has repeatedly said that a British passport is a “privilege, not a right”. She has revoked the British passports of 16 dual nationality terrorism suspects and plans to go further by passing a law that would allow her to do the same with people who have only one nationality.

Last month Andrew Parker, the head of MI5, told a parliamentary committee that Syria had become “a very attractive place for … those who support or sympathise with the al-Qaeda ideological message”.

Some of the jihadists are using social media websites to boast about their experiences of “five-star jihad” in the hope of encouraging others to follow them. They include Islamists from London and Portsmouth.

Hundreds of British jihadists in Syria - Telegraph

Poverty,racial discrimination and social disadvantage in their host nations seem to be driving these poor Muslims from the West to wage jihad in far off lands. It would be preposterous to suggest that their shared faith has anything to do with it.

Stripping them of citizenship is a good start but it would be even better if Western governments declare a bounty on such individuals and pay Assad a few million each to actively hunt down and liquidate them before they manage to return 'home'.

yeah , leave them to die or win in Syria.
Take away their nationality. Declare them criminals.

I think the West is finally getting its comeuppance for years of pandering to Islamist elements within its migrant communities. Most people in the West, partly on account of a culture of excessive political correctness, are ignorant of the dangers posed by the particular brand of Qutubite Islam that has dominated mainstream Islamic discourse in the West in recent years. It is primarily a violent political ideology in the garb of 'faith', that seeks to usurp power through 'near jihad' as opposed to AQ which mainly advocates 'far jihad'.The insurgency is Syria represents the former, the motivations of those engaged in that conflict is no different to that of the likes of TTP in Pakistan and therefore carries a much higher risk of a spillover to the West once these terrorists are ready to move on (as we are witnessing in a whole swathe of Africa following Libya). Unfortunately such nuances are lost on 'defence analysts' and policy makers here and it would take many more 'Woolich'es before they really wake up to this menace.
I think the West is finally getting its comeuppance for years of pandering to Islamist elements within its migrant communities.


They have their playground....and if newspapers know how many there are, intelligence agencies probably know more details, and these people will be put under surveillance when they come back. Though probably, the collective hopes and aspirations go towards them never coming back.

They have their playground....and if newspapers know how many there are, intelligence agencies probably know more details, and these people will be put under surveillance when they come back. Though probably, the collective hopes and aspirations go towards them never coming back.
They will end up in Guantanamo. :D
Don't worry, they are friendly democracy loving brave rebels fighting to establish a pluralistic and democratic state....
"temujin, post: 5003190, member: 30495"]

Hundreds of British jihadists in Syria - Telegraph

Poverty,racial discrimination and social disadvantage in their host nations seem to be driving these poor Muslims from the West to wage jihad in far off lands.

what a crock of s.h.i.t ======

It would be preposterous to suggest that their shared faith has anything to do with it.

so now truth is preposterous

So they will kill people and when return back to GB, they can't be arrested.

Oh, I also think a possible response to my statement, Soldiers do the same. :coffee:

They have their playground....and if newspapers know how many there are, intelligence agencies probably know more details, and these people will be put under surveillance when they come back. Though probably, the collective hopes and aspirations go towards them never coming back.

The existing mechanism for monitoring terrorism suspects in the UK is a joke..it was recently relaxed in response to pleas from security agencies about the strain on resources from intense surveillance. More importantly, security agencies in the West are significantly constrained by law,particularly human rights legislation, when it comes to acting on any intelligence (Moazzem Beg and Binyam Mohammed being cases in point).

In any case,there is little security services can do in a situation where 100s of highly motivated individuals are possibly working independently to mount lone wolf attacks across countries, which appears to be the modus operandi of choice for AQ in the West currently.
And no one in Palestina since 1948

JEW USA & JEW Europa are the terrorists who cultivate Al Qeada beheaders

They have never been attacked, only 1 time when the JEWS needed a pretext to launch their wars to make the Great Israhell

They made the 911 with the 3 towers destroyed by controlled demolitions
The existing mechanism for monitoring terrorism suspects in the UK is a joke..it was recently relaxed in response to pleas from security agencies about the strain on resources from intense surveillance. More importantly, security agencies in the West are significantly constrained by law,particularly human rights legislation, when it comes to acting on any intelligence (Moazzem Beg and Binyam Mohammed being cases in point).

Uh so what do you suggest? Killing people because they have bad taste in literature? Because that's what you're aiming at with the two names you mention and "constraints" by law.

In any case,there is little security services can do in a situation where 100s of highly motivated individuals are possibly working independently to mount lone wolf attacks across countries, which appears to be the modus operandi of choice for AQ in the West currently.

Lone wolf is a lone wolf. These aren't lone wolves. They're a pack, a known pack at that.

As for the 100's of motivated jihadis.....motivated by what?
You do know GCC pays for their participation in Syria right? Story from Bosnia goes that 15.000€ per combatant is wired to his family when he leaves. Now, when Saudis stop the funding how much motivation you think they'll still have?
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Take away their nationality. Declare them criminals.
And their crime being? They thought they are helping "liberalize Syria" like America has shown them!

JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS are we! Put up the FEAR DRIVEN red flag before anything happens?! They went overseas...MOST prob Arab nationals living in UK for generations and now wanting to give back to a country of their forefathers...Not sure what they will do in Syria except protest coz UK doesnt have army camps for civilians!! :blink:
And their crime being? They thought they are helping "liberalize Syria" like America has shown them!
JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS are we! Put up the FEAR DRIVEN red flag before anything happens?! They went overseas...MOST prob Arab nationals living in UK for generations and now wanting to give back to a country of their forefathers...Not sure what they will do in Syria except protest coz UK doesnt have army camps for civilians!! :blink:
Fighting as Jihadists ? Taking up guns, acting like Syrian fighters and then coming back to live life of British citizen.

Are you kidding ?

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