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HuJI 'plans to kill' Hasina: CNN-IBN

I think the part highlighted is trying to present Gen. Moin U. Ahmed as acceptable for India but this type of reporting is bound to create divisions within the military.
Propaganda warfare is part of strategy for hegemony by many countries. Releasing such news is indeed part of Indian strategy to boost vote bank of its supported Hasina Wajid’s party the Awami League.

Action by Bangladesh on basis of this propaganda news is timely counter tactic to save the country from chaos.
hey read my latest thread, India plans to assassinate Sheikh Hasina, blame extremists...you'll find out more...
hey read my latest thread, India plans to assassinate Sheikh Hasina, blame extremists...you'll find out more...

Good catch. That is the next logical conclusion for media leaked RAW intelligence. That's the reason why BD authority took even restrictive security measure.

If there is any terror attempt in Bangladesh people would know RAW power behind it.
This is the original news report that appeared on CNN-IBN. Why is the highlighted section not appearing in news reports inside BD?

6-member team out to kill ex-Bangaldesh PM Hasina

Sumon K Chakrabarti / CNN-IBN

New Delhi: Indian intelligence agencies have warned Bangladesh that former prime minister Sheikh Hasina faces an assassination threat from a banned militant group.

Indian intelligence agencies have warned the country that a six-member suicide squad of the banned Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami (HUJI) has been trained to assassinate Hasina, leader of Awami League, one of the main political parties of the country.

Sources in the Indian intelligence agencies and inside Bangladesh have told CNN-IBN that the HUJI team was trained for the last two months by an officer of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence who operates under the name Ehetesham.

The special training camp was held at Kaligunj in Satkhira and the six men were personally briefed by HUJI chief Imtiaz Quddus at the end of the training.

Sources say that the assassination plot has been planned by renegade officers of Bangladesh's all-powerful military intelligence, the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI).

Some of these officers were recently transferred away from the DGFI by Bangladesh army chief General Moeenuddin Ahmed, who has been trying to hold a peaceful election.

Hasina recently returned to Bangladesh after a forced exile. She is widely expected to win the forthcoming elections in the country.

Hasina has survived several assassination attempts in the past. In August 2004, she escaped an assassination bid when a string of explosions rocked an opposition rally addressed by her in Dhaka.

In 2000, 80 kg of RDX was found in the Gopalganj district where Hasina's helicopter was set to land for a political rally. She was the Prime Minister of the country at that time.

HUJI's founder Mufti Abdul Hannan was recently convicted as the man behind the assassination plot.

6-member team out to kill ex-Bangaldesh PM Hasina

Why does India always held grudge against DGFI??
DGFI being blamed for India's NE troubles and also for recent bombings along with ISI obviously.
Read the following article:
The Fulcrum Of Eastern Evil: DGFI Directs Terrorism and Jihad Against India | Maloy Krishna Dhar

The author was a IB director.But the point to note is Mr.Dhar has connection with RSS.
So I guess,there is definitely a propaganda war going on.Confusing normal fellows like me:confused: because I think DGFI is not capable of conducting such large scale operations as Mr.Dhar says.
A simple question to all Indians here

What both RAW and "illumanti ed" media was doing when 10 terrorists was hovering in streets of Mumbai? Where was there resources and intelligence? Or they were busy in tracking this plot against Shiekh Hassina?

Why does India always held grudge against DGFI??

No no...DG ISI is there even bigger obsession.
A simple question to all Indians here

What both RAW and "illumanti ed" media was doing when 10 terrorists was hovering in streets of Mumbai? Where was there resources and intelligence? Or they were busy in tracking this plot against Shiekh Hassina?

A simple answer to your question. RAW has indeed had intelligence about the Mumbai attack and they had passed it onto the respective authorities, but those authorities (Police, Navy) didn't act to stop it. So, it was not intelligence failure per se, but the failure of security apparatus at the ground level. Get it!.
The CNN-IBN report on HUJI threats

On 20 and 21 December the entire media was awash with news of a CNN-IBN report circulated by bdnews24.com which purported that there was a cell of 6 Harkat-ul Jihad al- Islami (HUJI) members active in Bangladesh with a mission to kill Sheikh Hasina.

The news is no doubt sensational but on closer analysis it seems to be bereft of much facts - A Pakistani special forces officer training terrorists for 2 months in Satkhira who are then briefed by the HUJI chief himself to kill Sheikh Hasina, the Indian intelligence services coming to know about it and leaking it to an Atlanta (USA) based news service who then publicize it through the net - all seems rather far-fetched, particularly when one considers the fact that the Indian intelligence services failed to visualize a terrorist attack right in their midst in Bombay just a few days back.

However far-fetched the news might be, it has however, renewed apprehensions of terrorist violence in many quarters in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is no stranger to such violence if one remembers the UDICHI bombings, the country-wide bomb attacks by Bangla bhai and the grenade attack on Sheikh Hasina and so every news on possible and even impossible terrorist violence needs to be investigated into thoroughly. This may cost time, man-hours and money but nonetheless it needs to be gone into, particularly now when we are in an extremely sensitive situation of going for national parliamentary elections after a debilitating bout of 2 years of military initiated and backed emergency.

Having said that we need to ask the question: Who benefits the most from a destabilized Bangladesh? Most certainly not the Indians who are all pretty well "destabilized" themselves with terrorist attacks, the Kashmir problems, the numerous insurgencies all along the south-east belt and a belligerent and "torn" Pakistani state to its north-west. Right now the Indians wouldn't want a destabilized Bangladesh in their soft underbelly. The Pakistanis on the other hand are so embroiled in their own mess, that one doesn't see them sending a "valuable commodity" like a special forces officer to Bangladesh to train HUJI terrorists, keeping in view the horrendous fallouts and consequences of such an act.

The only one who will immediately gain from the terrorist scares is General Moeen.U.Ahmed who might use the Bangladesh Army to impose a "Martial Law" or some other versions of it, if apprehensions can be raised high enough or situations engineered to "project" a threat; he performed a similar "sleight of hand" to impose the Emergency and he is likely to follow that "successful format" to monopolize political power in Bangladesh. Believe it or not, the CNN-IBN report was manipulated by the DGFI - it has the amateurish hallmarks of DGFI written all over it.

We need to side-line these "terrorist issues" till the elections are over and the new parliament and government are in seat. Terrorist threats or not, we need to concentrate single-mindedly on getting the elections over as smoothly as possible, otherwise our progress towards democracy will be both dammed and damned as mentioned in the commentary on the front page today.

I think the above article has too quickly dismissed an Indian/Gen. Moeen collusion in this matter.
A simple question to all Indians here

What both RAW and "illumanti ed" media was doing when 10 terrorists was hovering in streets of Mumbai? Where was there resources and intelligence? Or they were busy in tracking this plot against Shiekh Hassina?


No no...DG ISI is there even bigger obsession.

Shouldn't India's Intelligence and it's media spend more time protect it's own people rather than thinking about Hasina? Why is it India's concern? Huji aren't that stupid to take hasina before election. Indian's should stay the f*** off from our internal matter as we don't give a F*** about their.
F****** annoying..........
A simple question to all Indians here

What both RAW and "illumanti ed" media was doing when 10 terrorists was hovering in streets of Mumbai? Where was there resources and intelligence? Or they were busy in tracking this plot against Shiekh Hassina?


No no...DG ISI is there even bigger obsession.

I know ISI is blamed for everything,but when it comes to NE India,they blame DGFI along with ISI.
A simple question to all Indians here

What both RAW and "illumanti ed" media was doing when 10 terrorists was hovering in streets of Mumbai? Where was there resources and intelligence? Or they were busy in tracking this plot against Shiekh Hassina?


No no...DG ISI is there even bigger obsession.

bro dont u remember RAW has been shifted to afghanistan to further increase its activities in balochistan and our tribal areas.
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