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Human rights in the US are worse than you think

Actually badmouthing the government is the most popular pastime in China, your wife didn't tell you that?
There is a world of difference between how Americans badmouth the US goobermint vs how the Chinese badmouth their goobermint. Your fellow Chinese who lives in America knows that, and if you have lived in America, you would know it as well.

The difference is that Americans can organize their badmouthing into something that Chinese cannot do.

Trump or Bush can never land a place in the Chinese government.
And your goobermint can never exist in the US. Leaders like Mao will get nowhere above the county level, if they are lucky to get that high in the first place.
The difference is that Americans can organize their badmouthing into something that Chinese cannot do.

You think you can, but you can't, actually Chinese government is more responsive to the public needs than US, US politician only care about short term personal politicial gains, Chinese government is much more far sighted and works for the common long term good for the nation.

And your goobermint can never exist in the US. Leaders like Mao will get nowhere above the county level, if they are lucky to get that high in the first place.
Mao was the founder of PRC, he conquered China, he didn't need to be elected or selected, he was not the result of PRC 's meritocratic selection system, all leaders after Mao who got selected by this system served China very well, and again, Trump and Bush can never survive this draconian Chinese meritocratic selection system.
You think you can, but you can't, actually Chinese government is more responsive to the public needs than US,...
You mean the Party, not the goobermint.

Without the country and the people, the Party is nothing, so in a sense, it is good that the Party is aware of the country's shortcomings. But think about what you said, the US is a young country, and yet it accomplished far more FOR ITSELF than your China have in that same time span.

US politician only care about short term personal politicial gains, Chinese government is much more far sighted and works for the common long term good for the nation.
Bullshit. The fact that Xi had (past tense) an anti-corruption campaign means your politicians are no more altruistic than any. As a veteran, do I need to remind you of your generals' and admirals' excesses?

Mao was the founder of PRC, he conquered China,...
Correct. He CONQUERED. Think about that...:rolleyes:
But think about what you said, the US is a young country, and yet it accomplished far more FOR ITSELF than your China have in that same time span.
Many young countries rose and died, what really matters is how long you can survive in the history, Rome was once great, where is it now? China can always rise to the top after some setbacks over thousands of years.

Bullshit. The fact that Xi had (past tense) an anti-corruption campaign means your politicians are no more altruistic than any. As a veteran, do I need to remind you of your generals' and admirals' excesses?
Chinese government still functions better than US, see how fast the country goes and how open minded China is to new things coming up everyday, China just leapfrogged the west and becomes the first cashless society.
Many young countries rose and died, what really matters is how long you can survive in the history, Rome was once great, where is it now? China can always rise to the top after some setbacks over thousands of years.
Modern China have practically zero ties to pre-Mao China. Mao made sure of that.
Correct. He CONQUERED. Think about that...:rolleyes:
He did, China sees many great conquerers in the history, they contributed a lot to the country's unifications over the time.

Modern China have practically zero ties to pre-Mao China. Mao made sure of that.
Are you Chinese or I am Chinese? I know this country and our culture way better than you do, you are just an ignorant foreigner.
Chinese government still functions better than US,...
Sure...A goobermint whose structures, institutions, and members bent on getting rich at any cost must at least have a facade of being 'responsive' to the people.
. .
Are you Chinese or I am Chinese? I know this country and our culture way better than you do, you are just an ignorant foreigner.
Buddy...Am an immigrant to the US. In many ways, you are just as an immigrant to China despite being native borne there. You have no ties of any kind to Mao just as I have no ties of any kind to George Washington. We know our respective countries as is.

simply ddisgusting!! I hope the jews will keep ruling them anglo mofos for ever!
It really is amazing that every Chinese who came into PDF turns into an anti-Semite.
. . .
You tell me man, We are here to make America great again :usflag:

Nope. Let Trump do that. I am fine as I am. :D

Please do keep in mind that USA is what it is, imperfections and faults and fissures and all, despite its Presidents, not because of them.
We'll send them to China to see how Chinese like. :enjoy:

Or an adventure in how to ruin China is less than 5 minutes. :enjoy:

African phenotypes exhibit a greater frequency of MAOA-L gene expression (either they are missing a gene and/or have bad genes) which is linked with (lack of) impulse control, violence and psychopathy. Add to this their average 15 IQ point deficiency and you have a recipe for all the black violence and dysfunction we see today.



Beware of racism?... more like "beware" (or better put take heed) of the scientific valid reasons why the whites left the cities once the Africans moved in. Genetically predisposed to violence.

And if you have kids with them, the aggressive genes may play out in your kids too.

Why doesn't China want 20% of Chinese population to have tendencies toward violence? :taz: You don't want to be labeled racist. Din Joos don't like racists.

China should ruin China by accepting diversity?

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Nope. Let Trump do that. I am fine as I am. :D

Please do keep in mind that USA is what it is, imperfections and faults and fissures and all, despite its Presidents, not because of them.
You missed my point I wasn't talking about USA but certain group of immigrants that pretend they own it.
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