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Huge win for NDA predicted if polls held now l Modi suitable for PM's post

And good for Pakistan. It was Congress that meddled in 1971, and it was in power when BLA and TTP increased their attacks. :D

NDA includes shiv sena in it. This will give your enemies a chance to play muslim card in india.
Very seldom can you predict who will come to power in India. . there is still a year left and that's a lifetime in politics.

@OP are you a bjp man mate? you seem to only open threads which favor them or show their side of the argument. :)
Very seldom can you predict who will come to power in India. . there is still a year left and that's a lifetime in politics.

@OP are you a bjp man mate? you seem to only open threads which favor them or show their side of the argument. :)

Sir caught u tonight :D

First, it's no more a secret, Congress is loosing grip on Indian people.

Second, i want to know what the recent comments of Mr. Shinde means, when there is no such thing as Islamic Terror than why is it that there is something called Hindu Terror???

+ Accusing RSS of it is OK, but principle opposition party???
man, just go through your posts in this thread. you really think u have the right to call anyone extremist.

Did I call for Indians to be killed? No, I just stated fact. Or is opposing Modi extremism? IS it Hinduism or Modism in that hegemonic Brahmin Banniya state?
This is bad news that still 18% people think rahul gandhi as favorable PM candidate. Whats wrong with them.

Did I call for Indians to be killed? No, I just stated fact. Or is opposing Modi extremism? IS it Hinduism or Modism in that hegemonic Brahmin Banniya state?

it is democracy in our secular state.

and the people can make anyone PM .modi or Gandhi.

and extremism is not only about asking for killing etc. but also about refering to any particular country in a negative way and sometimes going over the limits just to satisfy your false ego.
it is democracy in our secular state.

and the people can make anyone PM .modi or Gandhi.

and extremism is not only about asking for killing etc. but also about refering to any particular country in a negative way and sometimes going over the limits just to satisfy your false ego.

Let me first ask you whether you can even define democracy. True democracy is impossible in an illiterate Awaam unless there's some restriction on voting (Which there isn't, reading/writing name is not a good filter)

Secondly, Indians call us a failed state (Hardly true, not the best example of success, but not failed). I just called Modi what he was, a murderer
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