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Humanity Assassinated: Ethnic Cleansing of Minorities in Bangladesh

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You can expect a similar hospitality when you come to india...and shout about Illtreatement of Indian Muslims....One guy ...busted Musharraf for making an attempt to do this ...you could be next.....

Again assumption...pity you.

Since you are new around here,know this.I don't care what your muslims are doing.Whether they are educated or not is none of my business.Go back and read my older posts in case you don't believe my words.
Is that the same Bangladeshi Hindu whose wife was gangraped in front of him by a mob, and who have never been arrested or faced any kind of punishment?

Again the double standard here.When muslim girl is gang raped,its just another crime.but if a hindu women gets raped,its an oppression to minority.:rolleyes:

Why are you bringing religion here?Simple,just to fit it in your wicked agenda.
10,000 incidents of minority repression in Bangladesh since 2001
[islamkristen] 10,000 incidents of minority repression in Bangladesh sin

By Nazrul Islam, Dhaka, Oct 11 : A White Paper on minority repression in Bangladesh has revealed more than 10,000 incidents of communal torture have taken place in the country during the last four years of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party-led right wing government of Khaleda Zia.

Ekatturer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee (the committee for annihilation of collaborators of 1971), an organisation of the civil society members, launched the whitepaper Monday giving its observation that in most cases the police ignored to record complaints by the victims of the minority repression.

“The unprecedented torture of religious minority and ethnic sects, which began centring the 2001 general elections, has not stopped even after 1,500 days,” reads the introduction of the 2,760-page White Paper.

Writer Shahriar Kabir who edited the whitepaper published in three parts said, the people did not disclose many of the incidents fearing further torture and harassment.

Binodbihari Chowdhury, an advisor of the committee, announced release of the whitepaper, which carries newspaper reports, editorials, columns, articles and opinion on repression of minorities that has taken place since the previous caretaker government took over on July 13, 2001 and 46 months from the coalition government’s taking office.

A selection of 2,786 reports have been compiled in the first two parts while the third part carries headlines of 4,092 reports published in 16 newspapers published from Dhaka.

The whitepaper observed that the repression on the minorities increased after the last general elections.

“No single day could be found in the first three months of the coalition government’s taking power when repression of minorities did not take place,” reads the whitepaper adding that the incidents of physical torture, looting, setting fire to households, forced extortion and rape were more than the number of killings.

The victims of murder included people of different ages, from new-born babies to 70-year-olds. Even priests of temples, Buddhist monks and elderly scholars could not escape murder.

In some cases, Hindus were forced to convert to Islam, while Muslims or ethnic people who converted to Christianity willingly were tortured and even killed.

The White Paper said local activists and supporters of the four-party alliance started attacking, torturing, terrorising and even killing minority religious sects, especially Hindus, at different parts of the country from mid-July of 2001.

They worked to ensure that Hindus do not go to voting centres and, if they go, do not cast their vote for any one other than the alliance candidates.

Blaming the government for its continual denial of the repression from the very beginning, the white paper said the local administration did not take any effective steps against the torture due to the government’s denial. Complaints of the victims were not even recorded at police stations, it added.

The organisers criticized the opposition political parties saying although the degree of repression of minorities during the coalition rule was higher than that of any other past reign, the opposition failed to take effective steps to stop it.

They suggested formation of a high-profile commission comprising a Supreme Court judge, joint-secretary-level representatives from home and law ministries and human rights organisations to make inquiries into reported incidents of minority repression in the last four years.

The commission will submit its report in six months and make recommendations for stopping torture and discrimination of minority sects. They also suggests implementation of a secular constitution like that of 1972.
Again the double standard here.When muslim girl is gang raped,its just another crime.but if a hindu women gets raped,its an oppression to minority.:rolleyes:

Why are you bringing religion here?Simple,just to fit it in your wicked agenda.

Haha. Again, you have failed to READ any of the documents. READ them, and then comment on thm.

It is YOU who is making assumptions by not reading anything. Why?

Christians in Bangladesh Beaten; Mob Threatens to Burn Homes

Source: www.compassdirect.org
Date: June 28, 2007

Muslim neighbors strike converts from Islam with bricks, clubs; extremists say they will kill

by Sarah Page
DUBLIN, June 28 (Compass Direct News) – Muslim villagers armed with bricks and wooden clubs savagely beat
10 Christian converts in Nilphamari district, Bangladesh, on Tuesday (June 26) and threatened to burn down their
homes if they did not leave by today.
The mob gave the Christians an ultimatum on Wednesday (June 27) to leave the village within 24 hours, threatening
more beatings along with home burnings; that deadline expired today without incident. Muslim extremists also
threatened to kill two Christians.
A human rights advocate working on behalf of the Christians who requested anonymity said he had contacted local
police and government officials, including the district commissioner, but “they are very slow to respond.”
Police rejected the Christians’ attempt to file a complaint, instead threatening to arrest them for “converting
After receiving news of the beating, the advocate traveled to Durbachari Bhatiapara and Laksmirdanga villages to find
that the mob had bound both male and female converts with ropes in their homes and “seriously
wounded” them. Several victims required hospital treatment, and one house was destroyed in the attack.
During the beating, one of the believers picked up a phone and called a Christian leader in a nearby town, saying,
“They are beating my wife. Why should they beat her? And now they are coming for me!”
Muslim villagers had told the Christians, referring to local authorities, “Nobody will come to save you. We are
stronger than they are!” the advocate told Compass.
“Now these believers feel helpless,” he added. “I just visited one of them in hospital, but he was not
getting good treatment so I checked him out and tried to admit him to a private clinic, but the clinic is expensive. These
people also have no food to eat, so I’m trying to buy rice and lentils for them, but in the current situation
it’s dangerous even to carry sacks of rice to their homes.”
Conversions from Islam
The attack came after 42 men and women from Muslim backgrounds were baptized at a local river on June 12.
Christians In Crisis International Ministry
Christians In Crisis International Ministry - Home Powered by Joomla! Generated: 2 September, 2009, 03:17
Within days, authorities at the mosque in Durbachari banned Christians from using the village tube-well, a serious
deprivation as it is the area’s only source of potable water. The Christians have since resorted to carrying water
from a river 600 meters from their homes.
Muslim extremists also issued death threats against Abul Hossain and Barek Ali, two villagers appointed as leaders of
the new converts.
Kamal Hossain, a cousin of Abul Hossain’s and the principal of a local madrassa (Islamic school), has
repeatedly summoned Hossain to his home, demanding that he give up his Christian faith. On Sunday (June 24), he
argued with Hossain for several hours before writing a statement claiming that the Christian had forcibly converted local
At the same time, a local Muslim cleric has questioned and threatened Barek Ali repeatedly, asking how much money
he received for his conversion and demanding that he abandon his Christian faith.
Ali denied receiving monetary incentives. He pulls a rickshaw, a form of local transport, for a living, while his wife works
in a neighbor’s field to supplement the family income. Last week Muslim extremists damaged his rickshaw
beyond repair, leaving him without work or funds to replace the vehicle.
No Protection
As the 24-hour deadline expired today, the advocate, who said police had not yet come forward to assist the believers,
told Compass, “We have applied to the district commissioner, to no avail. It seems the extremists have strong
links with local government.”
He appealed to the international community to intervene.
“Now these Christians are panicking,” he added. “They can’t get drinking water. None of
them can go out to work for fear of attack. Some are still in hospital. They need food, medicine and protection.”
The Christians don’t know where they will stay if they are forced to leave, he said, adding, “But incredibly,
in spite of this pressure, they have not denied their faith.”
Christians In Crisis International Ministry
Haha. Again, you have failed to READ any of the documents. READ them, and then comment on thm.

It is YOU who is making assumptions by not reading anything. Why?


No that's shameful deeds by some fanatics in my country and I never denied that.

But there are some instances where minor incidents are given color to make it look like something else.I just pointed that out.

But your outrageous claims of BD as a hell for minority proves that you have completely no knowledge about Bangladesh.So it is useless to waste my time here.

Try reading about successful Hindus in Bangladesh.Perhaps it will help to make you realise your mistake.
Please Bangladesh...please....do something....your minorities are living in HELL!!

Bangladesh: Protect the Life and Properties of minorities at Chandrapur village in Kasba, Brahmanbaria.
Press Release- Bangladesh: Protect the Life and Properties of minorities at Chandrapur village in Kasba, Brahmanbaria.

Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) is gravely concerned at the news- “Announcement over the Loudspeaker from Mosque to carry out an attack on houses of the Hindu minority community”. The gravity and nature of the attack can only be matched with that of Taliban’s.

Bangladesh Observer wrote in its editorial on Jan 16, 2006, “An announcement from the village mosque over the mike was made to carry out an attack on houses of the minority community. The villagers duly responded to the call with gusto. The result is that two of the victims of this attack are fighting for lives in a hospital and at least five homes have been left severely damaged. This incident reportedly happened in a village called Chandrapur under Kasba, Brahmanbaria on the night of December 31 last and was carried in a Bangla daily only yesterday. The remoteness of the village is responsible for the delayed publication of the news. But it is serious news no doubt. See details at http://www.bangladeshobserveronline.com/new/2006/01/16/editorial.htm

HRCBM vehemently condemns this barbaric act of terrorism perpetrated on minorities in the strongest term. We urge the government of Bangladesh to immediately apprehend the criminals and give them exemplary punishments. Any failure to do so will only encourage the similar violence. Any government inaction would be considered BNP-Jamat coalition government’s de facto policy to encourage violence towards minorities.

Urgent Action Demanded
We urge the government of Prime Minister Khaleda Zia to-
• Apprehend the criminals carried out the attacks on minority community and give the criminals exemplary punishments.
• Apprehend the criminals who have incited the communal attacks and offer them the highest possible punishments to deter future such attacks.
• Provide the needed medical care for the victims.
• Provide the adequate monetary compensations to the victim’s families.

We appeal to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and the conscience of the peoples, governments and human rights institutions, including the United Nations, for immediate protection of the life and properties of Minorities in Bangladesh.
No that's shameful deeds by some fanatics in my country and I never denied that.

But there are some instances where minor incidents are given color to make it look like something else.I just pointed that out.

But your outrageous claims of BD as a hell proves that you have completely no knowledge about Bangladesh.So it is useless to waste my time here.

Wow.....so now.....If things are happening In Bangladesh.:angel:.they are minor Incidents...but if the same thing is happening here in India..:devil:.Its a Atrocitie .....a government sponsored....Hindu Atrocity over Monorities........:hang2:

Speaking of double standards....:cheesy:
Please Bangladesh...please....do something....your minorities are living in HELL!!

Bangladesh: Protect the Life and Properties of minorities at Chandrapur village in Kasba, Brahmanbaria.
Press Release- Bangladesh: Protect the Life and Properties of minorities at Chandrapur village in Kasba, Brahmanbaria.

Urgent Action Demanded
We urge the government of Prime Minister Khaleda Zia to-
• Apprehend the criminals carried out the attacks on minority community and give the criminals exemplary punishments.
• Apprehend the criminals who have incited the communal attacks and offer them the highest possible punishments to deter future such attacks.
• Provide the needed medical care for the victims.
• Provide the adequate monetary compensations to the victim’s families.

We appeal to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and the conscience of the peoples, governments and human rights institutions, including the United Nations, for immediate protection of the life and properties of Minorities in Bangladesh.

So you prove my point again.This is at least 4 to 5 year old news.Now the PM is Sheikh Hasina,not Khaleda Zia.

Again you proved your knowledge about Bangladesh.
there are some instances where minor incidents are given color to make it look like something else.I just pointed that out.

But your outrageous claims of BD as a hell proves that you have completely no knowledge about Bangladesh.So it is useless to waste my time here.


1. Institutionalized Land Grab by BD Army and Police
2. Active ENCOURAGEMENT by the state to rape and kill minorities
3. PERSECUTION, TORTURE and ARBITRARY JAIL for human rights campaigners and reporters
4. Looting of innocent tribals from CHT, destroying their places of worship, and taking their land, all with FULL SUPPORT from ARMY.
5. Active propogation of ISLAMIST ideology among Bangladeshis


Thousand, upon thousands upon thousands of rapes, murders, killings of minorities over the years. Nothing compares to it in world history. It is truly a GENOCIDE.
Wow.....so now.....If things are happening In Bangladesh.:angel:.they are minor Incidents...but if the same thing is happening here in India..:devil:.Its a Atrocitie .....a government sponsored....Hindu Atrocity over Monorities........:hang2:

Speaking of double standards....:cheesy:

You probably don't know the meaning of "some instances".

Or,you are not trying to understand it,which is more likely.
So you prove my point again.This is at least 4 to 5 year old news.Now the PM is Sheikh Hasina,not Khaleda Zia.

Again you proved your knowledge about Bangladesh.

HAHAHA. 4-5 Years old? Tell me, do all the orphans, widows, maimed and broken, and DEAD people care how long ago this happened?

Do those poor people whose land has been forcibly taken by the Bangladeshi army care if it happened yesterday or 20 years ago?

Do those whose places of worship have been desecrated care how long ago it happened?

Where is the justice for them? There is no justice. This "country" cannot provide it.

And it continues to happen. It is entrenched in the psyche, the very blood of Bangladeshis.

1. Institutionalized Land Grab by BD Army and Police
2. Active ENCOURAGEMENT by the state to rape and kill minorities
3. PERSECUTION, TORTURE and ARBITRARY JAIL for human rights campaigners and reporters
4. Looting of innocent tribals from CHT, destroying their places of worship, and taking their land, all with FULL SUPPORT from ARMY.
5. Active propogation of ISLAMIST ideology among Bangladeshis


Thousand, upon thousands upon thousands of rapes, murders, killings of minorities over the years. Nothing compares to it in world history. It is truly a GENOCIDE.


You didn't still answer why India armed and trained Shanti Bahini insurgents to start the insurgency at first place.

Now by minor I meant,when a hindu family is extorted it is minor.Even muslims are victims of extortion.But a religious angle is given to hindu victims to make it sound different.

Just like you gave color to the word minor and made it sound different.You must be working in some Indian daily.May be Anandabazar paper.
We all can read here.No need to go high on your font size.

Still waiting for your answer on why India trained and armed Shanti Bahini to start insurgency.

I am yet to get an answer from you.
Freedom of speech - here is the Bangladeshi version of "Freedom of Speech"
AsiaMedia :: BANGLADESH: Journalists targeted in rising tide of Muslim extremism

BANGLADESH: Journalists targeted in rising tide of Muslim extremism

Letters containing death threats common for journalists

South China Morning Post
Monday, September 19, 2005

A chill ran down the spine of journalist Mizanur Rahman when a neatly folded white cloth symbolising an Islamic burial shroud slipped out of the packet he received by post this month.

An accompanying letter said that for his "anti-Islamic" reporting for the Dhaka daily Janakantha he would soon be executed.

White shrouds and death threats also reached eight other newspaper journalists in Satkhira, a southern district of Bangladesh, the same day.

The letters were signed by leaders of the outlawed Islamic militant group Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh [JMJB or, Awakened Muslim Citizens of Bangladesh], the orthodox Islamic movement Ahl-e-Hadith [followers of sayings of the Prophet] and Jamat-e-Islami Bangladesh, an Islamic political party which is a partner in the ruling federal coalition in Bangladesh. The letters threatened that the journalists would be "slaughtered" because through their writings they were attacking the Islamic leaders who wanted to transform the country into a pure Islamic nation.

"We are determined to bring a total Islamic rule in Bangladesh through an armed revolution. You [the journalists] are some of the obstacles in our way to achieve the goals. So, you face removal from the Earth," the letter said.

Kalyan Banerjee, a Hindu correspondent of another popular Dhaka daily, Pratham Alo, said : "In the letter accompanying the kafan [burial shroud] they said to me that Hindu religious fare would not be allowed in Pak Bangla [Holy Bangladesh] and no Hindu would be allowed to vote in the next parliamentary elections in Bangladesh."

Banerjee, who exposed the growing Islamic extremist activities in the area in a series of reports recently, said he was also receiving threatening phone calls from unknown people on his mobile.

Along with other Islamic groups, JMJB and Ahl-e-Hadith were accused of masterminding the August 17 violence in which more than 400 small bombs exploded simultaneously across the country killing two people and injuring more than 200.

In the past 10 years, at least 19 journalists have been murdered and more than 800 injured in attacks sponsored by Islamic fundamentalists, political parties, criminals and various government agencies, including the police.

In January last year, a bomb killed Manik Saha, correspondent of the Dhaka daily New Age and a BBC stringer in the southwestern district of Khulna.

A banned Maoist group called Purba Bangla Communist Party claimed responsibility for the killing of Saha, who the group called an "enemy of the poor".

International Federation of Journalists president Christopher Warren said: "Death threats are becoming a pervasive part of daily life for journalists in Bangladesh, preventing them from freely reporting matters in the public interest. The intimidation is a direct violation of civil rights, which are the basic tools for a successful democracy."

Date Posted: 9/19/2005
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